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Everything posted by BirdZip

  1. This is the argument that I made to my son over and over during and after the game. Akron is terrible at the fundamentals: --We can't shoot free throws. --We don't box out. (We can do well at rebounding sometimes, if we have the superior athletes, but it's not because we practice good fundamentals.) --We can't break a press. --We can't effectively apply a press. --Our passing is weak. I've heard Dambrot joke about the free throw shooting after a game with French. Something along the lines of sarcastically saying "Oh yeah, we never practice that" and laughing. Mocking the fans isn't the solution to the problem. The worst part is that the five points above don't just apply to this year. It's a long-standing pattern.
  2. Sorry, but Zeke was not a rebounding machine. Our rebounding machine is still operating--he wears a "1".
  3. Four of his points came on foul shots, so I'd start by saying he'd have maxed out at 16.
  4. Interestingly, here's a quote from the ESPN.com conversation after the game: Be nice to have a decent play called after you use a timeout! The interesting part is that it's an OU fan talking about Jim Christian.
  5. QUOTE(Legend of Zippy @ Dec 2 2013, 03:09 PM) 1.) We are in competition with tosu. For dollars, respect and if we can steal even one player from tosu maybe the NIU and UM games are wins and we go bowling. It matters! They only players we can take from OSU are the ones who know they'll never play there. They're almost exclusively recruiting 4 and 5 stars. Those players aren't coming here. According to this link, OSU signed nine 3-star players making up 36% of their recruiting class. 2.) That 2-loss ASU team and that 3-loss LSU team would roll tosu. ASU probably has two losses because the schedule they played this year is the 4th hardest in the nation. LSU's stands at 27. You miss the whole point. If Akron went undefeated, they'd be sitting behind those teams too. But you'd be happy with that I guess. I would not. 3.) As for MSU, they blow. And yet, they're ahead of NIU, and would thus be ahead of an undefeated Akron. It baffles me why you're so excited about that. 4.) You can take your insightful comments along with typy-typerson and find a board that appreciates a bunch of nothing. I cannot possibly imagine you have a degree from Akron. Actually, I think he has two degrees from UA, so you might want to rethink the juvenile jab. --------------------- I don't think that people wearing OSU gear devalues my degree, but it certainly takes money away from Akron and hurts Akron recruiting both on and off the field.
  6. In preparation for my PhZ dissertation, I've been spending a lot of time on Zn.O lately. My conclusion is that many would prefer to be Miami right now because they have won 6 NCAA tournament games in their history, and Gary Waters should be fired.
  7. While it may sound great (to a student) to forbid those horrible families from sitting in the south upper end zone, if they did that, my son and I wouldn't have many choices on where to sit (upper sidelines full). The problem is the placement of the band in the area I've been sitting for several years, especially with them spreading out to consume the entire middle section. Believe me, the last place I wanted to sit was in the same place as a bunch of students who didn't seem capable of staying in one place for more than 2 minutes at a time. The pre-game intros were lame--per my 12-year old's assessment: "These get lamer every year". In my opinion, at least 2 of Quincy's 6 turnovers should have been charged to someone else. They were great passes that the receiver wasn't ready for. Their fault, not Q's. Nyles over Carmelo any day.
  8. If you pause that video at 3:38, can someone tell me what kind of pants the lady behind the K-ent bench is wearing, if any?
  9. According to the ESPN color guy, Akron has no hope. Play-by-play asked what positives Akron can look to at half time. Color guy responded Akron came into the season with hope, now they don't even have that. Also, according to him: Akron players apparently have no names, just numbers. Every penalty by UCF should have been a no-call, and every penalty by Akron should have resulted in expulsion for stupidity. Looks like I'll have to try to sync up Frenchy.
  10. Ludicrous. This is more of the "gimme, gimme, gimme" thinking of today's younger generation. The University provides tons of opportunitites for "engagement". It's just never enough. As to the argument that "If Wheeling can be successful, therefore Akron can," Wheeling is the main city in that area. It is the big fish in the pond. The closest big city is Pittsburgh. Wheeling doesn't have a Canton and a Cleveland "competing" with it. If a concert promoter wants to get the people from Steubenville, St. Clairsville, etc., it goes to Wheeling, not the other way around, and even in Wheeling there are no other (feasible) options for these activities. Columbus is also the big fish in their pond, etc. As to whether expanding the arena for more than basketball is justifiable, you can't answer that without seeing the numbers. Probably somewhere in this long thread someone has mentioned what the cost difference to build the arena might be. Has anyone quantified the benefit? Figure out the net present value of all the hockey games, dog shows, ping pong tournaments, etc., and compare that to the increased capital cost to build the greater arena. If the benefits don't eclipse the cost, it's not justified. If the benefits are greater than the cost, then make the case. "I like hockey" isn't enough to justify a huge capital expense.
