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Valpo Zip

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Everything posted by Valpo Zip

  1. I understand it when someone who never went to college and likes college BB cheers for a team that he likes. I also understand it when in a certain season, you like how a certain team is playing and you bet on them and watch their games. For example, last year, i liked illinois. but this year i feel that villanova is the best team. However, i never buy any villanova or illinois gear, i never call them my teams. I also didn't like it when OSU lost to g'town not because they are my team but only because i thought that they deserved a sweet 16 spot. see the difference ? !!!!Most of you guys have never been in any Buckeyes games and probably never been on their campus at all, and if you did, you probably attend no more than 1 or 2 games a season and yet you call the buckeyes your team and buy their gear and refuse to go to akron games because you are better than that !The analogy that comes to my mind here is some father whose kid is not doing very good at school, so he visits his class and pick the smartest student there and start calling him his son ! Now even though the smart kid is not related to him and doesn't live in his house and doesn't even know his name, he still calls him son and doesn't care about his real son whom he left crying at home.Similarly, your school would be playing on your campus, where you can attend the games for free (if you are a student) and sit in the student section (or attend an alumni pre-game event), yet you prefer to watch a TV game for a school that is not yours just because they are better !
  2. Absolutely ! Thanks guys for the help.
  3. Hey Bleacher Bum, can you please tell me how did you order it ? what site and for how much etc... I would like to order it my self.Thanks man ! Sorry about double posting !
  4. You're the man GoZips !That's a hell of an email... I love it ! do you write for the buchtelite or something ?
  5. I will if they let me in !I heard that the field house has a limited seating and that only season ticlets holders will be allowed in for the game.
  6. Man ! Antonio i can't believe what i'm reading !you can come up with reasonnable, decent and smart posts... Why didn't you do that all season long ?And yeah about your question, playing at Temple has nothing to do with $ or attendance, it is about respect. As i said in a post before, the committees don't respect the roo yet but we will force them to do it. Not only respect the Roo... Fear the Roo baby !
  7. ...And Men's Soccer, Women's track and women's field.I just had a crazy idea the other day... What if both schools merge ? they can be called something like North East Ohio University, the west campus (akron) would host engineering/science, nursing and may be business schools ! and the East campus in Can't would host the arts, education, communication and other humanities majors. we would have an enrollment of 45-50k and we would be a big 10 school. The Athletic teams should improve as well and they can be called the golden zips ! Back to reality, as i said, this is just a crazy idea and until it becomes true,
  8. I said that before but once again, i am not too knowledgeable about who does what in the Athletic department but thanks to some posters of this board, i believe that Mike did a good job and i want to thank him for that and wish him as an individual all the best of luck.However, I am not sure why shall i wish UC any luck. Because Mike works there ? Go zips and only zips and the bearcats can go to hell !i am affraid the next thing i would read on this board is somebody wishing luck to OU because our ex-player Bubba Walther plays there.
  9. This question is incomplete. Before we ask if KD is the right coach we have to specify where and when and under what circumstances...Is KD the right coach for UConn ? definitely no !Is KD the right coach for an Akron team that has not had any 20-win season and didn't recruit a rated player in the last 15 years ? Absolutely yes.Is KD the right coach for us if Coach K of duke is willing to coach Akron ? No. i would take coach K.Is KD the right coach for us when the alternatives would be the likes of hipsher and crawford... Heeeeeelllll yeah !Is KD the right coach after he coaches a horrible season in which he had problems with all the players and won no more than 10 games ? No.Is KD the right coach after he got a 20-win season and made a team with under-recruited players ? yes.
  10. Please enough complaints everyone, yes we do deserve better but let's face it ! those committees do not respect us (us here being both Akron and the Mac).What can we do about it ? go and earn that respect.you don't earn respect by crying and weening, you go kick some butts in philly and earn that damn respect. I know that temple players are big guys but oh well, if we want to go big and earn respect, we have to beat them, if we want to keep playing Cleveland State and Eastern Michigan then we will never earn the respect we are crying for !
  11. Can't State got a 12 seed against Pittsburgh... I guess it is kind of fair, they deserve better than the 13 that ESPN was expecting. The best part is that they are playing in Detroit !!! The zips took 10,000 for the MCB, the flushes should do the same !!!Good luck flushes and let's see what we get in the NIT tonight.
  12. for the last few years, the zips were only able to recruit under rated kids. In other words, any high schooler who is offered a scholarship from Akron and another D-I school, would take the other one. I think, (or at least i hope), that this is not the case anymore. I was curious to know who recruited our class members this year ? did they choose to come to Akron over other schools or they are another class of under recruited players ?
  13. How about that 6-10 Center guy mentionned in the article ? is he a senior ? who is recruiting him ? any idea ?
  14. And i have to admit that Can't was the best team and they won a well deserved championship ! Well said about the MAC fans supporting each other, go zips and go can't (only till the end of March).
  15. I partially agree with you here. Can't State deserved the Mac championship, they have the most mature team (with 4 seniors), very good leadership in Haynes and inside presence in Warzynski... I hope they make some noise at the big dance and make a good show case for our conference. But that Toledo team sucks big time, they are 7th seed and they didn't beat us because they're good, we lost to them because we played our worst game of the season.
