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Everything posted by bigham78

  1. They're going like gangbusters in putting the field in.
  2. They are rolling out something for the field, maybe the under-lining!!!sweetI saw that. :DI'm really getting jacked now. My trip to Akron was delayed until July and now I'm jacked to see what the progress will be around that time.
  3. Also looks like they are working on the scoreboard/jumbotron foundation.I caught that this morning. I wasn't sure at first. But, I can see that's what they're doing. 2 questions...1. When is the press box glass projected to be done so they can add the other half of the 2nd deck seating?2. Anyone heard any updated news about a seat selection date? I am getting anxious.Thanks!Great questions.I'm more the bit anxious about the pressbox work as well. As of tomorrow 05/22 it will be 90 days when they're supposed to turn over a finished Stadium to UofA on 08/22/09.The only part I'm anxious about is the upper part of the upper deck on the pressbox side. I have no doubts everything will done less the classroom levels in the Pressbox tower. But, IMO they're crunching the time on upper part of the upper deck on the pressbox side.I'm sure they'll have it done. But, I wish they'd started the work on it already.
  4. Agreed.Rutgers didn't break sweat beating Morgan St last year 38 to 0 and Morgan St so called action QB managed 109 yards of total offense. I'm sorry MRasor. But, I'm not impressed by the stats of Morgan St QB when he racked up yards Vs other dregs of the MEAC. The Zips will roll in this one.
  5. I'll second that.Baltimore crime makes Akron seem safe.I'll share just two from Cityrating.com2003 Baltimore 270 murders Akron 16 murdersBaltimore 4,339 roberies Akron 670 roberiesI'm pretty sure the residents of Baltimore would glady take Akron crime statistics over their own. They'd also glady walk South of Exchange Vs some of the DMZ's they have to deal with.
  6. Ah yay, more "we can't" talk. Hell why even bother. Just send 11 scrubs and a grad assistant to collect our check.Pfft. there is always a chance, and I would rather think about the chances and hope that our team plays thinking they can win (less injuries when you play to win then when you just show up and don't try)I never said UofA didn't have chance. Toledo went into Happy Valley in 2000 and kick PSU 26-6.But, I don't believe in down playing any team and comments that are not factual like Harris knows how too win at Penn St something he's never done to this point. I'm sorry I can't let that go when it's wrong.Just like Razor says Morgan St is not your typical Div 1AA team. Rugters beat Morgan St 38-0 last year and held them to 109 yards of total offense. So what makes them not typical just because they have QB who did well Vs other Div 1AA teams?The Harris comment is why reponded. I might have ignore the posts all together if not for that comment.
  7. Walt Harris knows how to beat Penn State at their placeThe only problem is someone is not doing their homework (Razor makes no mention of Walt Harris in his column)Walt Harris was 1-3 Vs Penn St his lone win coming @Pittsburgh 12-0 Vs a very down 2000 PSU team. His two times going to Happy Valley he lost34-17 in 199720-17 in 1999While Penn St is rebuilding off last year Big 10 champion and Rose Bowl team.But, they're talented team that UofA is going to have loads of problems with.Clark returns as Starting QB with 143.4 passer rating coming off passing for 19 TD's and 2,592 yards. That also return their RB's almost 2,000 yards rushing combined.If, UofA 3-3-5 defense doesn't perform far better then last year. Don't for second think UofA is going to go up and shock the State of PA.
  8. Also looks like they are working on the scoreboard/jumbotron foundation.I caught that this morning. I wasn't sure at first. But, I can see that's what they're doing.
  9. YepThey actually started working on field three weeks ago. It's really picked up the past few days.
  10. Big crane along the south endzone up in the scoreboard area. Could this be the first sign of rising of the scoreboard?
  11. The Rubber Bowl Crown was always for drainage from back when they still had grass in early 1970's. They always had drainage issues when it rained and when they replaced the field in 1971 and installed the current lights. They added the crown for better drainage. The last year of grass in 1972 still had many HS and UofA games played in the mud due to the heavy rains that year. When they installed the grass on concrete in 1973. They kept the crown.To be quite honest I never notice it much when I played back in the mid 1970's as many HS had crowns. Norton HS at the time had higher crown then the RB crown.
  12. I wish they let them tear the house down while they settle the issues in court.Take away Morrison Jr illegal benefit he got thanks too dad and be done with it.But, don't leave the eyesore standing for months and months due to legal wrangling by the Morrison's.
  13. I've been asking about those aerial shots as well. I've been using those as screen savers. But, the last one I'm currently using, has snow on the ground. We need an aerial shot update.
  14. Nice to see we will be going with the alternating greens. It looks way better than just one solid carpet of green. I got excited seeing that as well. I was hoping they were going to do that.I love the alternating green look.