  11. You're right. Some of my best childhood memories are humiliating my best friend. Whenever I was ahead at anything, i always made sure i kicked him in the nadz at least once, just to ensure he was inspired to get better. Unwritten rules of basketball: See number 3. I have no problem with running up the score (to a point) under normal circumstances. Shoot your threes, play regular defense, etc., but at some point is crosses a line. I agree with those that say this is big boy basketball and if you don't like it, get better. Any rational person can see that you have to make sure you win the game, beyond any doubt. Any rational person should also be able to see, though, that at some point it's overboard. Shaka gave KD a proverbial kick in the nadz.
  12. +1000. Prior to this game, I rooted for VCU every chance I got. Can't do that anymore. You can say all you want about "this is the tournament" and participation trophies, but these guys are supposed to be friends. One of my friends (an OU fan) summed it up pretty well for me: "I don't see how they can still be friends after what that VCU coach did." Up by 40 halfway through the 2nd half and still running the full court trap--d-bag indeed. Watching the Michigan game now and thoroughly enjoying it. Michigan up by 30. Michigan did some things I wish we would have thought of like bringing more than one guy to the ball when taking it out--that's just crazy!
  13. I just love his Tree-bounding, and his Tree-fense is pretty darn good, too.
  14. Birdzip, Mother Hen and the two chicks are headed north on Thursday. Sitting in the nosebleeds. Go Zips!
  15. Worthless interview from an Akron perspective. Spent 3+ minutes talking about the VCU band. Zero minutes talking about the opening game. Shaka said not one word about Akron. Announcers mentioned Akron twice in passing, vaguely.
  16. Shaka Smart to be interviewed next on SVP and Rusillo (ESPN Radio) (2:15 Monday)
  17. I found it quite easy to buy tickets online through Ticketmaster, as I believe others have said as well. Actually, it seemed easier this year than 2 years ago for Chicago. Won't be all bunched up with everyone else, but we'll be in the arena. Can't expect everything to be perfect. Take what you can get and enjoy the ride.
  18. This is exactly what I keep thinking about. I hear some of the local media talking about how hot Can't is, etc., but they played us a day after our world was rocked, without our starting point guard, and they beat us by 4. Let KD revise his line-ups to keep a sharp shooter out there with Carmelo and the players some time to gather themselves, and we're OK. The other thing i like is that, if we win on Friday, Saturday's opponent likely won't leave the Q until after midnight.
  19. I guess we're not the only conference with bad refs. The refs for the NDSU / SDSU game... Officials: Bo Boroski, Terry Wymer, Lamont Simpson The game itself was great, though, except at the end when SDSU couldn't handle pressure.
  20. I would also guess that he didn't get much sleep the night before the game. I know I wouldn't have if on the eve of the biggest rivalry game of the year, I found out that I just went from 5-10 minutes at back-up to the focus of everyone. I thought Carmelo did excellent given the circumstances. Most of the folks on the board critiquing him would probably wet their pants if put into that situation, myself included. I also thought the crowd did an excellent job showing Carmelo they were behind him when they announced his name. Giant roar. I got a little verklempt...
  21. Zips should pass out free candy tonight as people walk through the door:
  22. BirdZip


    From the album: Miscellaneous

  23. Unfortunately, in Nick's last 5 games he is 6-13 from the line (46%). I think at one point in the season Nick was leading the team in FT percentage, but the last several games have not helped that cause. Harney has played 25 games this year. His FT results in 5-game clumps: Games 1-5: 10-15 (67%) Games 6-10: 12-15 (80%) Games 11-15: 9-13 (69%) Games 16-20: 10-11 (91%) Games 21-25: 6-13 (47%) Overall: 47-67 (70%) From 3-Land, Harney is 10-44 (23%). It appears on 2-point field goals he is 82-147 (56%).
  24. I just figure if he has the teams that he himself claims are the last 4 in as 12 & 13 seeds, and Akron as an 11 seed, isn't he saying Akron is a better team? There are probably intricacies to the method that I don't understand.
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