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  1. Chris McKnight played the game like his motor skills were a tad bit behind.
  2. Jimond Ivey = Ronnie Steward, Humpty Hitchens, Dakotah Euton and Josh Egner. Kwan Cheatam = Chris McKnight
  3. The defense looks strong and Ivey is doing so well
  4. He had a heart attack watching the piss poor play of the Zips.
  5. Any truth that Treadwell sat out game against Malone because of a fight he got into with dIGGS?
  6. Pat Forysthe player of the game. He played some nice minutes for Zeke. Be a totally different game without him!
  7. Yes who in the world scheduled the Zips to play 4 games in the past 27 days. Hard to get any momentum when you have that much time off!
  8. As a midmajor supporter I love nothing more than to see the Colonial League have as many teams in the sweet 16 as the Big East. Very overrated conference.
  9. why don't they just scrap the akron football team and give the money to the basketball team. We can move the new arena to infocision stadium
  10. Rumor has it Jon Rybak is transferring back to Akron to fill in for Bardo.
  11. how can they be the best overall players when they have never played a collegiate game in their life?
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