  15. Here's the reply from AD office on the field surface and hopefully this once and for will answer all questions on this topic which has been beaten to death and now get harsh replies.Here's the website for the company installing the fieldhttp://www.prograssturf.com/Dear Phil,Thanks for your interest and excitement in the construction of InfoCision Stadium - Summa Field.ProGrass Game Day Turf is the playing surface that will be installed. It will be a monofilament turf system with a rubber and sand mix infill. This system is now favored by most schools installing an artificial surface.All lines, numbers, logos, borders, and naming rights will be inlaid (tufted) into the surface (not painted). There will be contrasting green turf every five yards.ProGrass is on site now preparing the subgrade crown and installing the surface drainage. There will be a 1% crown so the field will not have a concave look.For reference, both the Rubber Bowl and Stile Athletics Field House have an AstroPlay playing surface will all rubber infill. The Field House turf has a 1% crown as well. The Rubber Bowl turf was installed in 2003 over the same subgrade and drainage from the previous turf system (AstroTurf) and thus the traditional high crown. ProGrass also installed the all rubber infill turf at the outdoor practice field.I hope this information helps.Thank you for your support and interest.PaulPaul HammondAssociate Athletics Director for Facilities and OperationsThe University of Akron
  16. Okay... seriously? how many times is this going to be posted out of sheer ignorance? I think by now we get it... its going to be SIMILAR to whats already in place, however that statement doesnt say exactly what it will be. Is this really that big of a deal? It's a playing surface. Regardless of what it is, i just want some kind of surface for our team to play on. Let's just stop posting this and be slightly more intelligent like I think we all are (or at least should be)There is nothing "ignorant" about being interested in more details about the type of playing surface to be installed. There are several varieties of synthetic turf (Field Turf, A-Turf, AstroPlay) as well as different methods for handling drainage.Also, whether or not the field will have a traditional crown, a more modest slope, or is flat if of great interest to the players, coaches and athletic trainers. Crown-less fields play much "faster" and also are highly preferably for soccer, should any soccer games be played at the Info. A flat surface also makes it easier to construct things like concert stages, etc.Thank You Boston Zip.I notice you had only 66 posts and like the new poster of couple days ago who asked was field going to grass or synthetic turf. I thought I was being helpful by posting the data from the Info fact site as just an FYI.I never dreamed just being helpful to new posters too this site was bring those type of respones. I agree there a lot of questions that will be answered in the coming weeks as the field is put in.But, after after the last few attack respones. I'm going to leave all new posters in the dark going forward.
  17. Okay... seriously? how many times is this going to be posted out of sheer ignorance? I think by now we get it... its going to be SIMILAR to whats already in place, however that statement doesnt say exactly what it will be. Is this really that big of a deal? It's a playing surface. Regardless of what it is, i just want some kind of surface for our team to play on. Let's just stop posting this and be slightly more intelligent like I think we all are (or at least should be)Does anyone know what kind of playing surface they are planning on installing as of today?Zipmeister123 Sheer St.Ignorance, Georgia
  18. All scaffolding going up around the endzone facility. :blink: I'm having to go back and look youtube of the info too see just what else they're doing aside from the brickwork on the side.
  19. Okay... seriously? how many times is this going to be posted out of sheer ignorance? I think by now we get it... its going to be SIMILAR to whats already in place, however that statement doesnt say exactly what it will be. Is this really that big of a deal? It's a playing surface. Regardless of what it is, i just want some kind of surface for our team to play on. Let's just stop posting this and be slightly more intelligent like I think we all are (or at least should be)I just sent an email to the AD office and I hope to get the information that will answer this question.
  20. two trenches they dug about a month or more ago are the main drainage system. Field was dug down to the proper depth, now they have to go in with dozers and grade the field. As you may have seen after a big rain, there'd be big puddles of water in the middle of the field. Thats because the field isn't crowned yet to drain the water towards the two large drainage trenches they dug. What they're more than likely doing now is moving dirt from the outside inward to create that crown. Theres really no major drainage systems to put in place right now. Id say definitely within the next month we'll be seeing turf.Not sure which turf surface is being used, but Field Turf offers a drainage system that virtually eliminates the need for a traditional crown. Hopefully that will be the case here, although it looks like there are some black pipes laid down near the newly arrived green equipment. Anyway, I suspect they'll hold off on intsalling the turf until the cranes return to the field to install the remaining steel for the tower side stands.Summa Field’s Playing Surface:• Synthetic (similar to Rubber Bowl, Stile Field House and Schrank Field).
  21. Just for the record, Massillon doesn't have any "paw prints" that go out into the streets. Actually, I don't think they have any on the roads near their football stadium. However, I would like to see some kangaroo prints by the Info! Mogadore does this for their football stadium. (Wildcat paws if I'm not mistaken)Very common here in the South. Tiger Paws, Dawg Paws, Pitchforks, etc, etc,I believe that would be very cool if they did that around the Info.
  22. <br /><br /><br />I'm pretty sure the Family Section is in the upper north-west corner of the stadium, just under the pressbox tower.Thanks. It seemed that way based on the map and where it shows the luxury boxes. However, the structure in the end zone in the map throws me off. Can never figure out if that is the building for the locker rooms (my guess) or the scoreboard.Thanks again.Endzone Facility:• First Floor (Field Level): FOOTBALL GAME DAY FACILITIES - team meeting/locker room for both the Zips and high schools, coaches meeting/locker room, press room, equipment room and restroom/shower area. SPORTS MEDICINE OPERATIONS - treatment/taping area, rehabilitation area, hydrotherapy room, examination/X-ray room, two offices and storage.• Second Floor: sports team programming to be determined.
