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Hilltopper last won the day on March 23

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  1. Because the correct terminology is collective.
  2. Turned out to be more minor than originally thought. Hopefully she should be available next season.
  3. Zips recruit Kailee Bransford, Cincinnati Mount Notre Dame, 5-7, sr., 14.7 (points per game) was just named first team Div 1.
  4. Greg Tribble couldn't make a 3 to save his life for his first 3 seasons.
  5. I pay virtually no attention to any other games other than the Zips.
  6. Bud Wentz is the de-facto GM of the team. He does way more than just contribute money.
  7. It's just a general comment. It's great to want new seating, better scheduling, better players, etc... All of those things cost money. The administration is telling us more cuts are coming. If you are a fan, you can do your part to make up the difference. Buy a better seat. Make a donation to the Zip Athletic club. Make a donation to the collective. UA is not a P-4 school with large numbers of rich alumni. LeBron is not going to come rescue us. My experience in this world is you get what you pay for.
  8. Everybody has all these ideas about what is needed to move the program forward but nobody wants to help pay for those things.
  9. Should be available here soon. https://1870market.uakron.edu/
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