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Everything posted by BirdZip

  1. Commercials work fine, but no game. MAC Sports -- Think Smaller
  2. One of the things that has irritated me when we play Ohio these last couple of years is that Cooper would continually dice through the lane and not once get put on his back by a hard foul. If someone was continually doing that to my team, at least once I'd give him a reason to think twice about it. Maybe Forsythe will step up in that regard and remind the guards who owns the lane. Volkswagens vs. Mack trucks...
  3. Getting back to when attendance will change, my family had Family Plan season tickets for the past three years. This year, after 2 years of 1-11, a significant increase in ticket price, an hour drive each way, and two kids in fall sports, we decided to pass on season tickets. I've been watching every game online, though, and decided to come down for the BG game with my son. We got free tickets from a generous fan (thanks) for the lower section, but decided to sit up top. My son wanted to sit in the very top row, so we did. There was no-one within at least 20 rows of us and several sections to the left and right. Within 1 minute of sitting down, though, the usher (Mohawk Man) was on us asking if we had tickets for that section. I told him we actually had tickets for the lower bowl but wanted to sit up there. He said we couldn't if we didn't have a ticket for that specific seat. I pointed out the absence of any warm bodies within a mile-and-a-half of me and he said they were told to be very strict about seating. I eventually talked him into allowing us to stay in the top row, agreeing to move if anyone came near the seat, but he watched us like a hawk throughout the first half. Why treat a fan like that? For those seats? I think I liked watching at home better...
  4. Start with a 500 with a red circle and line through it (like a "No U-Turn" sign). Then underneath something like "No Falcon Way" or "Not A Falcon Chance".
  5. Maybe I missed a previous discussion on this, but the schedule appears all jumbled up this year. It appears that we open MAC play with three games against the West, then start flip-flopping between the West and East teams until the final 5 games. Anyone know what the reasoning was for the change?
  6. Maybe he heard a police siren and just bolted along the nearest clear path due to instinct.
  7. BirdZip


    From the album: Miscellaneous

  8. BirdZip


    From the album: Miscellaneous

  9. BirdZip


    From the album: Miscellaneous

  10. OK, since CK posted, I'll conclude that we can participate without being banned. John C. Hitt, University President: Leslie Nielsen:
  11. BirdZip


    From the album: Miscellaneous

  12. BirdZip


    From the album: Miscellaneous

  13. Dude, you misspelled "no". This is one case where the grammar police are actually welcome. I mean, if you can't spell "no"...well, then you probably can't read my post, so what am I doing...
  14. Perhaps the solution is free Wi-Fi in the JAR (or maybe that already exists) and advertise it as a group chat instead of a game.
  15. I stand corrected. The Catholic church is a horrible institution. Let's all have a church burning party. No-one (in their right minds) would ever seek to justify a cover-up of sexual abuse or the abuse itself, but to assume that all Catholic organizations are guilty by association is absurd. Your allusion to the scandal and cover-up is valid and, handled correctly, could lead to an interesting discussion. However, your condemning of Notre Dame simply because it is a Catholic institution (and associating it with child abuse) is ignorant. There is nothing more dangerous than the conscience of a bigot.--George Bernard Shaw I would advocate shutting PSU football down until the investigation is complete (otherwise how can you know whether or not guilty parties still exist within the program) and would gladly campaign for the removal of any involved in the cover-up, but I certainly won't throw the volleyball coach under the bus just because he works for PSU.
  16. If this is a slam at the Catholic church then there's no reason why this post should not be removed. I'll keep my further comments to myself since I'm not 100% sure that is what you were getting at.
  17. On the subject of speaking out of both sides of their mouth, at the beginning of this thread we had several peole saying that the NCAA should stay out of this. In fact, the results of the voting as of this writing have the poll winner being that the NCAA should stay out of it. Yet at the same time many of the same people are saying that waht the NCAA sis is terrible because it does not help the victims. So they should help the victims but not punish the perpetrators? Penn State should seek to help the victims. The NCAA should seek to help ensure that this is less likely to happen again in the future. Crippling a program like this is a nice reminder to anyone else put in this situation in the future that the best thing to do is to end it rather than cover it up.
  18. This article serves to remind me how much I don't understand about college athletics. The conference decides if a medical hardship is granted, not the NCAA? Seems odd to me--opens the door to a conference routinely giving their best players extra time if desired for the strength of the conference, which translates to more money for the conference. Is that correct? And if so, can the MAC just turn around and grant him one?
  19. I'm not sure that money necessarily helps the victims either. We throw money to victims for a lot of things, but it doesn't necessarily always make sense. Do the victims need that much money for their mental health? If that was for some foundation or charity in general, that much money would make sense, helping victims beyond PSU. I was thinking more along the lines of keeping this is in the news or at least keeping it as a topic of discussion. If games are being held in an empty stadium, that makes the news and has an impact. The victims can likely sue PSU and get all kinds of money from a civil case (I'm not a lawyer, so no idea how easy that is). The opportunity being presented here is to send a message that this is unacceptable--not only at PSU but anywhere else it may be occurring. Shine a light on it and keep the batteries charged.
  20. Yes, leave the statue up. Then, build a pigeon house directly above it and feed the pigeons Ex-Lax. I voted death penalty, and the NCAA shouldn't have to do anything. PSU itself should shut down the program, at least temporarily, until it completes the full investigation. Is there no-one still working there that knew about this and let it continue? No-one? The other thought I had was to let them play their games but not allow any fans at their home games. That would obviously be a financial penalty but might also be a symbolic continued moment of silence in the stadium in recognition of what was done to the victims.
  21. Not far off... Nicely ends up at Lake Erie
  22. So if I'm driving a used Yugo and someone offers me an even trade for a certified pre-owned Mercedes, I should simply say, "Why would I want what someone else didn't want?" Got it. The leftovers above are still looking pretty good to me, especially if you are willing to take off the football-only blinders.
  23. Maybe they wanted him for the next brawl with Cincinatti.
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