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Not suprised, but Akron GETTING ABUSED!!!


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I would love to see some of the replays from last nights game.
I have it recorded on my DVR. If I can figure out how to make it work I will post the final few seconds on here. It looked to me like Mincy threw a punch at Quade.
Hilltopper - Let me know if you figure out how to transfer video out of your DVR (Atlantic Scientific from Time Warner?) to a computer. I'm tempted to pull the DVR hard drive, put it into an external USB drive enclosure, and see if I can access any vid files that way. With my luck, I'll screw everything up and lose what I've got saved. I've got a bunch of UA stuff I'd like to edit and save, including snippets from last night's game. Thanks.
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I would love to see some of the replays from last nights game.
I have it recorded on my DVR. If I can figure out how to make it work I will post the final few seconds on here. It looked to me like Mincy threw a punch at Quade.
Hilltopper - Let me know if you figure out how to transfer video out of your DVR (Atlantic Scientific from Time Warner?) to a computer. I'm tempted to pull the DVR hard drive, put it into an external USB drive enclosure, and see if I can access any vid files that way. With my luck, I'll screw everything up and lose what I've got saved. I've got a bunch of UA stuff I'd like to edit and save, including snippets from last night's game. Thanks.
Easiest way I can think is to use a Capture Card.akronzip12345-- please go back to the Can't boards where you belong.
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We tried to play our best throughout it, but the refs but a bit of a damper on it. Let's look at the possible longterm effects of multiple games like last night....where the reffs "let them play" and it becomes very physical. These guys' bodies are taking a beating, especially last night. Linhart got dropped a couple times, I remember once was pretty bad. Ced got dropped once or twice, and then with the MAC Tournament last yr, Linhart took a bashing. This isn't the NFL where there's like a week in between games, most often there is a game 2/3 days later. If the reffs continue to "let them play" we could start seeing some major injuries. I know it would take a lot, but one's body can't take that much on multiple occasions, without enough time to heal in between. Things could start to get real ugly over the next couple seasons.

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Can't is not better than us. When you have 3 refs giving you the game, take it! Instead they win by single digits. If we had fair refs it wouldn't of been that close. Akron would've gotten inside more because they would've had Ham&Cheese fouled out that stupid thug. 23 turnovers is bad but we would've had less if we could've gotten some calls. I hate MAC refs. Why not just destroy the MAC and just send all the teams to different conferences. At least until the MAC gets its system under control. We need to e-mail Can't and tell them that their students are classless. You don't flip us off and say f you all over the place. By the way, you can't be taken seriously in a teletubby outfit. OMG! That was hillarious. Lastly what's the suspension rule for getting thrown out of the game before? Aren't you supposed to miss a game? If so Can't must have snuck Singletary (or how ever you spell that hippys name) in there. By the way, it's hard to go inside when they have you in a bear hug!!!!!!!!!!!I'm still ticked and I'll be ticked until they come to the JAR!Come on Zips let's win the rest of our MAC games!!!!

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no loss is a good loss,but i have a good feeling Can't is going to be in trouble when they come here to the jar.i also would have to think central is going to get a beat down on saturday if the zips come out and play like they can.bg beat miami,and we pretty much destroyed both of those teams.i think it's a three team race with Can't,ou,and akron.we need to win as many games as possible agianst the west.a loss to any of those teams will kill our rpi

