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Everything posted by GP1

  1. Agreed. Has his performance been even better this year?
  2. I have an entry, but not a player. I don't even know the answer because I don't see enough games. Is the most improved person on the team Groce? He was.a high level coach to begin with and now maybe better YOY. He lost a lot after last year and the team seems to be better.
  3. He was saving 60 first graders from a burning school bus. Seriously , I'm sure he was around. It's recruiting season.
  4. Relationships with coaches and players have become transactional with nIL and Transfer Portal. Transactional relationships provide the least trust and loyalty. Knowing this, take him back.
  5. This happens a lot. Replay ruins the fan experience and should be eliminated, but that's another topic.
  6. It could have been worse. They could have had 10 interns with Gopros five feet away.
  7. Here is some perspective on the national debt. If we paid the $34 trillion national debt off $1.00 per second without interest accumulated, it would take over 1.1 million years to pay it off. 1.1 million years ago, Homo Erectus was the dominant humanoid on Earth. Someone needs to snap the country out of this insanity or something will.
  8. "Akron could be playing better." - Captain Obvious
  9. Search committees don't make the ultimate decision.
  10. If Akron cuts half of the professors in the Polymer Engineering School, they can still maintain the core research that drives funding and churn out a decent number of PhDs. For easy math, let's round up to 20 professors. Because of their own research and teaching responsibilities, a single professor can sit on a PhD committee for at most 4 candidates. That's 80 candidates. If the field is narrowed down to 40 in the core fields, it's still a pretty good number. It is true this will make the ABJ, which almost nobody reads. It is also true it will be reported on the local TV news which almost nobody watches. Seems like it would be easy enough to explain to the public with little effort.
  11. My experience in life is being "right" is little more than the boobie prize. It's a lesson I learned long ago from a building contractor. People go broke all the time trying to be right about things that don't matter.
  12. If they force a basketball player to attend a softball game for recognition, how long would he stick around after?
  13. I giggle a little every time I see the phrase "Jags" used.
  14. Ok. I'll do it on the cheap for as last they want me as long as I don't have to wear a tie to work. Im not kidding when I say I could do a better job than the past couple of ADs.
  15. People say that when someone says or writes something and uses the word "but", they don't mean what they said before the word, but I do because my question is practical and not personal. GVH is a great guy, but what is his experience in working in or running a successful athletic department? One analysis HR directors make at companies when cuts are made is how much money someone made at a company throughout their tenure. This is why highly paid employees come and go so quickly compared to lifers. GVH did not become a millionaire working for the University, but he made a lot of money over a long career which will also lead to a healthy government pension when he retires. His time was well served and appreciated by many. It is best for him and the University of he does something else at the end of his career. Bringing him back shouldn't be an option.
  16. It will make the NFL better.
  17. https://www.winstonsalem.com/2024/09/new-entertainment-destination-the-grounds-coming-to-winston-salems-deacon-boulevard-area/ I'm hoping that they can have most or all of this complete by time the Zips come to town. It's really a large and ambitious project. The area around the various areas was very run down.
  18. I paid $25 to park for the Wake Forest vs Pittsburgh game last Saturday. Didn't think twice about it. Thousands of other people did as well.
  19. I guess my beef with athletic directors in general is they are figureheads making sure all of the paperwork gets pushed in the right direction. Almost none of them are effective visionaries. Recent decades have proven most execute visions that are ruinous to their organizations.
  20. Sometimes an organization can have people on staff who can get things done if they're just given a chance.
  21. I was thinking about this thread as I watched the success of the Zips basketball team. I'm really proud of their accomplishments in the face of a lot of institutional head winds. What would it say about career athletic directors if Akron can maintain a top level basketball team while at same time getting the football program turned around? I know Ohio U has a graduate degree in sports management. What if we are creating a group of "experts" in college athletics who are little more than mental midgets bankrupting every institution they touch? What if we could have a good mac athletic department with a professor heading up the department part time as long as the subordinates were competent? Just sort of thinking out loud.
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