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Tailgate at Akron


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Hey guys:Can you give me a primer on what to expect? I'm bringing maybe upwards of 30 folks to tailgate in Akron for Sept 4th.Any lessons learned from 2009 on tailgating.Is there a good spot we should try to get? Actually I hope to meet some of you guys...our group is a bunch of good guys/gals who enjoy the comraderie of football with other teams' fans.Can visiting fans park in the yellow credentialed lots or must we go to the blue lots? If we have to go Blue..do any of them have grassy spots to set up?What are the must do restaurants, bars in Akron?Any good motels to recommend?Any speciality foods?Is there a decent golf course nearby...one that is fairly affordable (maybe under $35 for a round)BTW, Akron did a nice job on your Gameday CentralThanks for your help...Mark

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specialty foods - sauerkraut balls were supposedly invented in Akron (or at least northeast Ohio)golf - Firestone (PGA's home of the Firestone Tournament; not sure on fees there, probably more than $35) - Brandywine (back 9 is interesting) - Goodpark (decent municipal course)restaurants - Crave, Big City Chophouse, Bricco, House of Hunan, Cilantro Thai, Luigi's are all downtown and good. Spaghetti Warehouse is also downtown but not as good however they can accommodate large parties

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specialty foods - sauerkraut balls were supposedly invented in Akron (or at least northeast Ohio)golf - Firestone (PGA's home of the Firestone Tournament; not sure on fees there, probably more than $35) - Brandywine (back 9 is interesting) - Goodpark (decent municipal course)restaurants - Crave, Big City Chophouse, Bricco, House of Hunan, Cilantro Thai, Luigi's are all downtown and good. Spaghetti Warehouse is also downtown but not as good however they can accommodate large parties
As a note, Luigi's only takes cash. I think it's worth it for their pizza, though.There's also the world's ugliest Buffalo Wild Wings across the street from the stadium.Swenson's has good/great burgers. It's a classic drive-up where you eat in your car.If you're looking for more generic restaurants like Applebees, they're located on Howe Avenue near Chapel Hill Mall, about 5 miles north of campus. It's a straight shot up State Route 8.
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I believe there were two definitive tailgating threads on ZN last year, one before the first home game and one after, that have some useful info. I'll include both links below, and if anyone knows of any other useful tailgating threads, they can add to these:Pre Home Opener Tailgating ThreadPost Home Opener Tailgating Thread

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As far as tailgating, I don't think you'll be able to get into the credentialed lots. Not sure which lots have any grassy areas, but no matter which one you choose you'll have to get there early to claim it.Alcohol is technically prohibited on campus.
So the credentialed lots are for season pass holders? No worries we'll park in a blue lot. I expect to set up 4 hours prior. Any favorite lot in the blue areas? BTW, we will be bringing over Hoffman Coneys (Offically called Snappys)...they are real tasty and we share. :) Also, will bring some NY micro beer and would love to exchange for some of that good stuff that comes out of Cleveland I heard about.I read that Lot 34 is happening...is it still that way? Would we be welcomed there or is there a better lot for visitors?
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specialty foods - sauerkraut balls were supposedly invented in Akron (or at least northeast Ohio)golf - Firestone (PGA's home of the Firestone Tournament; not sure on fees there, probably more than $35) - Brandywine (back 9 is interesting) - Goodpark (decent municipal course)restaurants - Crave, Big City Chophouse, Bricco, House of Hunan, Cilantro Thai, Luigi's are all downtown and good. Spaghetti Warehouse is also downtown but not as good however they can accommodate large parties
As a note, Luigi's only takes cash. I think it's worth it for their pizza, though.There's also the world's ugliest Buffalo Wild Wings across the street from the stadium.Swenson's has good/great burgers. It's a classic drive-up where you eat in your car.If you're looking for more generic restaurants like Applebees, they're located on Howe Avenue near Chapel Hill Mall, about 5 miles north of campus. It's a straight shot up State Route 8.
