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GO for Tressel?

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GO for Tressel?

He's a NE Ohio guy... BW and YSU... why not?

One of the fundamental reasons that we cannot draw fans... is that the Akron/NE Ohio population is divided. There are many OSU fans here... including me. I went to OSU first... then Akron (then Case, then Chicago, then Akron... and soon Stanford). I'm an Akron Soccer fan... season ticket holder since '08... but an OSU fan for most sports.

Tressel could draw some fans into the Stadium... plus... he could probably do wonders for recruiting.

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By the time this is over, he'll have a Show Cause label slapped on him. Nobody in the NCAA could hire him, and anyone who did would suddenly be under a huge amount of scrutiny that would continue until he got caught cheating again or retired.

His is a culture that we do not want to bring to our program.

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By the time this is over, he'll have a Show Cause label slapped on him. Nobody in the NCAA could hire him, and anyone who did would suddenly be under a huge amount of scrutiny that would continue until he got caught cheating again or retired.

His is a culture that we do not want to bring to our program.

The man screwed up for sure, but by most accounts, he is an excellent coach and person. Even the best of us screw up. I'll take his "culture" over Ianello's, but as GP1 said, little to no chance it happens...he'll land another big coaching job in a year or two.

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He may be an excellent coach, but he is not a good person. He is a liar who put his personal gain ahead of the wellbeing of his players. I keep hearing the apologists saying he was protecting those tattooed idiots, but at what cost? He is now hurting the players who didn't do anything but outnnumber the ones who did somethign like 5-to-1 (I am certain that in time 5 to 10 more players will be exposed as cheaters with serious NCAA infractions, while the rest weren't considered important enough to get the royalty treatment). He hurt their college football careers, their reputation which is tied to the program, and if program scholarships are lost he will force them to abandon their dream as they transfer out. And for what? So he could get a Sugar Bowl ring?

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By the time this is over, he'll have a Show Cause label slapped on him. Nobody in the NCAA could hire him, and anyone who did would suddenly be under a huge amount of scrutiny that would continue until he got caught cheating again or retired.

His is a culture that we do not want to bring to our program.

Yea... Winning lol

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By the time this is over, he'll have a Show Cause label slapped on him. Nobody in the NCAA could hire him, and anyone who did would suddenly be under a huge amount of scrutiny that would continue until he got caught cheating again or retired.

His is a culture that we do not want to bring to our program.

Yea... Winning lol

The only reason he won a national championship is because he managed to keep Maurice Clarrett's problems under cover for a season. He kept going to the Rose Bowl with Troy Smith who was accepting cash. He won the Sugar Bowl because he knowingly played five ineligible players.

If he ran a clean program, would he have still won? Would he be able to attract the talent that he used to get to the BCS consistently if they knew they wouldn't be getting under-the-table handouts? Would he win the Big Ten every year if all the players that were doing illegal things weren't allowed to play?

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By the time this is over, he'll have a Show Cause label slapped on him. Nobody in the NCAA could hire him, and anyone who did would suddenly be under a huge amount of scrutiny that would continue until he got caught cheating again or retired.

His is a culture that we do not want to bring to our program.

Yea... Winning lol

The only reason he won a national championship is because he managed to keep Maurice Clarrett's problems under cover for a season. He kept going to the Rose Bowl with Troy Smith who was accepting cash. He won the Sugar Bowl because he knowingly played five ineligible players.

If he ran a clean program, would he have still won? Would he be able to attract the talent that he used to get to the BCS consistently if they knew they wouldn't be getting under-the-table handouts? Would he win the Big Ten every year if all the players that were doing illegal things weren't allowed to play?

Good. Very Good.

The other things that cracks me up all the time is that OSWho fans think winning the mediocre Big 11 is a big deal. They make a big deal out of it because they aren't winning national championships. So, when the last 43 years of your "superior" football program produces only 1 title, to the credit of an after-the-final-whistle pass interference call, I guess you have to hang your hat on something to try to claim greatness. And all they have left is to say they are consistently good in a non-championship-producing conference.

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The NCAA has this habit of putting sanctions on a coach as well as a school in situations like this, and those sanctions follow them around to whichever school hires them.

At the same time, we might have an opening for a Defensive Line coach, as none of our current coaching staff is listed as such.

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The NCAA has this habit of putting sanctions on a coach as well as a school in situations like this, and those sanctions follow them around to whichever school hires them.

At the same time, we might have an opening for a Defensive Line coach, as none of our current coaching staff is listed as such.

I'd rather have Tressel and his sanctions than iCan'tCoach

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We have a coach.

Tressel was a buckeye and a penguin. You can't wash that stench away...

"We have a coach". That is a statement that is yet to be proven. While I would not hire Tressel, his coaching ability is monumental compared to Ianello.

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Why would Tressel come here? We have no megamillions supporters for him to send players to get get ERRRRRRRR jobs.

He knows as well as anybody that nobody outside a lega$y conference can win. He worked for the concept's biggest supporter.

