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Great GP1, you know this is the way of the world. Those who know the rules have a great advantage and are quick to exploit the rules. My 11 year old son's baseball team had to forfeit a game last Friday for a rule that is just as obscure. For a lot of people it is all about winning at any cost. It's not about sportsmanship or playing the game out to the sometime painful conclusion. Some coaches and players will do anything to win.

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If you are on the side of the coach who turned this girl in, then you are part of the problem. The guy who turned her in (see, Billy Martin, George Brett) you should be fired tomorrow.

GP1--- ?????????????????????????

Its hard to see but the word If in GP1's post is linked to the story he is talking about. Its about a coach who got a pole vaulter disqualified for wearing a string friendship bracelet.

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If you are on the side of the coach who turned this girl in, then you are part of the problem. The guy who turned her in (see, Billy Martin, George Brett) you should be fired tomorrow.

It is the rule writer's fault.

They went wrong in a few places.

Why not leave the decision to disqualify up to the officials on hand? Why not go into more depth about what disqualifying jewelry is? For example, in baseball for obvious reasons, the pitcher cannot have anything "white" on his glove. This is any color approaching white, etc. Sometimes we miss it at the beginning of games. If it is called to our attention, we have a few choices, and we make a decision. Usually, the game is stopped while the kid grabs another glove. No big deal and it doesn't affect the integrity of the game.

  1. I cannot see how a friendship bracelet affects the integrity of pole vaulting. But no jewelry is still a rule.
  2. The officials are there to enforce rules.
  3. Rules are rules. 3 outs is rule. No jewelry and no white on the glove are rules. You can't parse the intent of rules during games, just call them as you see them.

I bet it gets rewritten.

It is a bad situation, but I cannot find fault with someone who knows the rulebook. Sucks for the girl and her team. I bet the affected coach reads the rulebook next year.

disclaimer: Was a coach and an umpire

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