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Posts posted by a-zip

  1. A couple of thoughts and questions..........As far as a name goes, how about - John W. Heisman Stadiumhttp://www.hickoksports.com/biograph/heismanjohn.shtml When are we expecting the announcement and drawings for the new stadium?There has been a lot of speculation about the design, I have to imagine it will follow the same architecture as all of the new buildings (which are beautiful). What about if we recreate the design of the Rubber Bowl? It is nice looking design and size. In it's day it was a beautiful stadium.

  2. Mark Dantonio's hiring at Michigan State is leaving some Cincinnati recruits wondering where they stand.  "We've got to find out if UC is going to honor their scholarship offers," Dennis Heck, head coach of Randy Martinez at Teaneck High School, told the Cincinnati Enquirer.Martinez is a Cincinnati verbal commit."Today is not a good day for us. Some new coach is going to come on board who doesn't know these kids and didn't recruit them. UC offered a scholarship in writing. My kid accepted it. The university should be held accountable for that."
    This is what happens to recruiting when there is not stability with the coaches. On that note, if J.D. stays maybe we can swoop in on Cincy recruits.
  3. Should be interesting to see how it plays out. If Mike Thomas doesnt take J.D. now he is not going to get him since he will have to commit to his hire for at least 3-4 years. If J.D. does well in that time period he will be somewhere else. If M.T. wants J.D. he is going to have to roll the dice now.

  4. Seriously, I can't believe you people. J.D. is the man and you will be sorry if he leaves. The team didnt get it done this year, there were a lot of mistakes...stuff happens. The kicking game was a MAJOR downfall to the year. You guys bitch about some of the play calling in the red zone but forget in the back of the coaches mind a field goal is out of the question. It is a momentum killer when you miss extra points and field goals. Was that J.D.'s fault.......I think not - he recruited and signed one of the top kicking recruits in the country last year, he could'nt control the kid getting hurt. The line was bad, but who was the bright spot? Alleman - and who brought him to UA? J.D. Who was the most exciting player on the team - David Harvey - who brought him here? J.D. Look at the competition at QB next year - Jackson, Jaquemeim, Hakes. When have we had a competition like that at QB? Who brought them here? J.D.This fair weather garbage is annoying. Last year all everyone talked about was the never die heart the team had and J.D. was a major motivator - sparking thrilling comebacks.

  5. I disagree. We need a coach that can win. Period. If he's winning, and another school covets him, good for him. We should have an AD in place who can select another great coach.
    A revolving door does nothing for recruiting, winning and bonding with the community. Let me ask you this......If you are a winning coach at Akron, how long do you stay? 3 yrs? 4 yrs? 5 years (if you are here 5 yrs, you are probably not winning). How is that a positive - having to start over every 3-4 years? Again, look at our soccer team. Caleb has always been a winner and was probably the best candidate available. The fact is we were ranked #1 last year, returned a great team and not only did we not make post season, we did'nt win our conference.
  6. First of all, it would be a complete disaster to lose J.D. I have voiced my thoughts regarding this before so I won't do it again. The one thing I don't like about him is the notion that he will leave at some point for a bigger job (see Akron soccer 2005/2006). If you read the comments from Dantonio......I could see J.D. mouthing the same sentiments in the future about Akron(hopefully not too soon).What I have always hoped for is coaching stability so the mention of Paul Winters is intriguing to me. Since I known him personally and now look at his recent progress at Wayne St, Paul would be a great candidate. One thing to consider is his hometown is Akron, he played at Akron (for Coach D), and coached at Akron (for Coach D). What we would have is the possibility of getting a coach who wants to be in Akron for his career and build a legacy. Couple that with K.D. staying and we could have something to build on for a long while. Now that would get my support!!! :rock: For those of you that want to dwell on play calling from past games......drop it. Although the offensive philosophy will come from the head coach, it is rare that they call all of the plays on game day. We need a leader that can attract talent and wants to stay. That is what we had with Coach D.

  7. Today I talked to one of the guys on the team (He asked that his name not be mentioned) and he told me who was being redshirted this year.  Tim Carroll, the player I talked to....
    I am confused.............you said he did'nt want his name mentioned and then you said Tim Carroll was the player you talked to. :unsure:
  8. I agree with you. I said it before and I will say it again, COACHES make the difference. We lost a ton of valuable assistants last year and it is showing. As the head coach, J.D. is the figure head guiding the philosophy, motivation and discipline. The assistance should be handling the day to day development of the players. I suspect J.D. is having to shoulder a lot of responsibility. I am sure I will get reamed for being such a big supporter of J.D. but I still think (even today), he is the best thing our football program has seen since Coach Dennison (my man!).I realize it is tough for us to compete for the top coaches, but we have got to find a way to maintain a little stability. My suggestion is to try and lock up the head coach and let players, recruits, and assistant candidates know the guy they went to work for is going to stick around.We are seeing a bit of the same with our (formerly) #1 ranked soccer team.

  9. I get Google alerts for J.D. - that is how I found it.I think you guys are wrong about J.D. - it is always said that a measure of a coach is in the 4th year when he has his players. We have not reached that point yet, but what we have reached are top recruiting classes :cheers: , MAC Championship :champs: , first bowl game :bow: , a BCS win :rock: , and more excitement about the football program since 1985 :D . Look at the players that are coming here and considering coming here. It is because of J.D. - plain and simple (it sure aint the beautiful stadium, crazed fans, or exciting schedule).You have to consider where we were before he got here and where we are now. It sure is nice to be upset because we are not CURRENTLY in the lead for the MACC. When was the last time we entered the season with those expectations. :unsure: The other reason I posted the link is because it pisses me off that CSU feels they could take our coach because they are superior :puke: I realize he is an alum, but the comments are :nutkick:

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