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Everything posted by tboned

  1. To quote a former POTUS. " WE GOT A SHELLACKING"
  2. Great win! As an Alumni and long time supporter of zips athletics, I am stunned that there aren't 5,000 fans at every home game. John Groce is nothing short of spectacular. GO ZIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  3. Interesting comments! I don't have the answer. I know a few people who quit attending games when KD left. As much as I liked KD, I think we have a better coach and a better program with Groce. Unfortunately, I think Groce will move on to greener pasture. I retired from First Energy last year. Several years ago I attended FE alumni game. We had a boxed lunch in the student rec center and the Coach, President, Zippy and I think a player or two came thanked us for our support shook hands etc.etc. etc. I think University comped the event. The theory was get people to one game, and perhaps they will come to additional games. There are still some large employers in the area with many alumni employees. I am thinking of FE, GT,Timken,Gojo etc. My $.02
  4. Well! 45 years of attending games. 20 years of season tickets. My name on the donors plaque outside Infocision. Froze my rear off today. I think i'm finally done. I can't take it anymore.
  5. When you play to lose.....you lose!!!!!!!!
  6. When you consider how low this team had sunk in the TA era, I believe the road ahead is bright! 'the darkest hour is just before the dawn' Good morning zips fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I have not posted or logged on to this site for a few years. I have no real football knowledge as many posters here appear to have. My wife and I have purchased season tickets for many years. If we went to a game in the last years, we always left after the band played at halftime. This year we have stayed till the end for all three games. As I said, I am far from a football guru, but I see tremendous improvement with this team. I believe Joe Moorhead is the real thing. He has a plan for this team and is going to try like heck to execute the plan. Give the man some time.
  8. Aziz is a Pivot man. Freeman is a PF. I don't see a conflict. Though I do think Freeman and Ali had a developing chemistry that will be missed.
  9. Former ABJ sports writer terry Pluto was present last night. Cavs must really be getting to him!
  10. What about my non-player Akron player bobble head? The only one I figure would have any lasting value.
  11. I am the same age as your Dad! I went to games when I was a student, but after graduation I attended very few. You dad re-kindled my interest in the program and my wife and I have bought season tickets for several years. We really enjoyed your Dad's years as coach. Some of those Kent, Ohio and Miami games were unbelievable. I wish him all the best. I know he'll always be a Zip to the core of his soul!
  12. LOL! Your getting confused with the INFO!!!!!
  13. Where's all of our fans? I was at the game as usual. Gee whiz! It is sad this Team is getting so little fan support. Was there 1,000 in attendance last night? We just pummeled two MAC teams in a row!
  14. Is this game the one where season ticket holders have a pregame lunch?
  15. Caught the game on 1350 last night. Nice win! I think this team can slay some Dragons!!!!
  16. Can someone tell me why the game nights have changed so much? I went to SCU game and attendance was putrid. Whatever happen to the Wednesday ,Saturday scheduling.
  17. Just another Howie Chizek knock off! Stick to your day job! Willie's the man!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I was at the game. We need a lot of work in the 3-5 spots. IMO
  19. Brandon Biscoff St.V-M is still playing. I know for certain he plays on all kickoffs.
  20. Wasn't one of our former players, Reggie McAdams working on the re-design and enhancement of the JAR? Come on Reggie!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. I think we look better in the second half, when the opponents starting players are on the bench. At least in the UAB game many starters were pulled in the third period and did not return.
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