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Wally B

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Everything posted by Wally B

  1. How bout this tidbit from ESPN's bottom10!
  2. Agreed, i'm more worried about poor attitude/teamwork and academics than i am about a player making a "mistake" in the legal sense...... Egregious errors can be corrected but we don't need to add personnel problems
  3. Risk players w/ attitudes is what got JD to the point he is today after the amazing 2005 season, i doubt he would go for it. If he does, it shows he didn't learn anything the first go-round......
  4. I bookmarked this the other day, but forgot where i found it. Could this be the answer to our offense???http://www.fanblogs.com/ncaa/007645.php
  5. The more mags i read the more confused i get. First - Personally i don't trust any of them on the Zips. While we did lose a lot of our "D" the team did fairly well at the the end of 2007 depending on your perspective. If not for a bizzare fumble we might still be playing the Fiami game, and did well for most of the CMU game. Sure they were both losses in a season who's main bright spot was beating Cant at their last Rubber Bowl appearance. But why not give the zips the benefit of doubt here? Down in Carolina they are predicting the Heels to challenge for the division title because they played close in what was a sucky season, which granted was an improvement over 2006 But SI has the zips losing every MAC conference game??? Does JD not get any credit for going through the painful process of removing the teams cancer(s). We played it close at the end of the season with a depleted and then tired roster... that should count for something. For me the biggest question is whether or not JD has taken his team back. If he has, we'll likely see the heart showed by the team that beat NCST return. Does anyone have any perspective on this element of the 2008 Zips squad?? If my gut is right , we could be the all time MAC dark horse.... Second - What if i'm wrong? What if JD did lose the team?? Is it time to start over or is our 4-5 year coaching carrousel holding us back. How much time does a coach at Akron need to build not just a team but a program??? BBSU offers a perspective but again, that is a top tier team that periodically falls as opposed to one that periodically rises. Yes new facilities play a part in the equation, but they don't qualify as a panacea, just ask NCST........
  6. And if that isn't a problem I don't know what is.More indicative of the self deprecating nature of the region than a problem resting solely in the MAC.
  7. UCF has had 1-2 good years, that's far from standout in the terms of Boise State. Troy had a great year similar to NIU when they knocked off Alabama, they have name recognition for that but i wouldn't call them standout either...... This is more a case of the grass is green on the other side of the fence, which has always been a hallmark of MAc teams ans schools for that matter. Ohh, i only went to a MAC school. If i went to a BCS school the campus/nightlife would be soooo much better. THis talk gets us no where. Be a vocal supporter of your school and let others follow thier own bandwagons. the MAC doesn't have as horrible a reputation in the rest of the country as you may think. In fact one might say it has a better reputation away from, than it does in it's own, geographic footprint.
  8. About frikin time.... I only requested this for the last several YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean c'mon EMich had one and they only draw 5,000 a game...
  9. Found this schematic drawing for the new stadium on the web, looks similar to but smaller than the one at UNCGreensboro, sorry if it's been posted before.UA - http://www.osborn-eng.com/sports_akron.html UNCG :blink: - http://www.uncgspartans.com/ViewArticle.db...amp;SPSID=34694I really enjoy watching two top tier collegiate teams battle it out locally in a great atmosphere on a regular basis, especially sinve one is my Alma Matter! GO ZIPS!
  10. http://www.osborn-eng.com/sports_akron_arena.html
  11. WOW!!!! :blink: interesting posts! Personally, from my UA experiences in the early 9o's i can honestly say that the only reason those businesses existed was to bleed UA students dry. They took advantage (rightfully so) of operating in an already blighted area w/ no competition. Remember how barren Main St. was before Polsky Hall opened? Before the original face lift and stadium projects? I used to frequent Aroma's until i was treated to poor customer service by the management. My friends still refer to it as the fish sandwich incident. I wanted a sandwich and something to drink, they only offed sticky buns so meandered over to McD's for a crappy sandwich and then purchased an overpriced cup of iced tea at Aroma's. They told me to leave even though i was purchasing their sh** instead of the reasonably priced McTea. (i pleaded my case to no reason and gladly would have supported their establishment if they offered a similar option) So i stood outside for all of 3 minutes until i had consumed the sandwich before returning to play gorilla chess. Sun Grille, Splash and all the others were dives as well, and no they didn't offer the area a campus feel. Probably as big a problem if not bigger than the location of the Bowl. Sure my story sounds petty and a little retarded on my part but you have to understand that as a kid in the 8o's i used to eat dinner with my father several times a week at the old Jack Horner's when it still had a lunch counter, left over from the days when my dad worked in the rubber shops. The counter was frequented by several patrons who could only be described as slum lords. These were individuals who had either inherited properties or purchased derelict homes as the local economy collapsed (loss of blue collar workers and related families, the real demise of support for UA athletics since they tend to coincide?? Think