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Everything posted by bigham78

  1. You guys locally may have take pictures if the Cams stay off like they did this past weekend.Ill be in akron saturday... Ill see if I can sneak around and snap a few pictures.ThanksBecause the cams are off line again this weekend and last weekend they stayed off until late Monday afternoon.When they test lights tonight it doesn't appear we'll see it on the Cams
  2. You guys locally may have take pictures if the Cams stay off like they did this past weekend.
  3. They were on briefly while the team was practicing Saturday and went dark and haven't been back since.The team is supposed to be in full pads Monday with Two a day session.I'm getting the feeling the webcams maybe gone this time.
  4. I'm one of the posters who is disappointed they changed from the design of have five poles on top of the east side stand and went with three poles behind the stands. I still think the five pole look would have been better. But, that's my opinion. I've seen more pictures and angles and I've since said it looks fine and I'm little disappointedBut, all of us here who posted are disappointment based that on the decision to change from the original graphic design they rolled out in August 2007. Nobody said anything about steel pole or the other colorful comments you choose to use. Our disappointment is they showed us design in August 2007 we all loved and made a major change some of us are not crazy about. That's doesn't mean we hate the overall project and I know I surely don't because of one feature I'm not crazy about. I also don't think it fair we're getting slammed just becasued we expressed disappointment on IMO what was major change and they never said why they choose to change that.I still love the Info overall and it light years better then the crappy 69 year old Rubber Bowl.
  5. Then you'll be not impressed with many scoreboards around the country.I've been to dozens of college campuses across the country and you'll find open spaces, gaps backsides that are crap.Many schools have the team emblem on the back of scoreboard on similar material UofA is using. TV has funny way of making some Jumbotrons better looking then they actually are in person. They're replacing the ones in Georgia Dome this season and the multi-million dollars one they're replacing were not all that fancy looking in person. What we have is light years better then what we had and couple gaps that common in big boards and tacky backside is not going to spoil what I feel is awesome scoreboard compared to that piece of crap at the Rubber Bowl.
  6. Ahh, good eye Blue & Gold. We rarely or ever see a photo from that angle. And there's no sagebrush in that brown corner either!Apologies!I was just about to tell you that the other endzone. :lol:I was also going to add it looks like they're cleaning the bush on that hill since they had the open house earlier in the week.
  7. Probably just another 30 days or so. I'm sure they'll be turned off or pointed elsewhere before 09-12.
  8. I accept your disappointment. I was sort of less than thrilled with them after you pointed them out, but after seeing them on Monday I have no problem with them. They fit it to me, they don't stick out like they are cheap IMO. I hope you get to see them in person.That could change my opinion. They do look far better in the postcard like pictures posted taken from the NW towards the Info. This picture remove much of my first disappointment when they were being installed.
  9. I had feeling that was what was going to happen.I'll also not be surprised if the cams don't comeback.Hmmm... Mine's online right now.Minus Captain K comment. The team took the field this morning and the cams went like this.They have comeback. But, if UofA going to use the Info for practice. I don't expect to have the Cams much longer.
  10. I love the the west side and the lights on top of the press tower. That's big time college look all the way.But, IMO the three poles behind the east side stands is slight disappointment IMO.Overall I'm still love Info and feel UofA has 1st class stadium.
  11. Oh I understand. Don't get me wrong, this scoreboard is more than we could have imagined at the Rubber Bowl. However, its the quality of the scoreboard versus the overall quality of the stadium that bothers me. With a structure that looks so beautiful, youd think theyd want a scoreboard that would tie in with the east and west structures. Oh well.As for the lights... seriously? You're really that sour over the lights? I can understand being sad they didn't go with the original rendered design, but are they really that much of a disappointment? Have you seen the pictures everyone has posted of them? They are lightyears better than nearly every high school stadium I've ever seen (Fawcett stadium doesn't count)For comparison purposes, see Cant's stadium and West Virginia's stadiumCan't: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Dix_Stad...East_Stands.JPGWest Virginia: http://www.msnsportsnet.com/page.cfm?section=7920THOSE look more like highschool than ours. Our towers have just as many if not more lights, but are also completely painted in UA Blue. Not trying to start an argument, just pointing it out.The word I keep using is Disappointed. I've never said I'm sour nor I'm I being negative. IMO, had they chosen the graphic design and used the five towers atop the east side stands vs three towers behind the stands is far better look IMO.But, I'm with G-Mann. Why can't I be disappointed in the choice of light poles?But, posters here can hate the scoreboard?