Akron has enough trouble, we don't need that stigma to go along with an empty stadium and a D2 budget/support.

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Listening to UA fans fantasizing about "going after" Jim Tressel is a lot like listening to teenage boys fantasizing about "going after" Angelina Jolie.

Nothing wrong with that. A little healthy fantasizing never hurt anyone.

People would have laughed in 1985 if anyone speculated that the head coach at Notre Dame would soon be at Akron.

I don't want Tressel. But if Ianello pulls-off another 1-11 season, we'll be in the market for a new coach, and Proenza will be looking for a way to fill a very expensive stadium that's drawing roughly 27,000 under capacity.

Tressel is Angelina Jolie...but with herpes. Hot chicks aren't so unobtainable when they have herpes.

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Listening to UA fans fantasizing about "going after" Jim Tressel is a lot like listening to teenage boys fantasizing about "going after" Angelina Jolie.

Nothing wrong with that. A little healthy fantasizing never hurt anyone.

Hmm, suppose you thought the same thing of Ohio going after Solich.

I'm not for going for Tressel, he's obviously a scoundrel. But to think that he is somehow "above Akron" is laughable. He would be lucky to land a MAC gig after everything is said and done.

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I'm not for going after Tressel either.... and I am amused by a board were a bunch of members have been on a Tressel witchhunt for ages, and (perhaps not the same ones, because that would be very amusing) also members are now on a Tressel hire-hunt.

BUT, it is interesting to speculate about the rewards vs. the risks.

The risks are the stigma that follows him, at the very least, even if he changes his ethical philosophy and runs a clean ship. But at the worst, he could continue his old ways and sabotage the Akron program with his old methods.

The rewards are the aspects that would be curious to ponder. How many Tressel Loyalists are out there... those who would want to see him vindicated? More over, who feels he is a winner, even though he is stigmatized as a cheater? And how many people would jump on a bandwagon as fans because of those perceptions? How many recruits would get on board?

Not only don't I think it would/could happen, but I don't think it would even be realistically considered here. But there are some interesting angles.

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The risks are the stigma that follows him, at the very least, even if he changes his ethical philosophy and runs a clean ship. But at the worst, he could continue his old ways and sabotage the Akron program with his old methods.

Worse than we sabotage our own program?

This is unrelated to zen's post, but a guy who wrote an article for SI yesterday was asked if it is possible to win at the highest levels of college football without cheating, and he said no. Even Boise State of all schools was hit with NCAA penalties this year for problems there. I think on a lot of levels he is right. The NCAA is out of control to the point they can't get it back under control. They need change and fast. tOSU was too good for too long not to be cheating.

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Listening to UA fans fantasizing about "going after" Jim Tressel is a lot like listening to teenage boys fantasizing about "going after" Angelina Jolie.

Nothing wrong with that. A little healthy fantasizing never hurt anyone.

You understand that there is a difference and we DON’T compete with them...and probably never will. Just because some may think that we should and strive for that does not mean that it will happen. Wisconsin-Whitewater may get it in their mind that they want to compete for the national title but that ain't happening either.

I live much of the time out-of-the country now. I often hear from people that Americans are arrogant and think they can do anything. I never argue with them and just agree. But I explain to them that because we think we can do anything and have systems in place that allow people to try anything...we often achieve incredible things. Look around...most things you have, communication, transportation, health care and more all are the result of those ideals. There is good and bad with this culture. So…although I may laugh at Zach for his naiveté or GP1's arrogance (we only need to practice shooting the ball to score more??)....I am glad we live in a society that allows, even fosters those differences and encourages debate. LOL This board can very entertaining at times. And no...I don't care what the chicks think...good pitching, defense and timely hitting almost always wins the day. Check the past winners of World Series. How many WS did Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa or Dave Kingman ever win?? A-Rod was always a loser until he went to a team whose salary is 4-5 times most others…and he’s won one. McGwire won one also…but that was before steroids…he hit 33 homers that year.

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..... I'm not for going for Tressel, he's obviously a scoundrel. But to think that he is somehow "above Akron" is laughable. He would be lucky to land a MAC gig after everything is said and done.

The lure of having a proven winning college football head coach at the highest level is powerful enough to cause even people with high integrity to consider making compromises.

Just like recruiting that big, fast, talented HS player with marginal grades and problems with the law can be justified under the heading of "giving the poor kid a chance to be rehabilitated and redeem himself," so can the same case be made for the proven winning head coach who once showed "a little indiscretion."

As GP1 pointed out, even the SI writer is telling people he thinks all winning college football head coaches cheat to some degree. Once everyone buys into that, it's only a half step to the conclusion that, hey, as long as any head coach we hire is going to cheat, we should go after the biggest proven winner available that we can afford to pay.

It's not a fantasy to imagine that there are schools out there with much bigger football budgets than UA weighing the pros and cons of going after Tressel right now. The discussion is going on at campuses across the country, just as it is on ZN.O.

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