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Blue & Gold

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Everything posted by Blue & Gold

  1. Tell me this article doesn't make ya just wanna Buckeyes players like new LeBron uniformsCHICAGO - Having the logo of LeBron James on the front of their shorts did not help Ohio State channel the energy of the Cavaliers' star. But the Buckeyes' Nike uniforms that made their debut Friday in the Big Ten Tournament were a hit with the players.``They're very comfortable,'' freshman Daequan Cook said.``I like them a lot. (Especially) the shorts,'' junior Othello Hunter said.The jerseys are more form-fitting, and the shorts are longer than the previous style.``It gives the refs a better opportunity to call fouls if somebody is grabbing your jersey because they're so tight,'' senior Ron Lewis said. ``If your jersey is coming out, it's not because of you.''OSU coach Thad Matta saw the uniforms for the first time Friday. ``I was a little bit nervous with the length of the shorts and had a couple guys change. Nothing major,'' Matta said. ``But I liked the look of them. I feel honored that Nike would think this highly of us to do this.''James jumped from St. Vincent-St. Mary High School to the NBA, but he has said if he had gone to college, his choice would have been Ohio State.``For LeBron to take a special interest in our program has been amazing,'' Matta said. ``Talking with him this summer and his people, he's a Buckeye. And when you have a guy like LeBron James with his stature who cares enough to put his logo on your uniform, it's flattering that he would do that for us.''-- Marla RidenourHow about those nice quotes from Thad Matta? "For LeBron to take a special interest in our program has been amazing," Uh, he hasn't, Thad. That's a Nike move. NOT LeBron. LeBron takes a special interest in the University of AKRON Zips!Go Screw off.And screw anything OSU. We're not from Columbus. We're from Akron, baby! Go Zips!
  2. Every year at the MAC tourney, when all the mascots are at the Q, it just solidly reaffirms the literal reality that ZIPPY IS THE GREATEST MASCOT IN ALL OF SPORTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. The "Got Wood?" sign is absolutely hilarious!The "K.S.U.cks!" sign is priceless and timeless!!!!! That one is classic that can be used from here to eternity!
  4. Actually, didn't Q go straight over to the Akron bench and shake everyones hand before the teams even lined up in the post-game handshake lines? I don't think many people noticed that because everyone, including myself, was watching the Zips celebrate around centercourt. The only way I know this is because my friend pointed it out to me. He actually thought it was cool how Q went straight over to the Akron bench.Hey, I'm not Can't fan. This is just for the sake of honesty and clarification.
  5. Yep! Bounced right off his hands and into the hands of an OSU receiver who then took it the distance.
  6. Let's go easy on his physical appearance guys. The dude's had some health problems. Heart problems, if I'm not mistaken.
  7. I'd also like to say you guys are GREAT!!! I'm 34 and have been a regular at the JAR for about 15 years now, and I really must say I've never seen it rock so hard!But what most impresses me is how CREATIVE you Rowdies are! Please don't let yourselves sink to the embarassing level that the Can't students sunk to Sunday night. They truly made fools of themselves. Dropping the F-bomb and all the middle fingers and crotch grabbing. It was literally sad. So, Rowdies, keep doing what you're doing! Stay ENTHUSIASTIC! Stay ENERGETIC! Stay CREATIVE! And don't fall into the pathetic mental/moral ditch in which your average Can't student resides! You guys are WAY better than that!
  8. Does anyone know when we might get a peak at the new designs?
  9. That's what I was thinking. I believe he may be the only MAC coach with a vote in the coaches' poll, right? Well, he didn't give Akron a single vote! So I don't know what he's talking about! Him not voting for us obviously doesn't help our cause. But it hurts the entire MAC as well! Screw Miami!
  10. Yeah. We've gotta trust the trustees! These are intelligent men and women who will stretch the value of a dollar. They, as a group, have been visionary enough to construct the awe-inspiring new Student Union, the simply amazing student rec center and perhaps the nicest indoor fieldhouse in the nation. I don't think they're gonna fall back 20 years in their thinking on the new football stadium. These guys all know that all the projects which have come before are all well and good. But the new stadium is the centerpiece. The stadium project will be their legacy.
