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skip-zip last won the day on February 26 2018

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  1. Speaking of game changers: I'll repeat some of what I've said recently on this board. In the short term, I'm just hoping that Hester immediately becomes that 15 ppg scorer that we will need to replace Duvivier's production. I believe he's the best talent out of all of the guys who started play with us last year, and will start next year. And that Riak can at least equal what we'll get in the paint from Sayles and Poke (if he returns) next year. If we can get those two things, we'll be a better team. Then I can move on to hoping that we get a new impact recruit to come here soon.
  2. Sorry you're so sad and angry, and feel compelled to react by resorting to name-calling. Ask mommy to make you milk and cookies and tuck you into bed, and it will feel better in the morning. Davidson's win meant that they could have easily been justified in eliminating another A-10 team. Instead, they gave an additional A-10 team an AT-LARGE bid. Nice try. A-10 - 3 MAC - 1 You can easily go away now and stop watching for every new Dambrot post to come up on your screen, since you "don't care about him". Right?
  3. I thought this was pretty interesting when I looked at the NCAA Tournament bracket this evening. I could go through this thread and see post after post from the Dambrot Haters, discrediting their accomplishments this season, saying that the A-10 was a "weak" and "down" league, and that the MAC is better. Yet, I see that they put 3 Teams in the NCAA Tournament.
  4. Good catch. Thanks. I should have said "In Houston" instead. I'm glad you were able to make that trip. These postseason short-notice things are impossible for me. I wanted to see Cincinnati win, but it was definitely interesting to see that Houston had such a fantastic year right after we knocked them off down there.
  5. Hey, UAZip0510.....You're duplicating my posts.
  6. Yes, absolutely. I can agree with you on this. They were playing THEIR best basketball near the end. Where this thread got "Off The Tracks" was when someone started the ridiculous crap about this team playing better than the previous 2 teams at the end of the year. You can compare this particular team against themselves, and say that they played some better basketball near the end. It should end right there.
  7. Dre, I find many of your posts to be rather brash, and a little over the top. But, it would be impossible for someone to argue with you about this right here.
  8. Just when I thought that LetsGoZips94 should receive the award for conveniently eliminating every fact possible, until they can parse out a snippet in time that might support their false theory, I see this. And let me guess: You're also one of the same people who supports the claim that our performance in the MAC Tournament is the only thing that matters? Yet, you cite our worst tournament performance in 14 years as your supporting evidence of "playing our best at the end of the year"?
  9. I'd say that reaching deep for an obscure piece of data like the score differentials of NCAA games that Buffalo played in, vs. the score differentials of NCAA games that Akron played in, with no other factors involved, is a clear attempt to accomplish just that. And that's what was in your post that prompted the reply I posted.
  10. Every year, someone tries to spit out this cliche that the RPI has been booted from the process, and every year they are wrong. However, you might be getting your wish in the future. "The selection committee still uses RPI to categorize teams" https://www.landof10.com/big-ten/quadrants-ncaa-tournament-2018-selection-committee-bracketology "This could be the last year RPI is the metric embedded in team sheets" https://www.cbssports.com/college-basketball/news/ncaa-tournament-selection-committee-leader-explains-why-even-easy-wins-matter/
  11. So, I guess I can't ever say you don't give up. Now you're touting Buffalo's recent success, and attempting to use that to disparage the most successful era of Akron Basketball ever, yet again? For what reason? I'm sure Keith didn't try to steal your wife. You have to give this up, man. You're at the edge of the cliff, hanging on by your fingernails.
  12. Since you want to ignore the obvious, and want to continue this narrative, let me add a couple more things to what UAZip0510 said earlier. 2015 - An unbelievable 3-wins-in-4-nights streak to get us to the MAC Semifinal, with a roster so decimated that we were unable to accept a postseason bid. 2016 - Advance all the way to the MAC Final 2017 - Advance all the way to the MAC Final 2018 - Eliminated in the MAC Quarterfinal. Our earliest exit from the MAC tournament since 2005. It's inexplicable to me how a few of you continue to insist that we all should all be applauding this last-place season, while simultaneously manufacturing numerous false and disparaging comments to characterize the highly-successful previous seasons. The facts are sitting right in your face, and you choose to ignore them. Why? Did Keith pee in your cereal or something?
  13. Actually, he was a SUPER nice kid. I wish him only the best in what he pursues in his life, and I thank him for the way he represented the UofA, and the exciting memories he gave us watching him on the court.
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