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Posts posted by a-zip

  1. QUOTE(GoZips88 @ Sep 19 2007, 07:45 AM)

    Hey Joe ... a little advice ... when we're down by 30 points in basketball or 18 touchdowns in football, PLEASE leave the "IF A, B, C, D, & E happen, I still think the Zips have a chance to get outta here with a win!" talk for another day. I don't mind a homer but YEESH!
    I'd just like to see him tone it down a bit when it's pretty obvious we've got NO chance to win.
    This is from an earlier post taking shots a Joe Dunn's optimism. Hate to be so spiteful, but I am sure glad there are people that never give up.
  2. WHAT? Joe Dunn ... saying ANYTHING even REMOTELY pessimistic about the Zips ?!? I refuse to believe it until I hear it for myself.I agree it's nice to have the new show. Hey Joe ... a little advice ... when we're down by 30 points in basketball or 18 touchdowns in football, PLEASE leave the "IF A, B, C, D, & E happen, I still think the Zips have a chance to get outta here with a win!" talk for another day. I don't mind a homer but YEESH! 
    So would you rather he talked about Ohio State? :unsure:
  3. Here are the near term bandwagons to jump on to increase activity............Men's Soccer - beat Ohio State........people will get jazzed, lose......see ya for a while. Hopefully we stay ranked, if not, there will be chatter about inferiority of the conference.......yada yada yadaFootball - a win against Can't State will start something. Loss, the chatter will surround JD and it will be nothing but bitching for the rest of the year....... (personally I think the team is going to kick ass and CJ is going to make everyone remember he is one of the highest rated recuits we have ever had). Basketball is going to be exciting for a long time. There is no reasone to hold back, buy your season tickets now or regret it. KD is cool.

  4. That actually puts a little pressure on us to beat Indiana. Based on this rating, could we actually end up being the favorite to win against a Big 10 team? On the road? The way we play the first couple of games will determine that.Of course, I'll never be happy when people consider us to be on the same level as football powerhouses Tulane and UAB (the teams in front of, and behind us, in the rankings).
  5. I was recruited and played for coach Dennison. I was there during the transition and I can tell you that much of the resentment towards Faust was surrounded more by how the administration handled everything. It has taken a long time to recover from the moves that were made back then. Here are a few of the lowlights;We just finished one of the best seasons in school history making the 1-AA playoffs under Coach Dennison and then he was fired (Mark Dantonio left for Youngstown). Attendance was probably as good as it ever was that year.Gerry was given a blank check to start up the program and had an all-star coaching staff come in that included Foge Fazio and Terry Bowden to name a few. Bob Huggins was our basketball coach. We won the OVC and almost beat Michigan in the NCAAs(the Fab 4). He was making great strides. When the $$ went to Gerry, Huggins went to Cincy.Soccer went to the National Championship and barely lost to Duke.First year football attendance was good but declined after mediocre seasons.From that point on - Football floundered, Basketball floundered, and attendance went down.Personally, I think we would have made it in to the MAC without Faust and would have loved to see Coach D be the man to do it.It has taken nearly 20 years(man am I old) to recover from those decisions.Was it Gerry's fault? Not neccessarily, but he was the man we mortgaged all our sports programs on.

  6. It is an area of weakness for us and he looks like a fantastic addition. Unless there are known concerns of attitude or academic problems, why isn't everyone ecstatic about this. Not to discredit anyone, but is this actually a confirmed transfer?

  7. I am not sure if the drawings we have seen are going to be what our stadium ultimately will look like but assuming they are, and the stadium is in the 25K-30K range.How do we stack up against the rest of the MAC, Big East, CUSA?

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