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no loss is a good loss,but i have a good feeling Can't is going to be in trouble when they come here to the jar.i also would have to think central is going to get a beat down on saturday if the zips come out and play like they can.bg beat miami,and we pretty much destroyed both of those teams.i think it's a three team race with Can't,ou,and akron.we need to win as many games as possible agianst the west.a loss to any of those teams will kill our rpi
I'm not counting Miami out. They are in every game with every team down to the wire. Sometimes they win, sometimes they lose, but they're always in it.
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One last thing ... the "WE SUCK" banner was fantastic. They were so stupid they did not even know they were being flamed.
OK this was somewhat clever but not that amazing. I'm sure if people dressed up in Akron gear came over with a sign we would do the same thing... thats like me sitting in a lecture class with 200 students and in the middle of it going "OH BURN, I'M NOT IN THIS CLASS, IN YOUR FACE"... LOL
I liked it. You guys were brave souls to be down there amid the classes, vulgar, quite-less-than-creative unwashed masses that are your average Can't students. Once again, the AK-Rowdies shined brighter than the Can't students at the MACC. Good job!
Yeah because flicking off people and "golden shower" chants are sooo classy.
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One last thing ... the "WE SUCK" banner was fantastic. They were so stupid they did not even know they were being flamed.
OK this was somewhat clever but not that amazing. I'm sure if people dressed up in Akron gear came over with a sign we would do the same thing... thats like me sitting in a lecture class with 200 students and in the middle of it going "OH BURN, I'M NOT IN THIS CLASS, IN YOUR FACE"... LOL
I liked it. You guys were brave souls to be down there amid the classes, vulgar, quite-less-than-creative unwashed masses that are your average Can't students. Once again, the AK-Rowdies shined brighter than the Can't students at the MACC. Good job!
Yeah because flicking off people and "golden shower" chants are sooo classy.
Dude what game were you at? Every time I looked over at the Can't section there were at least 10 people flicking us off. Golden shower? I don't recall that one, maybe a few people tried to start it, but it surely didn't catch on with the whole section. We sang the damn FIGHT SONG. Tell me that isn't classy as opposed to "f*** Dials, and f*** the roo." Please. And the Can't students were one of the weakest students sections I have seen in quite some time. Woohoo you have 1500 students at the game. Who gives a shit if you guys don't cheer until you have the lead. There was silence from that section for about 30 of the 40 minutes. It's nice to have the numbers, but I would take the AK-ROWDIES any day!
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One last thing ... the "WE SUCK" banner was fantastic. They were so stupid they did not even know they were being flamed.
OK this was somewhat clever but not that amazing. I'm sure if people dressed up in Akron gear came over with a sign we would do the same thing... thats like me sitting in a lecture class with 200 students and in the middle of it going "OH BURN, I'M NOT IN THIS CLASS, IN YOUR FACE"... LOL
I liked it. You guys were brave souls to be down there amid the classes, vulgar, quite-less-than-creative unwashed masses that are your average Can't students. Once again, the AK-Rowdies shined brighter than the Can't students at the MACC. Good job!
Yeah because flicking off people and "golden shower" chants are sooo classy.
Dude what game were you at? Every time I looked over at the Can't section there were at least 10 people flicking us off. Golden shower? I don't recall that one, maybe a few people tried to start it, but it surely didn't catch on with the whole section. We sang the damn FIGHT SONG. Tell me that isn't classy as opposed to "f*** Dials, and f*** the roo." Please. And the Can't students were one of the weakest students sections I have seen in quite some time. Woohoo you have 1500 students at the game. Who gives a shit if you guys don't cheer until you have the lead. There was silence from that section for about 30 of the 40 minutes. It's nice to have the numbers, but I would take the AK-ROWDIES any day!
Of course you would...1500 students is pretty impressive. And I for one know that Can't fans still cheer no matter what, thats your observation versus mine.I went to the game last year and I deff remember Akron fans being quite quiet when they were down. Oh and how about this year when you guys were losing at the end, the radio stations and TV stations were talking about how the Akron fans were leaving already... and I witnessed that too. Don't call into the question the loyalty of Can't fans, just because you have WAY to much time to make a sign that says "We Suck" doesn't prove anything. Maybe its because your Akron education doesn't keep you busy enough? I think so.And I will not get off this board until your fans get off ours.Have a great day.
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What a surprise, CANT ROO DUTY pretending to be a Zip.The jig is up. You were a dumb A$$ from the beginning.Let me guess. You are seventeen and a proud Cant freshwoman.Or is that a freshfemale? Hell, I did not even know that Cant even has "boards". All I ever found was a stem run off the MAC bulletin board.Amazing, fifteen hundred student fans and not one of themcapable of creating a working blog. Small time.Suggestion for you ROO DUTY. Why don't you come to theJAR dressed up as a roo pinata on March ninth? You could personally enjoy getting the hell beat out of youjust like Ham 'n Cheese will get.

