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Bad News for Opposing MAC QB's

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This must be related to the WHO's latest announcement regarding a NEW potential flu epidemic. It's epicenter is reportedly expected to occur at the corner of Exchange and Spicer and the outbreak is predicted to peak in September. Officials are now calling it the BAIN STRAIN.

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Captain,Great news about Bain. Let's wish him luck in summer lifting so that he doesn't reinjure himself. Thanks for sharing the inside information you get with all of us who are starved for Zip news. I can now sleep well. Our chances of having the defense we need to win just got a lot better.I still hate the 3-3-5! :wave:

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Let's hope that Bain can play without any pain. If he doesn't he will probably complain.If we could have he and Henderson on the DL that would be insane.Opposing QB's will need to buy a cane.That is if they even get off the train.Of course this is Akron so he will probably get hurt by some rain.But that's ok, it's better than busting your head open on a water main.That guy is huge, I bet when he dumps he clogs a drain.I just hope he can keep a healthy body and a healthy brain.For if he does the opposing offense will feel the pain.let's just hope with all of this time off he didn't have much weight gain.Cuz if he did, he won't have the quickness of a great dane.And that would lead all of our excitement to wane.Come on Ryan bring the pain...

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  • 3 months later...

Yeah, #92 was out there, but your avatar is fitting because he sure as hell looked like he needed a doctor yesterday. A couple of us watching him play noticed that he moved very gingerly (if that's possible for a man his size) and it looked like he was hurting (back). I should be happy as hell to have seen Bain out there, but I found myself wincing most of the time I watched him. He was still getting a decent push but it looked like his ability to run once the plays developed was not there at all. To play with back pain the way he appears to be doing is amazing.

Anybody happen to catch Bain on the field yesterday? I saw him get double teamed a few times. I think they held him once (and we got the call) I'm only guessing here, but I would say he was in for 9 plays?!?
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