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zipsfan33 last won the day on October 26 2023

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About zipsfan33

  • Birthday 06/20/1979

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    Football, hockey, baseball

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  1. For a little clarity, Buffalo joined in 1998 and we joined in 1992. How long until they overtake us in wins?
  2. I guess i missed it getting food. I never heard the announcements though, bummer. Thanks Mark.
  3. Does anyone know why they didn't honor any of the seniors this year?
  4. How often has this ever happened? I would think if it did happen a lot of the guys and coaches maybe(???) would think bad of them for wanting to leave and possibly make it tougher on them. Just a thought, maybe its too old school to think that way?
  5. And he DIDN'T win MVP because by the time he had his 2nd pick 6, the voting had already taken place!
  6. Did anyone notice that #11 and a coach had a shoving match on the sidelines? Joemo came over and spoke to #11 and then the player and coach hugged it out. Anyone notice? I'm thinking it was mid 4th quarter.
  7. I've seen pictures put out by the university. What exactly is that? I'm guessing a big donor program...
  8. Wow week 7 and this will only be WMU's 2nd home game.....
  9. They have been a radio sponsor for as long as I can remember. That song gets stuck in my head.
  10. From the 2020 Media Guide....we all know there hasn't been a 50 yarder since then! 1. 56 Daron Alcorn vs. Toledo, 9-12-92 2. 54 Bob Dombroski at Youngstown State, 10-1-88 3. 53 Jason Swiger at Connecticut, 10-25-03 53 Daron Alcorn at Virginia Tech, 9-2-89 53 Andy Graham at Middle Tennessee State, 11-15-80 6. 52 Zac Derr at Miami (Ohio), 10-13-01 52 Russ Klaus vs. Eastern Michigan, 9-21-85 52 Dennis Heckman vs. Murray State, 10-22-83 52 Dennis Heckman at Middle Tennessee, 10-2-82 10. 51 Robert Stein vs. Ball State, 10-26-13 51 Igor Iveljic at Western Michigan, 10-6-07 51 Daron Alcorn vs. Louisiana Tech, 10-7-89 51 Bob Dombroski vs. Temple, 9-26-87 51 Bob Dombroski vs. Youngstown State, 11-22-86 51 Russ Klaus vs. Eastern Michigan, 9-21-85 51 Brian Ellis at Ball State, 9-28-74 51 Brian Ellis at Western Illinois, 11-10-73
  11. So, does this mean that Joe Dunn is the only one that showed up to the presser?
  12. My tickets are in 6AA endzone Zips section
  13. Come on.... its hard enough to make a field goal against Bowling Green or Can't..... but I like your thinking! 🙂
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