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As far as tailgating, I don't think you'll be able to get into the credentialed lots. Not sure which lots have any grassy areas, but no matter which one you choose you'll have to get there early to claim it.Alcohol is technically prohibited on campus.
So the credentialed lots are for season pass holders? No worries we'll park in a blue lot. I expect to set up 4 hours prior. Any favorite lot in the blue areas? BTW, we will be bringing over Hoffman Coneys (Offically called Snappys)...they are real tasty and we share. :) Also, will bring some NY micro beer and would love to exchange for some of that good stuff that comes out of Cleveland I heard about.I read that Lot 34 is happening...is it still that way? Would we be welcomed there or is there a better lot for visitors?
Cleveland?! How insulting. This is an AKRON board. Besides, the best microbrew you'll find is straight outta the Rubber City. It's Hoppin' Frog and it's the best beer you'll ever taste. I even enjoy the Frog more than Bell's out of Kalamazoo. However, it's difficult to find. I know that Veggeteranian (sp?) near Luigi's stocks it. I just get mine straight from the micro-brewery on Waterloo near the Rubber Bowl.
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specialty foods - sauerkraut balls were supposedly invented in Akron (or at least northeast Ohio)golf - Firestone (PGA's home of the Firestone Tournament; not sure on fees there, probably more than $35)- Brandywine (back 9 is interesting)- Goodpark (decent municipal course)restaurants - Crave, Big City Chophouse, Bricco, House of Hunan, Cilantro Thai, Luigi's are all downtown and good. Spaghetti Warehouse is also downtown but not as good however they can accommodate large parties
Specialty foods - This is indeed the home of sauerkraut balls. Well... Barberton, technically. And Barberton Chicken. Lol. But no one outside of the area has really heard of Barberton Chicken.Akron is also the home of the hamburger. The All-American food was invented by two Akronite brothers (the Menche's) @ the world's fair in Hamburg, Germany, what, 80 years ago? Thus there are a ton of great places to get good hamburgs/cheeseburgers around town. Swenson's v. Skyway is, as you can plainly see, a popular debate. Rockne's is one of my favorite joints. There (unfortunately) are about 6-8 Rockne's scattered all over town & in the 'burbs now, but the original Rockne's, if I'm not mistaken, is on Market Street about 1 mile west of downtown near Highland Square. One of my favorite hang outs. GREAT food. Oh yeah, and Menche's Brothers, named after the brothers who invented the hamburger, is a good place for lunch. It's located inside Canal Park baseball stadium.On Market Street, on the very west edge of downtown is the best steakhouse in Ohio. It's called Diamond's. From the outside it looks like a dive, but the interior of the joint is pretty nice. The debate over who has the best steaks in Ohio is between Diamond's and some steakhouse down in Dayton (I don't remember the name of the place.) But be prepared to drop a few dimes @ Diamond's. The Big City Chophouse, if you're looking for steak, is rather pricey too. But very good.As someone mentioned, the BW3's is the lamest B-dubs I've ever seen. But, hey, a sports bar doesn't have to be posh.Speaking of sports bars, this place just opened up Rubber City Grill. It's near the Lux Nightclub & Whiskey Dick's.Oh yeah, and the Lockview is a good place for some very good sandwiches and beer. The LockviewZipstrumpet87 said he didn't care for the Spaghetti Warehouse as much as Luigi's, and no argument from me. But the Spaghetti Warehouse does have absolutely amazing lasagna!
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Has anyone tried Old Carolina BBQ Company? Good barbeque and tasty homemade sauces. Started out in Massillon, then they added a location in Canton, and a few months ago added a location off of the Ridgewood Miller Road exit on 77.
Haven't tried it yet, but it's on the "to-do" list. Never got the opportunity to get some "real" BBQ while I was in NC for the College Cup.