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And I will not get off this board until your fans get off ours.
But, but... I thought you were an Akron student blessed with extraordinary skills of objective observation? No, you're just another stupid hippie and the product of a coat hanger abortion gone awry... get lost.
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Difference of the game last night.....Can't was home and we were not. Play the game in Cleveland and it is a toss up. Play it in the JAR and we win. I said we were not winning this one and I kinda knew it at halftime.Don't worry, they have it comming
OK...I have not posted on here in ages.....I do however read the posts off and on....I have been going to Akron games longer than I would like to admit publicly....as it would only make me seem THAT much older....anyway....I watched the game on THE Can't SPORTS NETWORK....lol..what a joke...I have been a season ticket holder at AKRON for close to 20 yrs and have seen all types of basketball played by the ZIPS...and that game at Can't State was one poor performance by the mighty MIGHTY ZIPS....but to blame it on the refs is a sorry excuse....were the refs bad....no doubt about it....but from what I could make out through that fuzzy broadcast were your typical good AND bad calls by todays standard of refs...in ALL sports..at ALL levels.....most refs are BAD....but to sit there at your keyboards and fule the fires by saying waaaaaaaaaaaaa we lost becuase of the refs....the first thing that comes to me..is GROW UP ...The ZIPS lost because they were out played..out hustled...out smarted...and out coached.....plain and simple...but to banter back and forth with the Can't fans just shows the level we are falling to...accept the loss....accept the ZIPS were out played and move on...we TALK about class..show some now....there is A LOT of basketball to be played...at the begining of this season if I were told AKRON would be 14-4 and tied for 1st in the MAC I would have been thrilled. OK...thats all kids....Im off the soap box now...
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Great post from Can't's fan forum:- Those guys from Akron are acting like they just scored double digits on the ACT exam. What is the enrollment numbers at Can't? 37,000 including the regional campus? So two dorks wearing Can't State shirts walk into the Can't student section. How could you possibly know they are not from Can't? As noted the stunt was clever but not an "outsmarting" of Can't students. - This could never happen to Akron. No self-respecting Can't fan would ever wear an Akron shirt.- If I hear an Akron alum at work tell me one more time that Q, Mincy, Singletary, the trumpet player in the pep band, President Lefton, the janitor, or whomever from Can't is a thug; I am going to vomit. -With respect to the "crying Can't cheerleader" picutre, Akron fans don't realize that those are "tears of joy". She was actually looking up at the basketball championship banners hanging in the MACCenter. But then again Akron doesn't know what those are, so how can expect them to understand?You caught me I'm a Can't fan, I've stated that before.Oh and another thing, its sorta pathetic you have your forum automatically change K-e-n-t into Can't... WOW complex? What "Can't we do" because I'm pretty sure we CAN be a better school, and CAN beat you... but then we Can't be open enrollment like you.

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Great post from Can't's fan forum:- Those guys from Akron are acting like they just scored double digits on the ACT exam. What is the enrollment numbers at Can't? 37,000 including the regional campus? So two dorks wearing Can't State shirts walk into the Can't student section. How could you possibly know they are not from Can't? As noted the stunt was clever but not an "outsmarting" of Can't students. - This could never happen to Akron. No self-respecting Can't fan would ever wear an Akron shirt.- If I hear an Akron alum at work tell me one more time that Q, Mincy, Singletary, the trumpet player in the pep band, President Lefton, the janitor, or whomever from Can't is a thug; I am going to vomit. -With respect to the "crying Can't cheerleader" picutre, Akron fans don't realize that those are "tears of joy". She was actually looking up at the basketball championship banners hanging in the MACCenter. But then again Akron doesn't know what those are, so how can expect them to understand?You caught me I'm a Can't fan, I've stated that before.Oh and another thing, its sorta pathetic you have your forum automatically change K-e-n-t into Can't... WOW complex? What "Can't we do" because I'm pretty sure we CAN be a better school, and CAN beat you... but then we Can't be open enrollment like you.
I hesitate to even dignify this with a response but I would like to point out the irony that someone who has apparently been posting in a UA message board under false pretenses is criticizing the rowdies for entering the Can't student section under false pretenses. hmmmm... :lol:
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