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Bleacher Bum

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Posts posted by Bleacher Bum

  1. I think Kyle's sister's name was Katie. We all know the AK-Rowdies and the ones who go to away games are the AK-Roadies. There is talk of starting the AK-Oldies for alumni, and now I'm thinking there should be the AK-Kiddies for the youngsters! Some of these kids are louder than the students!

  2. If anybody needs a ride back, I'll be sticking around for the Can't game, because as everyone knows, :screwks: and it's always fun harassing their fans. Does anyone else want Western to win besides me?And Bleacher Bum, you were there? Where the heck were you sitting?
    I was sitting near the BSU/OU/UB/WMU bands near the corner. I wasn't decked out like I'll be tonight. I wasn't there as a fan, just observing.
  3. I don't see why they moved these games to Cleveland. Unless they don't care about attendance. Other than some real hard core MAC people, no one is going to forfeit their entire Wednesday to watch the bottom of the MAC duke it out.
    I fully understand why they did it. With all of the people cycling through there paying at least $30 a head, it makes perfect sense!
  4. If the Zips don't stop Watson, it's going to be a LONG night. Seriously. At one point during the game, Watson had more points total, than Buffalo's entire team! :blink: :eek:
    It could be a long day no matter what. I think the combined free throws between each team was about 82! I hate MAC refs!
  5. .....Western has the hottest looking dance team in the MAC. Reminded me of the girls at NC State.
    I was actually just about to start a thread for this topic. They were very nice!Also, about Buffalo. I was talking to some of their students and they said that since so many of their fans have been arrested during the tournament weekends over the past 3 years, they stopped bringing buses.
  6. The first AK-Rowdy to spot me at the Lizard or Boneyard gets a free beer! :cheers: I'll also buy the first Rowdy I see a beer (that might be easier) ;) I urge the remainder of the ZipsNation to do likewise tomorrow!!
    Well, now I'm a little disappointed the bus isn't leaving until 5. Haha. As far as today goes, there were no actual "student sections." There were about 12 loud fans from Buffalo, but that's it. Also, I think the Rowdies are gonna be in section 133, which I believe is gonna be opposite of our band, cheerleaders and dance team. The better seeded team was always opposite of section 133 today.
  7. I remember walking home from class and stopping at some on-campus convenient store and buying an dusty old 6-pack of Hudephol Gold to drink on my Annadale Avenue house while watching the game.
    Annadale? Looks like I may be keeping that tradition alive, of course now it's cheap beer from the drive through......close enough.
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