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1981 grad

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1981 grad last won the day on March 10

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  1. He played well today leading the team in rebounds and playing 28 minutes. He only scored 5 points on 2 of 6 shooting but was really good defensively. He played at the end of the game when the game was on the line.
  2. Freeman gets the start today!! Must be impressing somebody important.
  3. I have watched both games and what is remarkable about his play is that he is the only player that is playing a completely different position than he did in his 5 years at Akron where he was a post up player and the center of the offense. He is also playing against much quicker and stronger players than he did at Akron. The game yesterday was very physical with tons of fouls. It is interesting to watch the mix of players: draft picks, NBA bench players, and foreign league players that are looking to get their foot into the NBA.
  4. Glad to see that Freeman played at the end of the game. He played well. Had some tough rebounds and good defense.
  5. I was a little disappointed not seeing him in the game at the end of the last quarter and in overtime.
  6. Congrats to Freeman. Great to see Akron on the draft board. Groce deserves a great deal of credit for giving him an opportunity to develop as a player and then developing a great relationship with him to keep him at Akron.
  7. I could not remember who was on that team and looked up the roster. Lots of talent but unfortunately lots of problems. Four members of the team did not finish their careers in Akron or finish their careers, Harney, Tree, Abreu, and Forsyth.
  8. Tyler Cheese was one of my favorite Zips on the fast break. He would take anyone one on one and score on the break. Almost unstoppable.
  9. I agree with you that Riak should be a hit. You cannot blame Groce for Riak deciding to leave. Before Riak decided to leave, Freeman indicated that Riak was going to be really good as he gained more experience.
  10. Great list!!. I give Groce a pass on Kostelac as that was his first year and he had little options in finding a big man. Also, your misses must include Khadim Gueye, the guy who punched out Kostelac. Also, the book is still out on Tavari, Scott and Nate and they still could be hits or misses. Only time will tell.
  11. We will have to agree to disagree. This team shot 32.2% from three which ranked 262 of 351 teams. Freeman shot .370 so we would probably drop another 10 spots without his 3 point shooting. Thornton shot 32% from three and Scott was 30%. We needed shooters to compliment Freeman's inside game. As I have stated many times, Groce is a great coach but even great coaches fail on occasion. Considering Freeman's talent that is now being noticed nationwide, I would deem success to have been winning our first NCAA game or at least coming as close to a win as we did against UCLA.
  12. It is amazing that Akron has a potential first round draft pick who was a walk on player. I remember Freeman's first games and the only thing that stood out was he had the skinniest legs of any basketball player I have ever seen. He looked like a walk on and I never thought he would get any substantial playing time. You have to give Groce and his staff for developing Freeman. His progress through the 5 years with the team was truly amazing!!! That being said, our best opportunity to win an NCAA game was against UCLA when Freeman was a 2nd year student. Considering Freeman's talent, Groce failed to build a better team around him his senior year. He had three big misses in Prather, Thornton and Scott. He just needed a point guard that could drive and shoot. Tribble was a 2 guard playing the point and Ali was a wing playing the two. This team never hit the next gear that we were all expecting at the beginning of the season. I really hope to see Freeman in the NBA!!
  13. Thanks!! I vaguely remember the dogs but do not remember the daredevils. Consider Akron's financial problems, I do not see them spending cash on any more half time shows that cost money.
  14. I remember the Red Panda performing at the Jar and she was amazing. I know we have had a lot of volunteer dance teams at the Jar, but can anyone remember any other paid performers that came in at half time.
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