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csims0917 last won the day on February 12

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  1. There's a reason people call Keels "The Voice of God"
  2. He was my future after Finley in CFB25😂. Played 3 years after redshirt and went like 28-10 for me me over that span
  3. Biggest takeaways Front 6 looked like they could be really good against lesser competition. They held Ohio States run game in check all day Finley looks like he can be the guy but man he needs to stay healthy and safe. The o line should hold better against lesser competition but if not he’s in trouble. We have a D1 kicker! Could be a game changer in one score games I liked how Moorehead called the game I really hope he gets the confidence to allow for more play action and deeper throws but I completely get why we avoided it with the o line being totally outmatched today Wide Recievers need to do so much more hopefully it was just a matter of not getting plays to develop but we will see. Hell of a lot better than 2021 let’s hope it can translate the next few weeks.
  4. My expectations are Fire Everyone: Win less than 3 Underwhelmed: Win 3 Happy: Win 4 Very happy: Win 5 Throw a parade: Win 6😂 We will see I’m trying to not get myself too hyped I just want to see a spark before I graduate in spring 25 and something to build on for that 2025 schedule (that I hope remains in tact).
  5. I think we will cover the -50.5 line. We lost 59-7 last time with a lot less talent. OSU has a ton of new pieces so we could have another slow first quarter like they did last time we faced them. Would be really nice if Finley can get us in the endzone twice to give us something moving forward. As long as we handle Colgate the season doesn't start until Week 5 in my eyes with how we schedule
  6. With how inexperienced this team is together I’m really happy with this schedule
  7. https://x.com/roccomiller8/status/1818368709528109428?s=46
  8. Big East new TV and Streaming deal Looks like some sort of new service is coming for men’s soccer
  9. Wait is that confirmed Cleveland is a first and second round site?
  10. It’d be impossible to get in but a game at St V would be very neat. Might even get lebron to show up if it’s like a “Dambrot Night” honoring him
  11. I would LOVE Zeke Mayo. You could tell Groce loved him when we faced him both years. I just wonder if he liked us as well when he came to Akron last year
  12. Give Bass some help!!! That should be the main goal to get her to a tournament in her senior year. She deserves the love and support that the men get but she can’t win by herself (most people can’t). Especially if the men are focused on developing a younger core it’d be a great opportunity for the women’s team to go all in and capitalize on the success of women’s college basketball the last few years!
  13. Freeman’s childhood dream is to be on the Cavs. If the Cavs give him a g league deal I think it’d be a great opportunity for him. Especially cause they are willing to develop players and call them up to the league. Freeman needs to continue to work on his shooting and playing as a wing or power forward. If he doesn’t get any good offers then i hope he does what makes him happy
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