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Everything posted by MDZip

  1. ESPN2 is going to replay that "College Football Live" segment again at 6:30 tonight. The play is about 15 minutes from the end of the one hour show.
  2. The most laughable thing is the quote about "above my pay grade". Most BCS head football coaches out-earn their AD's and University presidents. What a joke!
  3. At least we have some shot - lets convert!
  4. I'm not happy with 3 turnovers and no offensive points, but I guess if I was given the option of a 3-2 hal;ftime score either way, I'd have taken it.
  5. After a huge play like that we need to score - not a bad idea for the halfback pass.
  6. When your punter is your first half MVP, that's usually not good, but we're hanging in there. A little worried about guys wearing downn the second half. And I know its not worth worrying about but what about having had Harvey with Jabari? That would have helped. I just heard some boos from OSU and it wasn't even because Boeckman sacked himself.
  7. Quick recap on other MAC-Big Ten Matchups. BG is tied with MSU 7-7 and Miami is down 7-3 at Minnesota. Any league OOC wins are helpful.
  8. Stec is having a terrific game and the tackling has been really solid. JD has to be happy so far.
  9. With the short passing game working well, this rain is going to be a problem. What have we had, maybe three running plays?
  10. Man - ten minutes in and the #1 team in the country doesn't even have a shot on goal yet!
  11. For those of you that have procrastinated way too long (like me), just wanted to let you know that the Zips Championship Hats from 2005 are on clearance at the MAC Web Site (I'll leave it up to you to determine if that is a good thing or a bad thing) for $5 (the shipping at $5.95 costs more than the hat). I'm planning on wearing it at the UCONN game at the end of the month. Here is the Web Address:https://www.nmnathletics.com/sellnew/ViewCa..._=&ITMCATID=747As a side note, I live in Maryland and don't often get a chance to come back, but this weekend I decided to visit the family and take in the Army game on Saturday and soccer game against UAB on Sunday. Both of them were a lot of fun and I got a bonus on Sunday as KD and JD sat right in front of me and chatted (sorry no good scoops though). I thought it was great they would take the time to support the soccer team like that. KD (and assistant coach Jeff Boals who was a really nice guy) stayed for the entire game, I think JD had some other business to attend to for this coming weekend. Anyway, I'm glad all of the teams are doing well, but even more, I hadn't been on campus in 20 years so I took some time before the game to walk around and I was blown away by the campus changes. I can understand why recruits and new students would want to come, the transformation is just amazing (I'll be sending in a contribution for the new stadium shortly), we should be very proud.As a final note, I saw my nephew play a high school soccer game Saturday against a team from Columbus DeSales and the entire group was cheering every time they announced the Michigan score - Columbus and Akron united in a common cause.
  12. About one student a year would be seriously injured after being hit by a car crossing Buchtel Avenue in the early 80's. In 1983, a young woman was killed by a car and that is when they started seriously discussing closing it. We did close the street in 1981 when we had the May Day celebration there.And it might not have been a campus improvement but at least no one past 1984 ever had to use punch cards to write computer programs ever again.
  13. I was part of the last UA Wrestling team. It was dropped after the 80-81 season. There was a pretty valiant effort to save it but it ended up as a club sport then.
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