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Dix Stadium Vandalized?

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Did you notice how both articles clearly point out that vandals were "operating under the name of"?I think it's apparent even to them that it was fraudulent.It takes a LOT of hate to try to set someone else up by defacing your own stadium.Some of these people at Can't has enormous chips on their shoulder.Message to Can't. It's not a psychological burden. Having spirited rivals and all the ribbing is supposed to be fun. If you take it that personal, you really need to get a new hobby. Politics suits you. People in politics are wayyy too serious and hate in politics is protected by the first amendment. If you're on about setting up student orgs at other schools, you need a new life.

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Apparently, Frenchie discussed this a bit on WNIR this morning (but it wasn't at 7:15 am, 'cause I was listening then). It smells of a "setup" to me. I love the way Martin just assumes it was UA students in the second link.<a href="http://www.akronnewsnow.com/news/itemdetail.asp?ID=23350&section=news&subsection=localnews&title=Vandals_Deface_Can't States_Dix_Stadium" target="_blank">Link 1</a>Link 2
This is clearly K-ent students. An "intelligent" ploy to stir up problems. The photo shows "K-ent Sucks" spray painted on a barrier. K-ent students refer to themselves as "K-ent." We, students and particularly crazy alumni, refer to them as "K-ent State." As in chants of "K-ent State Sucks!" and "Can't Read, Can't Right K-ent State." ;) In all seriousness, this is ridiculous. It just wreaks of trying to bait someone into vandalizing ICS. I hate those guys as much or more than the rest of us and there's no way I would EVER consider damaging university property. I also like the pot-shot "Akron U" comment at the end of the second link. That guy is a regular on K-ent's message boards.
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What's next? Pot leaf on the water tower? :rolleyes: :screwks:Akron students taking over K-ent section at the basketball game = great college prank!
As one of their fans points out, the hyphen of the Rowdies mark is in the wrong spot. This is probably some ploy for them to create a rally cry for their pathetic football team or of course a ploy to vandalize ICS. I have a hard time believing someone on our side would be that stupid for that reason. Anyway, their stadium is ugly enough. It doesn't need to be vandalized.
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I really don't think this was a "set-up" by K-ent students or fans. Frankly, most students at K-ent don't care about U of A enough to deface their own stadium.I think this was done by someone tied to U of A but not necessarily a AK Rowdy or whatever its called.Just put yourself in our place, if this happened to you with the same stuff written but geared towards Akron, I'm sure the fingers would be pointed right back.Keep the rivalry clean and fun, and by no means is this funny, as some of you think it is.

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I think this was done by someone tied to U of A but not necessarily a AK Rowdy or whatever its called.
If it was, I will be the first not to hesitate to condemn the action.No matter who did it, whatever their motivation, one thing is for sure. They should be punished. Vandalism is property damage.... so I hope that they are caught.If you want to send a message. Get a billboard.
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That's just stupid, whoever did it. A little bit funny, but very stupid. I doubt it was an AK-Rowdy, because they all have those shirts so they know how to spell their own group's name.I don't know how parking works at K.SU, but if somebody tried this at Akron, they would have gotten a parking ticket without a pass, even though it's summer. If it's the same deal over there, it was either a student with a pass or they walked to the stadium with their vandalizing equipment in hand.

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One of the schools in my local district was vahdalized about 2 weeks ago. They broke in and spray painted the walls with slogans that made it appear that it was done by fans of our rival. This week they arrested three people and all three were students(present&former) of our district. Crazier things have happened.http://www.thesuburbanite.com/news/x147091...andals-arrested

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One of the schools in my local district was vahdalized about 2 weeks ago. They broke in and spray painted the walls with slogans that made it appear that it was done by fans of our rival. This week they arrested three people and all three were students(present&former) of our district. Crazier things have happened.http://www.thesuburbanite.com/news/x147091...andals-arrested
It just seems like that sorta thing. I'm not saying it's impossible, but most people are not crazy enough to go all 'mission impossible' and ninja into rival territory and vandalize.People who walk by a spot everyday and more comfortable with the area are much more likely to try to pull something like this off. In fact, I would bet money it's someone who lives on or near campus.
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Headline: Dix Stadium VandalizedSub headline: Net Result -- $15,000 ImprovementMy favorite part:

"It definitely got their attention," said flushes head coach Doug Martin. "They are a pretty intense group to begin with, but today's practice had a little more of an edge to it than usual."
You can tell from the K.e.n.t practice photo in today's Record-Courier, Julian Edlemann is P-I-S-S-E-D!!070903-1209.JPG
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One of the schools in my local district was vahdalized about 2 weeks ago. They broke in and spray painted the walls with slogans that made it appear that it was done by fans of our rival. This week they arrested three people and all three were students(present&former) of our district. Crazier things have happened.http://www.thesuburbanite.com/news/x147091...andals-arrested
It just seems like that sorta thing. I'm not saying it's impossible, but most people are not crazy enough to go all 'mission impossible' and ninja into rival territory and vandalize.People who walk by a spot everyday and more comfortable with the area are much more likely to try to pull something like this off. In fact, I would bet money it's someone who lives on or near campus.
A few years ago, two kids at Walsh High School decided to take a truck and turf their home football field a few days before their rivalry game with Hoban. At first, all kinds of hell broke loose at Hoban with police investigations, "retaliation" vandalism, and lots of badmouthing happening between students. They day of the game, before school was over, the two Walsh kids were caught and the school tried to sweep it under the rug with a "no hard feelings, right?" thing.My point is, stuff like this happens more than you think, where the school's own fans pull something off and blame it on the other school. If you've ever watched MTV's 'High School Stories", you'll see something like this every other episode (note: I don't watch it anymore, but it always seems to be on the TV when i walk in the room and someone else is watching).
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Headline: Dix Stadium VandalizedSub headline: Net Result -- $15,000 ImprovementMy favorite part:
"It definitely got their attention," said flushes head coach Doug Martin. "They are a pretty intense group to begin with, but today's practice had a little more of an edge to it than usual."
You can tell from the K.e.n.t practice photo in today's Record-Courier, Julian Edlemann is P-I-S-S-E-D!!070903-1209.JPG
:lol: Julian looks like he packed on some more muscle for this year too.
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I wonder when the "payback" will be. I know it's coming. Will they trash the Rubber Bowl? or will they try to get the new stadium, even though none of the existing structure will be visible once it's complete?Won't they feel like asses when it's announced that one of the bonehead Can't fans started it all.

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I just hope they catch whoever did this. Then, as punishment, the judge has them marched out in the middle of Dix stadium right before kickoff. There is an announcement that they vandalized the stadium, they are marched around in front of the stands so fans from BOTH teams can throw stuff at them. :tomato: Then, they get to sit in the opposing schools student section for the entire game. :chair: Now that I think of it, I'll bet this was the work of an OSU fan! ;)

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I just hope they catch whoever did this. Then, as punishment, the judge has them marched out in the middle of Dix stadium right before kickoff. There is an announcement that they vandalized the stadium, they are marched around in front of the stands so fans from BOTH teams can throw stuff at them. :tomato: Then, they get to sit in the opposing schools student section for the entire game. :chair: Now that I think of it, I'll bet this was the work of an OSU fan! ;)
This kind of thing has been going on for a long time...cikkek_24578.jpg
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