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Everything posted by a-zip

  1. I have a question........When you read about the schools standing in US News and other periodicals, we are always rated in the lowest tier and portrayed as non-competitive academically. Why is that? Can it be influenced? Seems to me there have been significant improvements to UoA that would improve our standing.
  2. Does this mean he does not qualify for the medical redshirt? If he does, wouldnt it be better for him and the team if he stayed in rehab for a year.
  3. There is an interesting series of pictures of the UConn pregame where coach Moorehead is talking with the QBs. The posture and attentiveness is what grabs me. Rogers is standing straight, listening and the CJs don't seem to be paying attention.http://uaim.dyndns.info/photo_galleries/_A...ce/uconn051.htm
  4. Must have been A LOT of bad calls by the refs.
  5. Not sure I understand the reason for the 3rd option.
  6. QUOTE(GoZips88 @ Sep 19 2007, 07:45 AM) This is from an earlier post taking shots a Joe Dunn's optimism. Hate to be so spiteful, but I am sure glad there are people that never give up.
  7. http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article.../309210005/1055
  8. So would you rather he talked about Ohio State?
  9. Oh, and if Zippy loses the Capital One Bowl.........that will definately create chatter.....VOTE FOR ZIPPY
  10. Here are the near term bandwagons to jump on to increase activity............Men's Soccer - beat Ohio State........people will get jazzed, lose......see ya for a while. Hopefully we stay ranked, if not, there will be chatter about inferiority of the conference.......yada yada yadaFootball - a win against Can't State will start something. Loss, the chatter will surround JD and it will be nothing but bitching for the rest of the year....... (personally I think the team is going to kick ass and CJ is going to make everyone remember he is one of the highest rated recuits we have ever had). Basketball is going to be exciting for a long time. There is no reasone to hold back, buy your season tickets now or regret it. KD is cool.
  11. Akron fans wait for the teams to become worthy of their support.........there are no bandwagons to jump on right now.
  12. I posted on Macbbs. See if our fellow MAC brothers help.
  13. Why are you suprised? Isn't this indicative of Zip fans.
  14. Just want to recognize our premier sports team.............the Futbol club!Congrats on winning the Westfield Cup. Kick ass in N.C. and send a message we are still pissed about our ranking two years ago and getting stiffed last year.I predict two NCAA Championships in the next four years. No kidding! They look THAT good.
  15. So what is th excuse now?Broken down stadium?Fiberglass seats with spinters?Poor Opponent?Prices too high?Lousy team?Who's fault is it? Help me out..........Yea, lets build a new stadium!
  16. What day was that? How much time had he spent with the team?
  17. A couple other names not mentioned.................Ed Grimsley(LB) he was an animalRon Pasquale (G)Russ Klaus (K) played 1 or 2 years, strong leg, signed with Eagles
  18. Is there anyone left from our recruiting class?
  19. Thanks for helping me with the math, I was having a hard time with that one.
  20. Quick question.............are the dorms, stadium, etc. all going to be finished as one project or is it phased?OK, one more question........there is a building at the end of one of the endzones that was just a grass berm in previous renderings. What is it?
  21. It is even nicer than previous pictures I have seen!
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