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Everything posted by zipseuph

  1. just did the math and our O gets 28ppg problem is our D gives up 33ppg
  2. love the rest of the post but I must respectfuly disagree with you here. Jaq is helping our O put up about 20-30 pts a game. problem is our D is giving up about 25-35. the only thing this team is realy missing to be a top notch MAC team is a D
  3. I just look at it like this. Ball State goes 13-0 and possibly goes to a BCS and becomes the next Boise State while we go 7-6 or 8-5 and still get the bowl in detroit or where ever else. if we beat them in the MACC (assuming we get there) then they fall off to a no one bowl and do absolutly nothing to garner the MAC more respect. lets face it we're not going to the Big East anytime soon so the best we can hope for is either for us or someone else in this confrence to make a huge statement. it's obviously not gonna be us this year so why not Ball State? we go bowling and they bring us respect. it's a win win in my eyes
  4. this might get me into some trouble but I don't want to win the MACC. I want to go bowling but I just think it would be better for the confrence if Ball State whent undefeated. call me crazy if you want but I just see that being the best thing for the big picture
  5. so the question now is can our D step up and play some ball
  6. :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: and he hasn't been fired?
  7. well to bring us full circleBRING BACK THE ACME ZIP GAME!!!!!!!it would be awsome to start it back up in the first new year of the info
  8. if this lady had any idea what she was talking about she would have put the thundering chickens or the fighting banana slugs at the top. VIVA LE ZIPPY!!!!
  9. actually it's the Ohio University marching 110 that has the director with this name. the really funny thing is he intrduced himself to me as "Dick" so he does infact go by Dick Suk. I guess if I had that name I would just go ahead and laugh along as well
  10. then we will let you be the one to go ahead and revamp the entire band and ditch every tradition we have. and truth be told Joe football fan (who also so happens to be a plummer) doesn't care for half time anyways
  11. I'm sorry but it is true, the band does truly suck. At least in the past 15 years that i've been around. Have you ever been to a game with Ohio U's "Marching 110"? Now that's a real college band, perhaps the best in the country. But even if you havn't im sure you all have seen Ohio States band, USC's, Tennessee's. They are all LEAPS AND BOUNDS better than ours and that is no slight, it's just the truth.no slight, but you wouldn't know the truth in this matter if hit slaped you in the head
  12. I am on my boyfriends account but i would just like to add something. I was in the 110 for 3 years(I do attend akron now) and disagree with what you are saying. People in the 110 do not have an advantage for being in together, as new freshmen come in just the same as with Akron. With the 110, freshmen have only 3 days to get used to the unique marching style as well as learn the music. They then have an additional 2-3 days to learn entire pregame and a halftime show (which changes completely every single week). I give Akron credit for trying, the sound that can be produced for songs like the fight song sound great. Although when it comes to using the music on the field and not really moving too much for the show is kind of disappointing. The marching style of the 110 is extremely difficult and while it can affect the sound slightly (mainly from some freshmen still learning) it does not affect the sound enough to say that Akron is better. It is far simpler to stand or lowstep and play, but 110 actually is louder, regardless of the marching style. I know there are many bands that are far worse than Akron, i believe there are many things that need to be changed and worked on to improve the band. Again, i'm not trying to say that they are horrible, because when they know what they are doing (like the fight song) they sound great.1) yes we have freshmen every year but the point is people like the 110 have more returning members (something hard for us to do these past couple of years with the band director situation) and that makes life tons easier2) louder does not mean better when it comes to sound3) in band you can either have challenging music or challenging marching style Akron has the music OU has the marching style4) your directors name is Dick Suk. (no real argument in this I just thought it was funny and wanted to point it out)side note. I met prof suk once and I gotta say he's a pretty cool guythe 110 does a lot of great things and they are a fun band to watch don’t get me wrong. but it's impossible to compare them to Akron because they are two totally different things
  13. That's where most people's problem with the band comes from, I think. It's just not the type of stuff you want to hear from a college marching band at a football game. If the fans wanted to hear that, they could just pump it in over the loudspeakers.again one world trying to entertain the otherThen the band better know why they're there - to pump up a crowd for a violent, hard-hitting football game. Save artsy-fartsy for E.J. Thomas Hall.I agree that the band needs to do more pre-game to get the crowd involved. the band as is today does things to get the crowd pumped (fight song, imperial march on defensive stops, another one bites the dust, drum cadences) but I defenetly think they need to go jam out around the tailgateing area before games and lead people up to the bowl. one thing I do love about our band however is that it's not a big 11 band that plays the fight song and one other song in the stands and thats it. in the stands I would say that we never realy play "artsy-fartsy" songs. half time is another thing but half time is just that it is the one time in the game that the band can go ahead and be all about the band. not pumping people up for football but showing people what they can do as a band.
  14. just another example of why The University of Akron is the only reason the city isn't a complete crime poluted slum
  15. I said we're gonna win because we are the better team but realy we're gonna win because it's that time in the schedual. we have not won nore lost two games in a row at all this year so I'm gonna go ahead and bet on the trend.