  11. I'm ignorant about all things construction. By "final documents," does that mean that the architectural work & drawings are completed? And, if so, does that mean we'll be able to see some drawings?!And, as an aside, I know we're all hoping for a bowl, or a horseshoe. But if a double-grandstand design is in the works (due to lack of $$$), if it's done beautifully, with lots of red brick and wrought iron work, I'll bet we're all gonna end up being real excited about it, even if it's not a bowl or horseshoe!
  12. Great find Uakronkid! I don't know what to think of those uni's. They are awfully different, but if they catch on, as everyone knows, it would be easy to look back at the current uni's and find it hard to imagine how anyone could ever be caught dead in them (i.e., mullets & parachute pants!) And your comment about Nike using only primary colors is very insightful. There is absolutely NO WAY any of us would EVER want to go back to yellow, as opposed to GOLD!!! That would be worth staying with adidas right there!But Nike's a huge company with lots of $$$ and with the Akron-LeBron connection, man, who knows but one day in the near future Nike may be ready, willing and able to do some great things financially for the Zips athletics programs. I say we stick by LeBron as closely as we possibly can. He's the current and future face of American sports. If we can have a built-in connection with him, that could do wonders for us on a national (and international?) level!
  13. We have beaten Can't 3 times in a row now. And we beat them on their home floor, after Dru fouled out and after a horrible blown traveling call on Linhart. So I think we'd smash 'em if we'd get to play them on a neutral court. But... yeah, beating a good team 3 times in one year definitely is not a small order.
  14. Where can I find the polls? Or could someone post a link here?
  15. They should have cut the nets down from Can't's MAC Center! Aren't they allowed to do that?
  16. I don't see the big problem here. As long as Akron is not refered to as Can't ........ Or Ohio State.
  17. I don't remember the last time the Beacon had 3 straight days of prominent Zips stories like that! With Rome and Dru about to close out their Akron careers, it is a special time. But I hope the Beacon keeps up the coverage.
  18. If the Zips would go with Nike, LBJ might be able to wear Nike Zips hats during interviews occassionally. If the kids see that LeBron likes the Zips, the Zips will be the coolest thing since... well, since LeBron!!!
  19. Hopefully the LeBron - OSU jersey connection was more of a Nike move than a LeBron move. I think we should be trying to get all the free pub we can. I hope KD keeps close ties w/ LeBron after Rome & Dru graduate (actually, I wouldn't be surprised to see Dru as an assistant coach in a year or two). But speaking of those Nike/LeBron uni's... how soon till we're out of our contract with Adidas? We need to sign with Nike, have LeBron design our shoes and uni's, and then have Nike contribute BIG for the new LeBron-influenced NikeArena in downtown!!! (I'm not joking.)
  20. Hey, speaking of 2-guards, has anyone seen that Moss kid from Copley play? Do you think he'd be a D-1 walk-on caliber player? He's really puts up nice numbers and he's the MVP of an undefeated team. Does anyone know anything about him?
  21. Steward, out of Columbus, is a true point. I'm betting he comes in and wins the starting 1-spot next season.I was hoping Jimmy Conyers would be ready to contribute at the 2-guard this year, and be the man once Middleton and Dials have graduated. Jimmy just hasn't progressed well. It looks like the #1 priority for KD's recruiting efforts this year is going to have to be a legitimate 2-guard.
  22. Great post Timmyboy! This year, next year, and EVERY YEAR: DT's DT's & more DT's!!!
  23. And the #1 point guard! We really need him to contribute immediately next year to free up Dials and Middleton to be the 2G.But Swiech is HUGE!!! Holy Moses!!! And from all I hear he is a top-shelf, first-class person as well! I think he's going to really enjoy his time here and he may end up being the next dominant player in the MAC! Here's to Swiech working hard, having FUN, making friends, getting a good education and making a NATIONAL name for himself and the Zips!
  24. I remember that when Walt Harris was still at Pitt, in regards to Palko (the starter at the time) and Getsy (#2 on the depth chart) Harris said something like, "We have a significant drop off from our #1 QB and our #2 guy."I think we all saw the best, and worst, of Getsy over the past 2 years.
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