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fknbuflobo last won the day on December 19 2024

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    Wales OH (reared in East Akron)
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    futbol, Bovinae, grass

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  1. The one standout performance was Remi Agunbiade, and not just because he scored two ugly goals. His skills are raw and underdeveloped, but his work rate is just tremendous. No lack of effort from this guy! Well done, Remi!
  2. Very late to the dvd thread but saw your post. I’d love to get the soccer championship win from 2010 on dvd. Did you ever find a way to get one? Thanks!

  3. OSU were runners up to Wake Forest in 2007. Your other points remain standing. Rarely is Hermann Trophy awarded to player on a team not advancing to round of 16. This year would have been a great case for the exception. The bizarre injury perpetrated upon Mitch Budler was enormously consequential. As if we needed more reasons to “hate” IU…
  4. Well, at least I actually remember Marcus Tracy. Not as good as Steve Zakuani.
  5. Was Darren Mattocks a Hermann Trophy finalists in 2011?
  6. In 2008, Steve Zakuani was runner up for the Hermann Trophy. The winner was…. Don’t remember and don’t care.
  7. Your point still stands. Zips can compete with teams in this final.
  8. Perhaps not 1st Team, but Roberto Ydratch #8 deserves to be All-American.
  9. Go to link. Vote for Emil. Winning the Hermann Trophy helps recruiting.
  10. Akron Zips vs. Indiana Hoosiers 1975-2024 7 Akron Wins 27 Akron Losses 3 Draws https://iuhoosiers.com/sports/msoc/opponent-history/akron/153 This Zips Memory 10/5/1986 is the only victory over Indiana during the 1980s. 1-0 It was a sunny Sunday afternoon in early October following nearly a week of rain. Everything everywhere was muddy. I do not recall Buchtel Field having much bleacher seating; maybe there was none at all. The crowd were kept from the field by hastily staked nylon rope. That’s it. Fans were virtually on top of the game, in a way that would not be permissible today. It was unsafe. The pitch was barely lined, and I think it was smaller than regulation. Both teams were just making do with the conditions. Matches between Akron and Indiana are historically physical. Just ask Dyson Clapier. To date, this match is the roughest (dirtiest) NCAA contest that I have ever attended (and I have attended hundreds). Every tackle was violent! Every head-ball left someone on the ground. Loose balls were perilous. Seemingly every player in the match was limping at one time or another. Sound familiar? This game was about screw-in cleats, slide-tackles, and bloody noses. Ugly. Choppy. MF Graham Evison (RIP) became my hero that day. After an especially egregious tackle where MF Michael Berish was intentionally elbowed in the face, Head Referee displayed the yellow card. Akron bench was outraged, screaming for a straight Red. During clock stoppage as Berish received medical attention from the Trainer, Assistant Coach Simon Spelling, himself not far removed from these same battles with Indiana, called D Shaun Docking to the sideline. The conversation was heated but whispered behind raised hands so that only those two could hear. Game play resumed for about five minutes afterward. Zips were (barely) keeping possession in their final third. Then there was very audible (and somewhat sickening) ccrracckk. Whatever happened occurred in the Akron defensive third, far away from where the ball was. Out of the corner of my eye I just caught Docking walking away from the Indiana player left on the ground… crying. Like sobbing. No call was made by the officials. Jerry Yeagley was apoplectic, as if he was going to stroke out and die right there in Akron. His coaching staff did well to restrain him. To this day I am not certain what happened. And I am not sure those who do know would tell. Rumor has it that the player’s rib was broken. Others maintain there was a knee to the… midsection. Whoever that Hoosier was, he did not return to the contest. Done. I need help from others here. These things are not easily researched nowadays. How did we score? Was it a PK? F David Wells? Sadly, I do not remember all the details. I just remember D Matt Smith picking mud out of his hair as the clock expired. I truly hope they are on our schedule in 2025, but F#@% Indiana and the Hoosiers they rode in on!
  11. Simon Spelling remains the Gold Standard for Akron Defenders. I have not witnessed any better, though Beto Ydratch was very similar. It is a real shame that Simon is such a Spurs fan….
  12. Does anyone remember Zips hosting Hoosiers in regular season 1986? Match was moved to Buchtel Field because rainy weather the previous 5 days made Lee Jackson unplayable. 10/5/1986.
  13. 38th consecutive NCAAT 49 overall NCAAT appearances 104 NCAAT victories 42 NCAAT Sweet Sixteen appearances 22 NCAAT Final Fours 8 NCAA Championships 6 Hermann Trophy winners Beating Princeton at home in NCAAT is a notable achievement, but there is no time to celebrate. Next contest is mid day Sunday. Zips must be far more clinical in their finishing if we hope to best Hoosiers in Bloomington. We either make history or we fall.
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