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Everything posted by UADavid

  1. I see no reason why the game wouldn't be available for replay.
  2. Db's mostly ineffective. Third and long was the sweet spot for most offenses.
  3. The offensive coaching staff helping to give this one away.
  4. http://read.thestar.com/#!/article/514...b1eac41650180e5 http://www.cbc.ca/sports/football/cfl/stor...on-toronto.html Jermaine Reid now with Toronto.
  5. SVP just ran the story. He gave us a better record than we have. 25-4
  6. Why not shift Will Flemming back to LB. Good size if his lateral speed is decent. He's bigger than any of our listed linebackers. With Ladrach, Ritossa and Root we should have that position covered. Would Flemming start at TE? Does our offense use a lot of two TE sets? It would be nice to stop a runner or two at the point of attack instead of dragging him down eight yards past the line of scrimmage.
  7. fyi; Dean Carro is not dean of the law school. Dean is his name. The interem dean is Elizabeth A. Reilly.
  8. Disregard if already posted somewhere. SEC VLOG http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=playe...p;v=LPZS5zuhrX4 Developement planning roadtrip.
  9. @JZ84 I agree with you on the running backs. I can remember several instances where 44 chose the Franco Harris option and ran out of bounds without being touched. My take on Alexander is more of a getting what you can then square the shoulders and hit someone. More like a Walter Payton.
  10. Defense to run 3-3-5 format. http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/news..._preview_030312
  11. If they have already made this decision, it was not very thorough and the criteria was an Akron connection. Winters, Johnson and Moorehead.
  12. Now that's the textbook example of flatlining.
  13. Okay, maybe an overreaction. The twitter fiasco obviously had no bearing on JT or the job, but it was an immature use of the technology and wasted a lot of people's time. That's the kind of stuff you expect out of "one of our most dedicated supporters?" Sorry, not me. Not to mention, how stupid does it make ALL Zips fans look to the nation when we're falling hook, line and sinker for a false trail started by one of "our own?" I don't know if we were even talking about the same person, as there was much twitter and rumor abuse today by many. I just happened to see one especially braggart post. Bottom line, there were folks here who knew the widespread impact Tressel coming here would make, and we didn't take this hiring lightly. The out-of-control twitter stuff made a mockery out of it. And a lot of people passed on false information and now have backtracking to do. To know it was done intentionally for no good reason is....wow. I do apologize if I offended anyone with my initial reaction. It's been a stressful day. Here's hoping a lot of things today have been smokescreens for the "rumored" interview tomorrow. I'm doubting it now, as I'm left not knowing what to believe. It's like watching a Kardashian TV show. Made a mistake, apologized, enough said.
  14. The final nail in his coffin? the story seems to be positive. It actually looks encouraging and something to help his case getting a coaching job again. Yeah, I don't get what you were going for here Z.I.P. Were you being sarcastic? Perhaps the punishment is to be named Head Coach at Akron.
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