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Reslife4Life last won the day on March 1

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    Sisler-McFawn Residence Hall

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  1. The best matchup we had the last couple years IMO was the Bradley home and home. Of course we got smoked there and we beat their banged up squad here. But anything in the Missouri Valley, A10, or Ivy league would be beneficial
  2. The way his family posts on facebook I would find it very hard to believe he transfers
  3. https://x.com/shammahscott1/status/1903956677822410769?s=46&t=fdW5bdNvHvqWwR8-G5EoPQ
  4. I would agree with this. If you look at it in regards to Quad games. I don’t believe big time P5 schools care about anything other than Q1 games. If a school like Arizona is gonna schedule MAC teams at home, why would they care if they are playing a Q3 game instead of a for sure win against a Q4 opponent? Using Arizona as the example, they played 7 non conference regular season game against non Q1 teams. 4 Q4 games (including central Michigan) 1 home Q3 game vs Samford 2 neutral site games against WVU (Q2) and Davidson (Q3) It has got to be really hard to schedule a solo game against one of those top teams while we will be around our current ranking. Our best chance would be like how they played Davidson in the battle for Atlantis. Would we ever make a tournament like that? Probably not, but somehow making a tournament with similar teams would be critical. No offense to the Akron basketball classic, that can prepare the team to play in Cleveland with the 3 games in 3 days, but 3 home games while being favored in each game by a decent margin isn’t going to prepare you for teams you will see in the first round of March madness
  5. I would say the Mac was better this year than the last couple of years with the emergence of Miami to go along with the other Ohio schools (minus BG) I still believe that 2019-20 is the best collection of players. But this team was so deep, shared scoring, shared minutes, truly a great team top to bottom.
  6. I hate that now all this team will be remembered for by media, casual fans, and postseason recaps will be that we got blown out in the first round (again). And I really don’t think it was a matter of a “bad matchup” (we got beat fair and square), people that don’t follow the team like us will just point to that and think this team wasn’t anything too special. Of course this team was special, no other Akron team has ever won 28 games before! And it’s not just due to a down conference, this team was special and I hope people remember it that way
  7. Is the 15 scholarship thing for next year legit? Even in that case, we already played 10 guys this year. While scholarships might expand, there’s still only 40 minutes a game. I really hope this team stays together, but I have no idea. My potential transfers: Nate Tavari Marvin Amani? Now after I wrote that, all 4 of those guys have spent their whole careers at Akron so maybe they won’t actually. It just sucks that after the season ends the entire roster could be different next year
  8. The worst part is that there are basically no moments that make this game worth rewatching
  9. I refuse to believe that the UCLA game is our ceiling
  10. You can also watch it through paramount plus and they have a week free trial available
  11. I have no idea, unless barley house is paying for it to be the "official" watch party, but I highly doubt that. Barley house might have 5 employees on their whole staff
  12. While I'm talking about commercials, the new capital one with Kareem is awesome
  13. Man they should sell that hat without the in seattle, that is sweet
  14. I liked it at first, but why are they only replaying one commercial. Geico has a legendary lineup of old commercials, use more than just one
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