  16. Ok here's mine !Romeo Travis: Was a dominant inside player at the end of last season and the beginning of this one. But as soon as other teams became aware of his abilities and started double teaming him, and anytime we are playing a big inside team, he fades away. Part of his success is due to the assists he gets from Dru, unable to create his own play, besides the toledo game, good rebounder and FT shooter.Grade: B- Dru Joyce: very good ball handling, especially under pressure. very good 3pt shooter and good passer. Little bit slow (especially in transition deffense), some ill-advised decisions when we approach the shot clock timeGrade: B+ Cedrick Middleton: Fastest, most athletic and smartest player on this team. Very good shooter, fierce deffender, excellent ball steeler, and seems to be the only player who can drive and lay the ball up in the hoop. No downside at all. Grade: AMatt Futch: It is a must to have a big guy like him in every team to futch* some jacka$$es in the opponent teams (especially when your rival team has players of the like of Gerwig). Not a lot of basketball skills but a stud in the deffense and became fairly dependable on offense in his senior year.Grade: C+Rob Preston: Excellent role player, great attitude, very good shooting (both FT and FG), fair rebounding and came out with a lot of blockshots in his senior year. Great decision making and seemed to be tremendously improving year after year. If only he had another year of eligibility, i would say that he would be a NBA PF prospect after next year.Grade: B+Nate Linhart: Very athletic, very smart, knows where he is supposed to be on the floor, Draws offensive fouls and seems to be the only guy who goes after Offensive rebound and can both shoot the ball and drive to the hoop which makes him very hard to guard. downside: gets in foul trouble and seemed a little nervous some times. which is not surprising considering he is only a freshmen.Grade: A- (He is still taking Gen. ed. freshmen classes).Nick Dials: can shoot the ball but not very consistent, can pass the ball and bank some nice assists (only when he tries to). can deffend and draw the offensive foul (when he goes back to play D in transition and quit whining to the officials)... to summarize, good potential but a moody player with a lot of bad decisions.Grade: B- (considering, he is only a sophomore).Derryl Peterson: Excellent player, can both shoot and drive and excellent FT shooting, might be a tiny bit slow on Deffense. I am still waiting to hear KD's explanation about his PT.Grade: A-Quade Mylum: a wasted scholarship.Grade: FJohn Rybak: I don't attend practice, but he got significant PT and showed nothing in his first year, the only reason i will not give him and F is because he is still a freshman.Grade: D-Zach Sowers: seems to be the most valuable amongst the walk-ons. Seems to be very athletic and did a great job in the 5 or so minutes he played during this season. Yet KD doesn't give him any chance to showcase his talent.Grade: Incomplete.Nick Goddard, Chad Mraz: I have no clue.Grade: Incomplete.Next year's depth chart:PG: Dru/Darryl Roberts.SG: Ced/Dials. SF: Linhart/Conyers. (In no particular order for the SF position).PF: Romeo/Mcknight.C: Wood/Bardo. (I am a little worried about the C position, because i am not sure how would Jeremiah deal with the bigger mac guys while he is only 6-6). I hope KD can find a bigger JUCO guy.
  17. I am sorry zips win, no personnal offense but this is by far the most stupid statement i've ever read on this board !And about taking Dambrot over O'shea any day, no one said otherwise.
  18. how many points did your tradition score yesterday ? and how many rebounds did your history grab ?only current players on the court can help you win games this year and yes, your team sucks and you are at the bottom of the mac so take your tradition and your history, roll them together and stick them wherever your head is.
  19. No body is saying that KD should be fired !People are saying that he did mistakes and yes he did !All we are asking is explanations and we want to make sure that these mistakes won't happen again... If you were happy with the coaching yesterday then i feel bad for you.
  20. Mike, Is it possible that you interview KD for the buchtellite ? you know there is a bunch of unanswered questions in the board that he might have good answers for...I'll start with a couple:1 - Doesn't DP deserve more minutes ?2 - How is he planning to face the Mac's big guys next year ? (Can't's 7 footers, buffalo's idbihi etc...) ? 3 - What the hell did he like in Mylum and Rybak when he recruited them ?
  21. I am not sure what makes anyone say that Romeo played good (may be his 14 points)!but when a pocket team like toledo outrebound us, we have to notice that our power forward grabbed no more than 3 rebounds in 34 minutes not to mention his defense allowing 18 points to valencia and to top it all, miss 2 free throws when we needed them most, (4/8 overall). It just seems that no body dares to criticize Romeo, but if we can't see the problem, we will never fix it, (even lebron was booed sometime at the Q). And yeah, for those of you who will tag me as a hater etc... I was the one holding the "Romeo, oh oh" sign, but i was never more disappointed in my life. I love Romeo's game (in general), but yesterday, he was the second to worst player, only Nick Dials beated him to the worst player award.
  22. Cedrick Middleton does ... but i agree with the rest of the post !
  23. Wow ! that's awesome... This really helps Demonik's case and show how wrong are the organizers of the NFL combine by not inviting him !I hope the browns would pick him some where the second day !
  24. Akron allowing Toledo to score 81 ??? I thought a Ph D candidate should know better than that ! The only way Toledo can score 81 points against Akron is if we go triple over time maybe.
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