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Big Zip

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  1. Would really like to see these in a five question format. The information they share when they talk would be great in a graphic but then ask them five questions to help really get to know them. Nothing serious just fun stuff like they do with the Little League World Series. Like.... 1. Who is your favorite football player. 2. Favorite movie? 3. Favorite food? 4. Some place you'd like to visit? 5. Favorite coach on the staff.
  2. Those are some big offensive lineman -- three 6'5", two 6'4" and one 6'2" to go with a 5'11" QB. Gonna need to create some passing lanes so he sees the receivers.
  3. Why would you take offense to that...take offense to the actual product the team keeps putting on the field. After the product is better you can actually be offended by something else.
  4. http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/04/15/bowling-green-suspends-cb-accused-in-on-campus-assault-of-woman/ So it seems like the college rule is if it is your student athlete you discipline suspend/kick him off your team but if it is another school's athlete you give him a 2nd chance. Do we seriously believe we can't rehabilitate our own athletes but we can rehabilitate another team's? This happens the same week Lawrence Phillips kills his cell mate and Jim Brown shows up at a Browns err Bowling Green uniform unveiling and nobody blinks an eye about his assault past.
  5. I would love to play basketball in the A-10 versus the MAC. A-10 always seems to get multiple teams in the dance....3 this year. The salary isn't much better. Rutgers is one to be careful about though....Waters struggled and couldn't get it figured out. They are in the BigTen now though so maybe that changes things. The current coach though is making over $1 million a year. Sadly Hurley is the kind of coach that we need to keep in the MAC to make it stronger. I wish BGSU could have kept Dakich and Can't could have kept Waters. This conference has so much potential but nobody has an opportunity to keep consistency with great coaching because they leave. Makes you remember we are fortunate to have Dambrodt.
  6. I was listening to Joe Dunn's talk show prior the day of the Can't game and he had French on to talk about Akron's win. French and Dunn both agreed this team is closer than any team they had seen before and they thought that was why they were able to deal with so much diversity. I also thought French was funny when he said "I know people think we're homers on the radio but if you really want to hear a homer flip over to the Can't broadcast tonight and listen to them."
  7. I think it would be quite interesting to hear a call in show after the game by someone that is not affiliated with the program. This would obviously be a radio station piece but could be quite entertaining. The survey was way to freaking long.
  8. I understand the disconnect now...I wasn't commenting on the attendance I was commenting on the uninterested fans that were in attendance. I should have respond with comment. I agree with Cap'n on this one regarding attendance. I was a tournament basketball game of my daughters during the game. We haven't been to a game all year because she has something every night so I'm guessing we are out for awhile. I think I'm at that point in my life where I'll miss many events because my daughter has a basketball, game or tournament or a softball game or tournament. I think this is a normal occurrence though and it comes down to there just not being enough fans that have interest in the Zips.
  9. Seriously? The article I read was their were tears flowing. The article didn't note they were tears of joy.
  10. Do you think the "lame" crowd could have been a product of a solemn occasion? I know the game was meant to be a celebration of Coach Peters but death is not something everyone takes the same way and it may have had more impact on the crowd than you realize. I wasn't there so I can't say but that was my initial thought.
  11. As the Power5 continue to make changes to govern themselves and make the NCAA irrelevant. In the meantime worrying about the Power5 breaking away was the reason the others didn't vote against it they are voting to be second class citizens going forward. The opportunity to compete is moving further and further by the way side. There used to be an argument for playing at the MAC level or riding the bench for the BigTen but now your scholarship is guaranteed at the BigTen why would you consider the MAC? I wonder if a guy like Ben Rothliesberger would have went to OSU if he had this to think about or if he still would have went to OU? Connor Krizanic just transferred from WR at Minnesota to QB at Ohio because he wants to play QB but I don't know if the current players were grandfathered into this deal. The us vs them argument is almost irrelevant now....with things like this we really don't play in the same conference any more. I'm waiting for them to vote to add 10 more scholarships for football.
  12. Did anyone see the irony in the Akron Zips UA Pride post earlier today. The first person to comment was a woman saying it was definitely a blue and gold day. Her FB photo......wait for it.....the Ohio State O.
  13. I was watching an interview with Herbstreit last week where he said he didn't think 85 scholarships was not enough not that two teams are going to have to play 15 games. I have always thought one of the answers was to actually reduce the scholarships to 65 per Div 1 school. That would even the playing field pretty quickly across the board.
  14. Isn't GT an Ohio State grad? Pretty sure...so your arguments are stupid with regard to GT. I've decided if the Athletic department doesn't care I am going to stop caring as much too. I'm done buying tickets. If you keep buying tickets you are the sheeple you make fun of who root for Ohio State with no ties. You buy tickets to a team that the Athletic Department doesn't even care. Akron athletics has become the joke I've defended it against being over the years. I give up. I'll still pay attention and they will always be my alma mater but my financial dollars can go elsewhere.
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