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Posts posted by a-zip

  1. It would be great to get both back, if they can keep their acts together. Imagine what a dangerous receiving corp we would have had if that PUTZ Vincent Hill had not backed out. Hopefully we can snag a good JUCO WR. I am cautiously optimistic about next year and agree about the offensive coordinator. I sure hope Matt Rodgers is the man, how great would it be to have QB for four years! Here are a couple other players that could really turn this around;Ryan Bain - should be an upgrade on DL (I think he will be eligible next yr?)Gary Pride - could he find a spot in the WR corp? He is dangerous.Jarvis Givens - is he a Zip or FAU?

  2. Take KDs comments for what they are worth. I am sure he is being somewhat sarcastic about giving away tickets, buying hot dogs, etc. I view the comments as a shot across the bow to the Akron community and alumni that the lethargic support and constant excuses for not showing up are getting old! TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED PEOPLE IS PATHETIC.

  3. http://www.orlandosentinel.com:80/sports/o...0,1229076.storyBack to defending J.D.for me. One thing I do not understand is how so many of the Zip fans are down on J.D. when everyone else feels he could be the next great thing. The one quote that keeps resounding is how he has done good things without much to work with (I agree). It is nice to expect and want more but you have got to understand where we are coming from. The football program has a lot of building to do before we are consistent, before we can bring in the ideal recruits, before we get respect. We do not have a winning tradition, we do not play in a high profile conference, our fan base sucks, our stadium sucks. What did you all expect............J.D. to come in, wave a magic wand and play in bowl games for ever and ever? If he gets a higher paying/profile job and we will take steps back.
  4. If CSU does some homework and watches some Akron game tape from this season they will not hire JD as HC and eventually they will figure out the program has been downhill since the unprecedented heights in 2005. That's not to say he won't get it back on the upswing due to the new stadium and (hopefully) some new coordinators. His stock is just not rising at the moment. I guess we should find out pretty soon if there will be any changes in our staff.BTW, does anyone else find it hard to believe JD was a stud receiver at CSU? He seems neither big enough nor built for speed. It would be fun to see some game tapes of his playing days.
    I started a reply but just realized how stupid your post was............
  5. Zips Win...you are correct. "Unprecedented", for those who don't know, refers to "never been done before."The MAC East Division Championship, the MAC Championship Game win, and the D-1A Bowl Appearance are all unprecedented accomplishments during the JD era.
    Thank you. I will be (personally) happy if JD does not get the CSU job. That would be a logical move for them and a promotion for JD. In light of the "hometown" desire we have for a head coach, CSU would be ecstatic to entice JD, and I am sure give him the staff he needs. The fact that you all do not see he is a great head coach baffles me. He has lifted this program. We had a bad season, the QBs did not work, we did not have bad QB recruits! We had 4 promising QBs coming in to the season.
  6. “I think we’re going to get better, but people will have to be patient.” This is what KD had to say, in part, after the "attempt to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory" (my paraphrase - reference: Rasor ABJ Zips Blog).Dambrot will get the hoopsters righted before long. We Zip fans will be patient. Dambrot can coach on the fly. But not JD. Brookhart is a lost cause. Akron needs to let him go after Friday and give a new coach a year to prepare for a turnaround come the opening of the new stadium in 2009.Comparing Akron basketball and even soccer to Akron football is clear indication of the difference quality coaching can make!
  7. I hate for this to sound like sour grapes and I do not think it would have changed the end result BUT - on the fumble that Miami scored on........................THEY WERE OFFSIDES. Hopefully there will be a replay of it, I can't believe they didn't review it.Alex Allen is unreal!I cannot believe the QB situation. I actually thought we were loaded earlier in the year with CJ,CJ,Hakes,Rodgers. Wow, what a change.

  8. There has been a lot of J.D. bashing going on (not from me), so I wanted to start highlighting some of the good.J.D. took over the special teams this year and has done a fantastic job. Remember the anxiety during extra points last year, now Igor may break the single season FG record. Special teams has produced the most exciting plays this year. Bryan Williams will likely be leading the NCAA on K.O. returns after this week and Andre Jones is in the tops on punt returns.There are more good things going on, lets see if anyone else would like to highlight a few.One other comment in J.D's defense.......I have said this before, but you cannot discount how important the assistant coaches are to the team. That is where we have lost ground this year. J.D. has had a revolving door of good coaches since he has been here. It would be nice to get some stability in those ranks. How about this as an idea, get Paul Winters back as Offensive Coordinator to get him primed for taking over one day.Nice win, love to see him get fired up defending one of our players.