  12. It still light years better then that glorified HS scoreboard at the Rubber Bowl.I'm more disappointed with the light poles on the east side then the scoreboard.I've seen many so called high tech college scoreboards up close and the one at the Info is on par with them.LSU and Bama two big time programs just have LSU and big A on back of their multi-million dollar scoreboards. The front are similar to UofA just larger. The company that did UofA has done many around the country. Several of our posters have posted several here at this site and it easy too many schools have similar scoreboards to what's at the info.
  13. I had feeling that was what was going to happen.I'll also not be surprised if the cams don't comeback.
  14. Great shots The Info is truly impressive and it's easy too the cams don't do the place right. I can't wait until get back too Akron to see it in person.
  15. What fresh concrete did you guys walk through?
  16. I saw that.But, at this point and given the cams.We can't tell if the grass has actually turned brown or maybe it dirt in some thin areas that might need re-doing.I believe we need some much closer pictures to tell if grass turning brown or dirt.
  17. Lately it seems, half the Nation!I think you are right ZW.It might even be more than that. We have a beautiful stadium, with lights that won't even be noticeable during the day. And at night because of the dark blue paint you won't even see the poles. The experience will be vastly superior going to the Rubber Bowl in every way but people have to find the negative in everything.I have noticed the 'grassy knoll' and 'light poll' threads and wondered to myself if they come off with a lack of gratitude for the changes or lack of perspective for where we were not to long ago, but I really don't think anyone intended to come across that way.I'm sure everyone, right down the line, will come forward and tell you how we don't take all this for granted.You just gotta remember that it's a slow period in the summer and people chatter harmlessly.I agree with Zen. The artists renderings are what everyone was expecting, especially out of towner's, and any deviation from what they expected is disappointing. It's a beautiful stadium. It wasn't hard to improve compared to the Rubber Bowl, but I'll miss it. Some might have been fearful having lived through the JAR promise and eventual reality. I was at first. AgreedI've said it several times and I'll say it again. I love the Info and just about anything was going to major improvement over the Rubber Bowl. I don't feel any of us are being negative. We're just disappointed they decided to make changes that were different from the original drawings. I expected some changes as that is usually the case. But, IMO the lighting changes is the most disappointing.That doesn't mean I and anyone else here is being negative about the overall project. I love the overall project and I'm still just excited now as when they turned the Cams on last year. But, we're just expressing disappointment over something we saw in the drawings we liked. That they decided to change. That's not negative IMO. It called being disappointed.
  18. They may look better in person and I'll take your word for it. Is the third pole up? I saw the crane in cam one working a good part of the day. But, we can't see the poles on the cam if it's similar spot to the first pole. As I said. I love the Info. I just a bit disappointed in the light pole selection for the eastside stands and this canvas backside to the scoreboard.I understand the Info Sign where the speakers are. But, a canvas backside.
  19. I'm not worried about the either.I'm just disappointed they made those changes.They (AD) said they were under budget due to the poor economy and many of the construction draws were coming in under budget. Why cut back on the lighting and a possible video board facing Exchange?If, you budgeted 61 mil and you're under budget. Why add the ribbon scoreboard and then cut back on the lights?Don't get me wrong. Overall I'm in love with the Info. I'm just disappointed is some of the changes they've made.
  20. I've seen the poles in person at Fawcett Stadium and I'm no fan of the look.The Info more likely will have more then enough lighting for TV. But, the five tower look in the drawings is far superior IMO to the three cheap looking poles they're putting up.IMO, its like putting a Ford Pinto symbol on Lexus.
  21. AgreedI'm okay with the fact they spread them out.But, I would have perfered the original drawing look.
  22. YepI like the way they're spread out. I'm okay with that.
  23. I'm totally thrilled UofA is no longer the lone Div 1A or FBS school with lights on the field.I'm just disappointed they had five towers on top of the east side stands in the graphics and decided to go with three poles behind the stands. The five towers look reminded me of the major college stadiums around the country. The three poles look behind the stands is too HS for me. I did post a picture of Malone Stadium La-Monroe that had three poles that looked halfway decent. But, I would much perfered the 5 towers on top of the stands Vs three poles behind the stands.But, I'm okay as long as there enough lighting for TV something that was a problem with Rubber Bowl along with the lights being on the field. I still love the Info too this point and I'm not going to too disappointed losing the five pole look. I'm just thrilled the Rubber Bowl will soon be history and UofA is finally on campus.
  24. Would you believe those are fans sitting like that in the picture[?] :blink: I got it off ballparks.com
  25. I can't make out the light pole(s) on the stadium cams. Are they at least tight up against the back of the east stands? No. The first light up isn't seen on the cams. The second is where you see a crane on cam 3. The first pole is not tight to the stands and looks offset from the end of the stands.If, they do something like this. It might not be all bad. This is Malone Stadium La-Monroe in the Sun Belt. One of few I could find where three poles didn't look quite to HS.
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