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  1. What I've seen posted on their forum is their collective is made up of 500+ donors and has a budget of ~500k in total, $400k of it allocated to MBB (football has a different collective, which the UMass athletic department took over. Not sure the budget for that). That included non-cash gifts as well. Like I saw one of their players was given a car, which I assume was leased. The person running their collective admitted they whiffed and overpaid a few transfers this year, which is why they took a step back. Hopefully they keep inefficiently spending their money as I have to assume they have a larger bankroll than us.
  2. Michigan State is little brother to Michigan in their own state. They obviously have lots more resources than us at Akron, but relative to their peers (OSU, Michigan, etc.) they have to make their money stretch.
  3. Pinning a post that way it stays at the top of the board would be useful and not require web design.
  4. https://www.feartheroocollective.com/ For the wondering minds.
  5. Kyle Neptune is who I've seen speculated for the Fordham job.
  6. Bud must have been browsing the forum and heard us complaining the past few days /s
  7. When I tried last week on my phone it tried to prompt me to email. After reading your post I went onto the website and it now seems to be functioning. I'm not sure if the site was recently updated or if mobile just isn't user friendly. Signing up now for recurring donation.
  8. This I agree with. I would have also signed up for a monthly reoccurring donation. I'm a relatively small fish though. I imagine why they haven't taken the time to implement such a thing yet after talking about doing it for almost a year is they're more focused on attracting the larger one time gifts and corporate sponsors. Bud seems to have a lot on his plate and a finite amount of time. If the feature ever gets added, someone let me know.
  9. If Kent basketball is as poorly funded as Sendy claims it to be, I think he has Kent basketball competing at the highest level it can reach (sustainably) in this NIL era. If he leaves, Kent likely regresses to the bottom half of the MAC.
  10. If the only cost is a scholarship, it's not like it will cost us NIL $$$. I'd say just use those 2 scholarships on incoming freshman that you hope to develop into being future contributors. They can earn NIL in future years if they produce. If nothing else by giving them a scholarship you're attracting a higher caliber player that you can use in practice compared to a walk-on. Edit: Imagine if Dambrot had an extra scholarship to offer McCollum or Nance Jr.
  11. We certainly let OSU off the hook in the NIT. Lost in OT if I recall correctly.
  12. I could see how it might become burdensome for a sport like football as you have to add ~20 scholarships. 2 extra scholarships for basketball (4 if you add women's as well) shouldn't be much. Tuition + room/board costs are $28k/yr. That's the stated cost. The marginal cost of actually housing (in a dorm that is already built), feeding, and having them sit in a seat in a classroom that would have otherwise been vacant isn't much. Maybe 5k-13k/yr per scholarship.
  13. If he's good enough to get 20 minutes a night on a team that was in the bubble conversation, he's good enough to see the court at Akron. Someone with his size, athleticism, and motor will help on defending opposing wings. Suder probably doesn't torch us with a ~20 point half if we had Evan following him around the court. This is mid-major basketball. We're not going to get guys who check every box. Some guys find their way onto an Akron roster because they're a little too short, were a late bloomer, or their game is unrefined. It's a matter of the staff looking through the list of potential recruits and finding the ones they think fits and they can develop to be a star in their role. If Evan was a more polished scorer, we wouldn't even be having this conversation about him potentially coming to Akron. He checks so many other boxes that P5 schools would be lining up for his services.
  14. You're not allowed to. Marquette declined an at-large bid to the 1970 tournament to play in the NIT instead, which the won. In 1971 the NCAA instituted a rule that if you're selected to the tournament, you must participate or have no postseason.
  15. So what you're saying is Kent State lost to a soon to be D3 school this past football season 🤣
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