  9. Scoring Summary (Final)2007 University of Akron FootballOhio vs Akron (Nov 07, 2007 at Akron, Ohio)Ohio (5-6,3-4) vs. Akron (4-6,3-3)Date: Nov 07, 2007 Site: Akron, Ohio Stadium: The Rubber BowlAttendance: 12453 :rolleyes: yea right! I will say ESPN seemed to make an effort not to show the stands. Most of the shots were close ups on the sidelines and any shots of the fans were close ups of tightly packed groups. They kept the cameras pretty tight to the field.

  10. I too am shocked by the "fire the coach" talk going on. Also, the comments that JD is just trying to pad his resume at Akron are silly. WHO DOESN’T try to pad their resume!! Who doesn’t strive for greater pay, promotions and to live in their place of choice? If he wasn’t trying to working towards these things, he wouldn’t be worth having. If we want to restrict our coaching searches to locals and alum - the choices are going to be limited. We are lucky with K.D.For those of you wanting J.D's head - take a look at these numbers….20056-5 regular season record3-2 at home3-3 on the road6 of 11 games on the road4 of the first 6 games were on the roadMAC ChampsMCB20065-7 regular season record4-1 at home1-6 on the road 7 of 12 games on the road5 of the first 6 games on the road - including Penn State, N.C.State, Cincy20073-5 record so far2-1 at home1-4 on the road 7 of 12 games on the road4 of the first 6 games on the road - including Ohio State, Indiana and UConnTotals9-4 at home5-13 on the road13 of first 18 games played on the roadnearly 60% of games played on the roadThis isn’t a scenario to "Pad" you resume. Hell, you just try to survive without tarnishing your rep too much. I can’t see too many people thriving with this set up. We start the year with powerhouses, get beat up, never gain momentum and come back to discouraged fans. These schedules are suicide. We have got to reconsider whatever strategy this is.Bag all the high profile "money games" until we are ready. Start off at home and schedule some winnable games, everyone will have fun and allow the team to develop instead of heal.I said it before and I will say it again. We are lucky to have J.D. If Colorado State becomes available, how could you blame him for wanting to coach at his alma mater (like K.D.)? He made the decision to go there years ago for a good reason, why wouldn’t he want to return?

  11. I too am shocked by the "fire the coach" talk going on. Also, the comments that JD is just trying to pad his resume at Akron are silly. Where did you all hear that? Did he tell you personally? Even if he did .......WHO DOESN’T try to pad their resume!! Who doesn’t strive for greater pay, promotions and to live in their place of choice? If he wasn’t trying to working towards these things, he wouldn’t be worth having. If we want to restrict our coaching searches to locals and alum - the choices are going to be limited. We are lucky with K.D.For those of you wanting J.D's head - take a look at these numbers….20056-5 regular season record3-2 at home3-3 on the road6 of 11 games on the road4 of the first 6 games were on the roadMAC ChampsMCB20065-7 regular season record4-1 at home1-6 on the road 7 of 12 games on the road5 of the first 6 games on the road - including Penn State, N.C.State, Cincy20073-5 record so far2-1 at home1-4 on the road 7 of 12 games on the road4 of the first 6 games on the road - including Ohio State, Indiana and UConnTotals9-4 at home5-13 on the road13 of first 18 games played on the roadnearly 60% of games played on the roadThis isn’t a scenario to "Pad" you resume. Hell, you just try to survive without tarnishing your rep too much. I can’t see too many people thriving with this set up. We start the year with powerhouses, get beat up, never gain momentum and come back to discouraged fans. These schedules are suicide. We have got to reconsider whatever strategy this is.Bag all the high profile "money games" until we are ready. Start off at home and schedule some winnable games, everyone will have fun and allow the team to develop instead of heal.I said it before and I will say it again. We are lucky to have J.D. If Colorado State becomes available, how could you blame him for wanting to coach at his alma mater (like K.D.)? He made the decision to go there years ago for a good reason, why wouldn’t he want to return?

  12. So we lose U of A?We lose Zippy?Essentially the school I attended will not exist. In that case, my contributions will cease to exist.
    Where are you seeing this in the report? I looked through some of the documents and saw information about joint purchasing of electric and printing, joint internships, and a single application, but nothing about a potential merger. I don't see anyway a merger could be done with the Akron and CSU.
    Here........"Schwartz, like Proenza, thinks the state's universities should be able to keep their own identities. One of the ideas being discussed is to call the merged schools the University of Northeast Ohio." I did not go to the UNO! That is a game I play with my kids.
  13. These rankings usually consider issues like admission standards and alumni giving. The University of Akron is an open enrollment school and will not be able to move up from Tier 4 on the US News and World Reports list. Their standards do not look at the academic programs but generic formulas regarding areas that an open enrollment school will struggle to compete with schools selective admission standards.
    Thanks. What other open enrollment schools are in Ohio, midwest?
  14. I have a question........When you read about the schools standing in US News and other periodicals, we are always rated in the lowest tier and portrayed as non-competitive academically. Why is that? Can it be influenced? Seems to me there have been significant improvements to UoA that would improve our standing.

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