  16. The Suckeye's band would be booed off the field if they performed at a proper Drum & Bugle Corps show. A lot of what they have to offer in terms of quality of a band is as much over rated as their sports teams. They don't exactly high step either. It is a modified bicycle step (very easy form of high step). The forms they run at half time and pre-game are also very easy, however due to their large size as well as being an all brass band gives the impression they they look and sound great. This works on a certain level. As a whole, they show very well. Individually is a different matter. They cannot and never will compare to say the Canton Blue Coats or the Glassmen who very existence is competition.Akron's troubles root from other, larger problems. They do not have the luxury that Ohio A&M has in that they hold auditions for every spot. Akron puts on everybody that can make practices and games. Akron also doesn't march an all brass ensemble. This means that sound production will never reach the level of OA&M and other such bands (don't get me wrong, OA&M has several members who suck, but the fact that they have so many others who can play very well means the poor performers are drowned out). Akron also marches at half time the tradition Corps style low step. This allows the band to focus on sound quality and complexity of the drills without being caught up in complex foot movement. This is very boring for an audience to watch. This if the very reason that OU's band is a huge crowd pleaser. They look entertaining. Akron's band blows them away in sound quality, but they can never match OU's level of 'chuck and jive' which really gets the audience going. But rating bands has huge problems. Outside of true competitions that the Drum and Bugle Corps play, college bands have no real level of standard to meet. Do you care about the music they play? The quality of sound? The style and accuracy of marching? The entertainment value of the show? The Zips band may not give an entertaining show like OU, or have the drowning sound that LSU or tosu does, but the quality of music and sound generally is at or exceeds other bands in the area. I know of some MAC bands that would dream to be able to do some of the things that Akron does or has. Some could care less. In the case of Ohio A&M the question arises does their band please their crowd, or is the crowd simply pleased that it is tosu's marching band? I have had this discussion with many friends and members of these different college bands. Specifically at tosu, I have heard several incidents where they band would say they had horrible performances, but the crowd went nuts regardless. At the same time they booed for the opposing team's band even before they started playing. Oh, and on the subject of tosu; the script ohio is not very challenging for a band. I was apart of a high school band and have seen several other high school bands do the same perpendicular marching through their own lines and they did it flawlessly. To say that Akron's band has always been horrible is very ignorant and buys into the OA&M mindset. The prime of the Jackoboice era is an excellent example of how good the Zips band can be. I would argue that they were better and more entertaining that any other in the MAC and quite possibly tosu. Akron has a long way to go to get to that level again.The real question is, who cares? I'm sure there is a significant number of football fans who would rather have rock legends perform at half time like the pros have, and play the pep music during the game from recordings over the speakers. How could any band live up to fans who have no knowledge of what a good marching band is? Perhaps the new stadium venue will change things for the better in all levels of akron sports.Someone is jealous and has been hanging around Tucker Jolly too long.is there an actual argument here or are you just trying to start crap?
  17. That's where most people's problem with the band comes from, I think. It's just not the type of stuff you want to hear from a college marching band at a football game. If the fans wanted to hear that, they could just pump it in over the loudspeakers.again one world trying to entertain the other
  18. the problem with marching band is now and has always been that you are sending musicians in to entertain football fans. not exactly two like minded groups. the football fans have the ADD mentality of wanting something f-lashy and easy to follow, but the musicians are more into things that you have to look hard at to find the beauty. in other words it's like sending ballerinas to work at a strip club
  19. We used to go to Acme-Zip every year. It was great. It sucked when they stopped that. I have some great memories from those days.The Akron band has always been ok, but never great. Anyone that feels they were great must be comparing them to the high school bands they are used to hearing. I am not saying they are/were bad, but they aren't as good as many others.I remember going to the game a few years ago against Hampton and there were a few other college bands at the RB.The other bands simply blew the UA band away. Whenever the UA band would play we wanted them to stop so we could hear the other bands better.It was actually Howard (I think the Central St. band was there too), but you're right Buckzip. I felt sorry for the UA band for having to follow THAT amazing display of brass, rhythm, choreography and entertainment.as a former memeber of Ohios pride I can tell you that the University of Akron band is more geared towards music while bands like Howard are geared towards flush. the battle between the two has been around as long as music it self. on one hand if you gear your band toward musical quality football fans will find it boring but if you go to flush then you are giving your students next to no real musical education. so now the question is where do you draw the line between entertaining (but not to the point where your students are playing 5th grade music and doing dance moves that make them look like they're humping the football field) and musical quality? (but again not to the point that you are playing music that no one in a football stadium would care for).my big problem with Ohios pride is that we have nothing to hang our hat on. nothing that is truly our own that only we do. I would personaly like to see the tire drum brought back but not everyone agrees with that. however I think everyone would like to see a military type of pre-game entrance where the entire band repells from the good year blimp onto the field and then takes out someone dressed as the flush mascot. that would be hard corp
  20. if I was Charlie I would go ahead and accept a roll as backup and collect those NFL minimum $500,000 paychecks for as long as I could
  21. I watched a QB from the MAC "warm up" in the NFL during the 2004 season. He started off as a third string QB at the beginning of the season.Because of injuries, he was forced into action the 3rd game of the season. He "warmed up" in 2004 and then won a SB in 2005. Worked for him.I'm not saying Charlie can do the same thing, but if you go back through the history of NFL QB's, you'll find some odd trips to get to the SB.Here's to hoping Charlie gets one someday. is that the same MAC QB that won rookie of the year? if so his "warm up" was something like 13-0 in the reg season and 14-1 if you count the playoffs. just a little bit better then or good buddy chuck
  22. problem is you don't get time to "warm up" in the pros. it either put up or shut up
  23. what about the HC from the Mount Union Purple Raiders. they have been blowing people out of the water and doing it consistantly for a few years now under that guy. I know they're DIII but with his record it wouldn't hurt to take a look
  24. the thing that ticks me off about this is the fact that the talking heads on espn are saying this loss for michigan was just as bad as the app state loss. I know the MAC isn't exactly great but come on and show us a little bit of respect
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