  23. I thought the same thing, but I believe those will be structures put up as entrances to the endzone facility. Looking at the cams, you can see open shafts at the top where those buildings will be. They'll be used as the main entrances for the stairs and elevators. The west building will have stairs and an elevator, the east side just stairs. Keep in mind I am only basing this off of logical deduction based on the renderings and what i see on the webcams.I'm betting you're correct as I'm seeing the same thing. I don't see UofA having a beer garden at college football stadium.
  24. They do that every year...such a weak schedule and then everyone thinks they are so good because they only lost 1 game...No they don't.They're defending Big 10+1 champions and came within a FG of going undefeated. They lost by two TD's to SC in the Rose Bowl.Alabama was supposed to be on this year schedule. But, Bama backed out and they filled the hole with Costal Carolina last year and Akron this year. It would have been Bama, Oregon St, Syracuse and Temple last year. But, instead remove Bama and insert Costal Carolina. Akron would not have been on schedule this year had Bama not backed out of the contract. Bama did reschedule the games for later. Bama replaced Penn St with Va-tech and their non conference slate looks like thisVa-TechFlorida InternationalNorth Texas ChattanoogaPenn St non conference slate in the past seven years has includedMiami Notre DameBoston College Nebraska In 2003 they played BC and Nebraska back to back week. Before you pick on Penn St non conference slate. I suggest you take a look most of the big boys non conference games. Please be sure to check out the SEC you know the conference that so tough conference games. That all the members decide their non conference slate is little sisters of the poor X 4 every year. You want talk about every year. Florida your defending National Champions has not played a non conference game outside of the State of Florida since 1992.well florida's non-conference schedule included Miami, Hawaii, Citadel, And Florida State...with the exception of the Citadel those teams aren't bad, 2 ACC teams and Hawaii who went to the SugarBowl the previous season. I would say that Penn State's schedule would've been more respectable if they did have Alabama, but they had Coastal Carolina from the FCS. They also played in the Big10 which has really been a disappointment recently. The previous year they had Notre Dame, but opened against Florida International, but also played Buffalo and Temple. I still feel that they will always be overrated. If they would have played say Florida, Georgia, Texas Tech, Oklahoma, etc they would have lost by a lot, similar to the USC game. Even though the Big10 had a few ranked teams, their bowl wins show that it has been weak compared to other conferences.Maybe I'm a bit biased because I am from PA and HATE PennState because of their obnoxious fans and teams filled with criminals.Penn St fans are no more obnoxious then any big schools fans. If, you really think PSU fans are so bad. You should try living down here in the heart SEC country for football and ACC for basketball. I went to PSU games for over 10 years when I lived in NE Ohio and I know PSU fans and they're no worst then any other rabid college football fans of a big program.As for team filled with criminals they're under 85 scholarships from all the suspensions and players kicked off team. Their headlines are no worst then what most programs go through these days with society current warts. The program has never been on NC2A probation for anything. You're more then a bit biased.As for Florida so called great Non Conference 2008 slate. I believe the final scores speak for themselves.Florida 56 Hawaii 10Florida 26 Miami 3Florida 70 Citadel 19Florida 45 Florida 15Hawaii got blasted in Sugar Bowl by UGA 44-10 proving what fraud they were and Miami and Florida St have been down as of late. That non conference slate of Florida for 2008 was about as creampuff as they come.Penn St is also 16-16 lifetime Vs the SEC and Michigan is 20-5-1 Vs SEC. A couple of recent losses by Ohio St hardly means the SEC is far superior to the Big 10+1.
  25. They do that every year...such a weak schedule and then everyone thinks they are so good because they only lost 1 game...No they don't.They're defending Big 10+1 champions and came within a FG of going undefeated. They lost by two TD's to SC in the Rose Bowl.Alabama was supposed to be on this year schedule. But, Bama backed out and they filled the hole with Costal Carolina last year and Akron this year. It would have been Bama, Oregon St, Syracuse and Temple last year. But, instead remove Bama and insert Costal Carolina. Akron would not have been on schedule this year had Bama not backed out of the contract. Bama did reschedule the games for later. Bama replaced Penn St with Va-tech and their non conference slate looks like thisVa-TechFlorida InternationalNorth Texas ChattanoogaPenn St non conference slate in the past seven years has includedMiami Notre DameBoston College Nebraska In 2003 they played BC and Nebraska back to back week. Before you pick on Penn St non conference slate. I suggest you take a look most of the big boys non conference games. Please be sure to check out the SEC you know the conference that so tough conference games. That all the members decide their non conference slate is little sisters of the poor X 4 every year. You want talk about every year. Florida your defending National Champions has not played a non conference game outside of the State of Florida since 1992.
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