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Hilltopper last won the day on December 23 2024

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  1. Scott has been our most consistent player during MAC play. He seems to have really embraced his role as leader of the second unit. He also is usually in at the end of the game.
  2. How do you know there wasn't? 🤔
  3. Arth was Williams choice. Williams son played for Arth. I know it's not a popular opinion here, but Arth did have a track record of success before we hired him. The real record is how Akron football has a history of chewing up and spitting out head coaches due to a lack of support from all parties. I hope the search committee comes up with someone who can navigate the turbulent waters of budget cuts, NIL and TP athletics is facing. Whoever it is, faces a daunting task to keep the ship from sinking.
  4. No point guard today. The only one we have left(Hall) didn't make the trip.
  5. It appears Emily is not playing today. Down to 6 scholarship players and a volleyball player today.
  6. GVH would be a good choice. He already knows all the donors and the community. He would hit the ground running.
  7. The girls put up a great effort but just fell short. A couple of close calls in the last 3 minutes resulted in a 5 point swing for WMU. Shelbee Brown was amazing with 32 pts and 19 rebounds.
  8. No. OOC games in the middle of conference season have no value.
  9. And this is why the coaches think this whole thing is just a waste of time. $50,000 expense for no return.
  10. Parking in the deck is free. The athletic department made a deal with the parking company. It's been that way for the last 2 seasons.
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