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Everything posted by BirdZip

  1. I'll check with George Mason and let you know...
  2. There's nothing to discuss. He'd look like an overweight hairball sitting at the end of the bench.
  3. Facts are the ruination of many otherwise strong arguments. My expectations next year are that we'll crack into the Top 25 at some point.
  4. If you had Zeke down low being double teamed, that may have opened up a look for someone else. Instead we had three guys standing all together. And to claim Alex's 3 was wide open is a little inaccurate. He had 2 guys on him and was fading left when he took it (IIRC). It was not a good play. No reason to defend it--it just wasn't a good play. Zeke was awesome last night. His fast break dunk should be Top 10 on ESPN.
  5. He will end his career as the all time leader in blocked shots. If there was a stat kept for altered shots, he would have blown any predecessors out of the water. I too would like to see Zeke be a little more aggressive on offense, etc., but the dude's been pretty good.
  6. UMBC record: 2008-09: 15-17 2009-10: 4-26 I choose winning. Don't get me wrong--I love watching Chauncey play, and I think he can be a valuable member of this team. I am, however, a huge proponent of "team". Yelling at your coach, bad mouthing the other players--not so much a fan of that.
  7. Nice link. The piece i believe JSF is referring to: Section 17. Basket-Interference and Goaltending Penalties Art. 1. When the violation is at the basket of the opponent of the offending player, the offended team shall be awarded: a. One point for basket interference or one point and (men) a CLASS B technical foul or (women) a player/substitute technical foul for goaltending when, during a free throw, the ball is on its upward or downward flight. b. Two points when during a two-point field-goal try. c. Three points when during a three-point field-goal try. However, I also see the following: Section 13. Games with Replay/Television Equipment Art. 1. Courtside replay equipment, videotape or television monitoring must be located on a designated courtside table (i.e., within approximately 3 to 12 feet of the playing court), in order to be utilized by game officials. An on-screen graphic display on the monitor may be used only when the display is synchronized with the official game clock. … Art. 7. The officials shall not use such available equipment for judgment calls such as: a. Determine who committed a foul or whether a foul occurred. Exception: A flagrant foul b. Determine whether basket interference or goaltending occurred. So if I read it right, they got the call right after reviewing it, but it was not a reviewable play.
  8. Not everyone in the MAC was scheduled to play Temple, so some teams still have all their games. The teams that were slated to play Temple are missing a MAC game from their schedule. Those MAC teams will simply play each other and be done I would think.
  9. BirdZip


    From the album: Miscellaneous

  10. BirdZip

    Kent Text Book

    From the album: Miscellaneous

  11. I've got nothing new to add here. I just like resurrecting this every year...
  12. Dictionary.com's word of the day for March 2: cant\ kant \ , verb, noun; 1. To talk hypocritically. 2. To speak in the whining or singsong tone of a beggar; beg. noun: 1. Insincere, especially conventional expressions of enthusiasm for high ideals, goodness, or piety. 2. The private language of the underworld. 3. The phraseology peculiar to a particular class, party, profession, etc. 4. Whining or singsong speech, especially of beggars. I can't make this stuff up.
  13. Never said anything about being in the paint, and certainly never implied he should leave him open for 10-15 footers. Just said you don't need to be out all the way to the 3-point line. No matter how long you've "been around basketball", doesn't change that fact.
  14. And I love Brian Walsh. Great basketball mind, smooth shot, excellent rebounder. I'd like to see us run more through him, not less.
  15. Random replies: Someone said that Zeke is out at the three point line because they are playing man-to-man so if his man is out there he needs to be out there. Actually, I think that's only in kindergarten games. In big-boy basketball, if the man you're guarding isn't a threat to hit a 3, and you're 7 feet tall, you play off to guard the real scoring threat in the lane / position for a rebound. And Zeke is coached to be out there--KD's defense has the big man picking up the guard coming off the high screen with the intention being that you immediately cut him off, stopping their play, then ideally switch off. When it's Zeke, though, that neutralizes a big part of his upside. I agree that Brett McClanahan shouldn't be getting 15 minutes. The way he's been playing, he probably shouldn't be getting 15 seconds. I too would like to see more of Chauncey. However, I've witnessed several times Chauncey being pretty disrespectful to KD on the bench. If you wonder why he isn't playing much, maybe that has something to do with it. if you're the coach and someone is constantly talking back to you or arguing with you, does that make you want to play him more? I highly doubt that KD wanted McClanahan launcing that 25-foot 3-pointer given how he barked his ear off after he took it. With that being said, someone above questioned KD's ability to draw up an effective play and then someone questioned that statement. I can think back to about 20 different times where KD called time out at the end of a half or the end of a game and the team came out and looked like the keystone cops. The track record is not good. In the same category is at the end of this game where the ball is inbounded to the corner after a tiem out, we trap but don't go for the ball/foul, then wait until #1 gets the ball to foul the 90% free throw shooter. What kind of strategy is that? Our big men don't pass. Buffalo recognized it and took advantage of it. Granted refs were not great but Buffalo was last night. They earned that win.
  16. If your wife served you a turd for dinner, would you gratefully eat it up because the filet mignon you had last night was so delicious? Yes, the Zips have been filet mignon for much of the season, but last night they were a turd, plain and simple.
  17. Let's not let a juvenile need to try and prove someone wrong (especially by nitpicking) hijack this thread. There are obviously too many other variables involved to prove anything conclusively, but if the data set is large enough, you could argue for a correlation. If two attributes or measurements show a tendency to vary together, then they are indeed correlated. That does not, however, mean that one is the cause of the other. Some other factor could be influencing both of these. Or, perhaps one is indeed causing the other, but it is in the opposite direction (less PT because the shooting is bad). We may never know...
  18. Not sure what yo basing this on. KD has already shown he will do that. He is still playing Brett McClanahan, but not nearly as much as previously, and certainly not as much as yo would expect if he was favoring his seniors. And the other senior, Nikola, despite shooting ill-advised threes, leads the team in rebounds and is second in scoring. He is frustrating at times, but he is also contributing. Plus I thought his defense yesterday was pretty good.
  19. I'm really starting to feel bad for your dog...
  20. I say, in honor of Charlie, one of the Rowdies digs out the giant McNees head and holds it up the entire game, or at least whenever Akron hits a three. I think if Charlie never sees Steve's mug again it will be too soon, so why not some friendly ribbing in the form of a 3-ft tall wavy-haired head?
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