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The Hip Zip

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The Hip Zip last won the day on February 25 2022

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  1. Some of the Jag's defensive numbers are amongst the top ten nationally. For sure, a clash of styles here.
  2. Really think Central takes down Miami tonight.
  3. Yeah, Sparks is solid and Pearson is a nice piece as well. I honestly can't figure out why they're not better than they are. We need to be careful with this one. Ball State has a legit inside presence that other MAC teams lack. It's a natural letdown spot as well after playing so well at Kent. I'll take the 14' points here but won't be sad if we drill them a new one.
  4. Well, we won a game on the road that we had no business winning.
  5. Don't care about the look, I'd love to see Agee land here.
  6. Looks like Jerry Palm got the haircut and suit special from K-Mart
  7. Damn right. He could have stayed here and become a legend. Instead he uprooted his family and chased the dollar. I have little respect for his legacy.
  8. They very well could on a good night. They won't mind the pace and their young players have developed nicely.
  9. If A J Brown hangs around he's going to be a problem going forward.
  10. I'll take Reghi over two stooges from ESPN calling a game from their damn homes everyday. He might be a bit repetitive and a doofus but he's our doofus. He has a passion for the MAC and I give him tons of credit for ditching the spray-on hair. Call me a simple SOB but that's good enough for me.
  11. The good news: Lamont Simpson drew the first game of the tourney. The bad news : That he's in Cleveland to begin with and we may see him down the line.
  12. I've seen some bogus crap in my day but this gem from Portage County rates highly. It looks like a hand to hand transaction caught live on camera.
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