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Thirsty Dog Brewing Company and Roo Brew Fine Craft Beers are also great microbreweries in Akron that you might want to try. Thirsty Dog can be found at Giant Eagle and Acme as well. Roo Brew is also supposed to be at various Giant Eagles and Acmes throughout the area. They used to sell it at the drive thru directly across the street from the stadium, but when I stopped in there maybe about a month ago the guy said they weren't carrying it anymore because it wasn't selling.Hope the info (pun very much intended) helps. Happy tailgating :wave:
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Has anyone tried Old Carolina BBQ Company? Good barbeque and tasty homemade sauces. Started out in Massillon, then they added a location in Canton, and a few months ago added a location off of the Ridgewood Miller Road exit on 77.
Haven't tried it yet, but it's on the "to-do" list. Never got the opportunity to get some "real" BBQ while I was in NC for the College Cup.
Old Carolina is very good IMHO. I think they had plans at one time to put a place in pretty close to the Info. I'm not sure what became of that.I'll put in a plug for Metro Burger over in Highland Square.....VERY tasty.Metro Burger Web SiteIf OBC ever gets their act together, they MAY have bottling capability (on Selle St, downtown) come football season. Also, Thirsty Dog is another decent Akron brew. Neither one is quite in the Hoppin' Frog category, but then again neither is their price. Thirsty Dog is available at many Giant Eagles.Edit: Sorry, Zippy4PREZ....didn't see your post until now :bow:
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Hey guys:Can you give me a primer on what to expect? I'm bringing maybe upwards of 30 folks to tailgate in Akron for Sept 4th.Any lessons learned from 2009 on tailgating.
Drink your beer in a plastic cup. Be 21-or-older. Plan on using a gas grill, but you can probably get away with a charcoal grill if you feel like risking it.
Is there a good spot we should try to get? Actually I hope to meet some of you guys...our group is a bunch of good guys/gals who enjoy the comraderie of football with other teams' fans.
I'm PM you with some details.
Can visiting fans park in the yellow credentialed lots or must we go to the blue lots? If we have to go Blue..do any of them have grassy spots to set up?
There is a large grassy lot a couple blocks from campus. Lots of the younger, more-rowdy fans seem to park there. Lot #9 is where we park.
What are the must do restaurants, bars in Akron?
Luigi's has been mentioned by several. It's a small Italian restaurant just outside of downtown. It is kind of a local institution. I don't know how feasible a group of 30 would be. As I said, it's small.
Any good motels to recommend?
If you stay in the Fairlawn area, there are a ton of things to do. And it's only 10 minutes from campus. North Canton has a lot of hotels too, and is 10 minutes south of campus. The hotels in downtown Akron are ok.
Any speciality foods?
I'll think about it. The drive-in type burger joints like Swensons and Sky Way are somewhat unique to Akron. But in the end, it's burgers and fries.
Is there a decent golf course nearby...one that is fairly affordable (maybe under $35 for a round)
Tell me how many tee times you will need, and what day, and I'll set up a course. I'll get at least one, maybe 2 or three Zips foursomes to join you.
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I would recommmend Ido Cafe-- corner of S. Main St & Ido. Not large but steaks better than Diamond, IMHO.
+1The last time I went to the Diamond Grille, I was really disappointed to spend so much money on slow service and tough steaks.I can't go more than a few weeks without an Ido Cafe Strip California (14 oz. strip marinated in Steve's "secret blend" of soy sauce, red wine, garlic, olive oil & spices) at half the price of a similar steak dinner at Diamond Grille.But a party of 30 might be pushing it at such a small restaurant.
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Metro Burger is very good!So is the OBC opening a new brewpub across from Canal Park, or not?
The last time I talked to one of the owners, they were disappointed with how slow work was going in that building across from Canal Park. I would say there's not a great chance of them opening a pub there anytime soon. I think they're looking at alternate locations. I believe their 1st order of business is to get the brewery up and going again on Selle St. I had heard March at one time for this, but I'll bet it'll be closer to late spring/early summer if it happens. I really hope they can do it, but I'm not getting my hopes up just yet.
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