about this, older retiree's stayed, young families moved away and local population actually shrunk for a period of about 15years) Anyways, i essentially grew up listening to the tales of these bastards who charged UA students exorbant rates for derelict properties while spending nothing to maintain them and brgged about it while flushing A LOT of cash. Some might call that profiteering, but it's a simple case of economics, due to the rust belt economy there was no competition in the form of new housing and UA was classified as a commuter school so dorms were difficult to fund. Ten years later when i myself "commuted" to class, the housing and community situations had only gotten worse. So now the city and university are teaming up to renew the area and the slum lords are crying foul....... i have little pity. Yes, i'm sure they feel their property is worth 3mill, but they already earned that on the backs of the community which i GUARANTEE they do not live in themselves. Akron is full of old blighted neighborhood built during the period when the rubber factories were expanding at an incredible rate. The community needed cheap and affordable housing for the mill workers and got it. They weren't meant to last for 50 years, or be nice. After all, Akron was a dirty town filled with acrid yellow sulfur pollution that smelled like rotten eggs. In the next 25 years all these neighborhoods will have to be replaced or torn down as they finally fall apart. The city, community, and university will be better off for it. On occasion, eminent domain will have to be used, a sad unfortunate but necessary part of the process as a few of the old slum lords try to hang on. You'd think they'd be smart enough to get ahead of the curve, but the truth is they are smart enough not to!MARK MOTHERSBAUGH - My home town (think of Devo, and the old 8o's punk scene in Downtown at the old Portage and Anthony Wayne hotels! the city chased all the bars and music clubs out of downtown blaming them for the Main St. shopping districts demise! it quickly turned into a ghost town)My home townIs the greatest in the landThe people all thereThey treat you all squareAnd give you a place to standMy home townIt's more than a town you knowIt's my home townIt's my home townIt's Akron, Ohio!My home townIt's a special kind of placeHard working folksWith chips on their shouldersPeople crammed in sub-human spaceMy home townIt's more than a town to meIt's more than plainIt's a city of painIt's one big factory!Akron's past ills were uniquely captured in popular music. If you'd like other reference downloads for your iPod look up "My City Was Gone" and "Downtown (akron)" by the Pretenders!
  12. Yep Looked the same wat down here in Carolina Kept watching the Zips score on the scoreline!!! Way to hang tough!!!
  13. I can't see this game proving to be too difficult for the Zips, even though i honestly don't know much about NCA&T...... and i live about 30miles from the school. To be honest, UNCGreensboro and High Point are getting more local coverage this year, which is usually a good indicator of A&T's strength. All these schools generally receive moderate coverage in the shadow of nearby Wake Forest, Duke, NCSt, and UNC-Ch. Zips 68Aggies 50:cheers: Toss back a Red Oak after the game!!!
  14. The web site for the Capital One Bowl says that we will have to wait until halftime of the game to find out who won.
  15. Anyone listening in on the MN boards???? Are they invigorating the frozen masses???
  16. All right gang,The football season has officially ended for our beloved Zips. Some see promise, some see see regression.... Personally i see some improvement in our overall program, on and off the field of play (i survived the 9o's). I expect this to continue as we prepare to move into new facilities. So off-season ? for the group. What would you do different or improve upon to create a better atmosphere/culture for the fans?Personally, the first change i would make is to the RooZoo moniker.... I just don't like it, albeit much better than the old ZipZone How about "the MOB"... a play on a mob of kangaroo's (aka: a crash of rhino's or a murder of crows if you will). How about some more combined cheers between the band and "the Mob"/fans... coordinated at specific times during the games via cheer leaders.How about starting an annual mayor/chancelor challenge w/ Can't or other MAC teams ala i'll trade you a Swenson's burger for some crappy cincy chilli, or have the mayors/chancelors do the dizzy bat challenge during the half or before the game! Yeah right.....Any thoughts??
  17. Zippy is in and voting has already started.The current score is......... will not be displayed eek.gifVOTE NOW, VOTE OFTEN! This is for all the marbles!GO ZIPPY! 1coolRoo cool.gif
  18. Zippy is in and voting has already started. The current score is......... will not be displayed :blink: VOTE NOW, VOTE OFTEN! This is for all the marbles!GO ZIPPY! 1coolRoo
  19. It's Sunday evening and Zippy is up by 1000
  20. It's Sunday evening and Zippy is up by 1000 Keep it going, Goldie is clearly being aided by our efforts
  21. Personally i never viewed our ooc schedule as weak. Especially when compared to other MACeast teams. Most opinions on early season rankings are like a**holes.....everybody has one Naysayers will condemn our schedule because for being easy. Yet these same people will highlight a team, once thought a patsy on their schedule, when the season proves them to be a quality opponent, and still claim others that have faltered. I believe Dayton will prove to be a real test of our mettle, and Winthrop will look like the one that got away
  22. This is not one of those teams from Raleigh that would help our RPI......
  23. Calling ALL Rowdies and Oldies alike..... Zippy's lead is down to 300. We're in the single elimination playoffs now! VOTE NOW and VOTE OFTEN! This is Zippy's Hour of need!
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