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I've read many of your posts and appreciate all the thought and passion people have posted on this board in the last two days. The point that seems to be being glossed over from yesterday is Gardner Webb is a Div. 1AA team they beat us. I was screaming for JD's head the last two years, but I witnessed a JD lead team demolish Morgan State last year. Say what you want about talent and JD, but his team (with virtually the same talent) crushed another Div. 1AA team. You can give ICoach a pass on this and blame everyone else for the loss, but IMHO the loss goes squarely on the shoulders of a guy who is learning on the job after learning from a complete failure boss for the last four years at Notre Dame. Is it any wonder his team is horrible. The last four years he walked into someone's living room told them I work for Charlie Weiss (Super Bowl winning coach) and I am from Notre Dame the only school in the country with their own individual TV contract -- you should come play for us. Recruits came from everywhere and every level of talent. It had nothing to do with ICoach. He is not at Akron where that sales pitch isn't going to work and he is using the knowledge and experience gained working for a losing program to make ours worse. There is (as he said) absolutely no excuse for yesterday's loss, but as someone else put it and noted in a previous post this guy told his players this game wasn't important and guess what they treated it that way. ICoach is pathetic. He roams the sidelines with poor posture looking defeated from the word go. He shows little to no enthusiasm. We were driving to win the game yesterday and he stood 25 yards behind the line of scrimmage while some of his assistants were getting excited showing enthusiasm for the kids on the field. He seems apathetic at best. At the end of the game he walked off the field and away from his players by himself...instead of saying anything to any of them. He stopped to kiss the ring of AD Tom and shake his hand and hug him. He must have been thanking him for the $2 million he didn't deserve. I asked in another post and I'll ask again. AD Tom -- ICoach quit feeding me bullshit and give me one good reason to believe you know what the hell you are doing because I think you are incompetent. One final note why is there not a call in show after the game. The post game show on 1350 is pointless. I can read the stats online and I don't care to hear crappy highlights again. My wife even asked me -- what are you listening to them read you numbers for...I have to say....I'm not sure.
Wins are one things with ICoach....my problem is with the fact that he has done nothing to indicate to me he is or was ever the right coach. His first two games have actually made me think he is the wrong coach even more than what I learned when they hired him and he has done since. I just want a reason to believe. I feel like we are being sold a bill of goods and we are being completed fleeced....and nobody not AD Tom, ICoach or Dr. P has said anything to help me change my mind. I think the public relations problem needs to be fixed and it will not be fixed with coach speak and interviews in the ABJ where AD Tom says absolutely nothing. Someone anyone you've given me plenty of reasons thus far this season to think you are incompetent. Give me something to believe what you believe....something real not bullshit!
Well GP1 season tickets have increased from 6K to 23K since he's been at Cincy....and revenue growing at a near equal pace to well over $6M. You also have people excited about the bearcats program more than I've ever seen...friends of mine in the Natti talk about Cincy now instead of OSU. I do not recall Mike giving away tickets as much as you seem to, but what can I say I only worked at the school with direct interaction with the athletics department when he was here. I do recall a beer garden, fireworks, concerts, an effort to engage the community every chance he got, an enhanced tailgate area and a lot more grass roots things that looking to take advantage of what there was to offer. I also don't recall getting a postcard telling me about ticket packages when I'm a season ticket holder - talk about missing your target...i'm already not happy with the product you're putting on the field and you are asking me to buy more tickets. Additionally, if I understand correctly you are a season ticket holder at Wake Forest and don't even live here so there may be sometimes on this board where your opinion is going to carry considerably less weight....hint this might be one of those times. If we can't bring Mike back maybe the current administration can at least read this post and just do some of the things Mike did....I just don't think they can do it the passion isn't there. By the way did anyone see the article in the Beacon this morning? Did someone hand coachI a book on coach speak when he took the job...are you freaking kidding me? This isn't a "must win" but we "must improvement" and the rest will take care of itself. Hey coachI this is a must win....if you don't win today you are going to be playing in front of even fewer people in November. I can promise you I will not be there with my family or alone. I'll find better things to do with my Satuday.
So I got the three game package post card in the mail today with smiling CoachI on the front. Really you're trying to sell the program with a goofy looking dude nobody I know agreed was a good hire or exudes any charisma in any of his press conferences. Why do we continue to do things half assed around here? Do you know when a coach is relevant? When people know who they were before they get here or they have consistent success year in and year out. There isn't even one football player on the page. Let me tell you a picture of Dambrodt with the team behind him can sell the basketball program, but CoachI couldn't sell you tickets to go see a BCS program why would we use him to advertise. I'm guessing it was the same guy who continues to put Proenza in the commercials. You know I like Dr. P, but you can't tell me he attracts any students. The campus is what is attracting these students there is a single person who says you know that Dr. Proenza he sure gave me some good things to think about I think I'll check out UA. I would really like to see a marketing program like the one Waddel ran. I can only wish YouTube Tom gets a promotion to a "big" school and we can actually hire Mike this time.
Slippery slope or not they have already made the distinction between us and them by creating a BCS level of bowls and those for the rest of us. This would simply take advantage of a designation put in place by the powers in order to try to level the playing field some. The interesting thing to see would be if it actually created more transfers because there would be a Div. 1 level still available with no need to sit out. Thus it would most likely never get approved, but I love the idea. We've always talked about those kids that go to schools like OSU and sit the bench for five years never playing. This would provide them with a more tangible outlet for their mistake than dropping to the not FBS subdivision. For crying out loud man this is for the kids! 18 year old kids make mistakes all the teim we're just trying to help them!
GP1 I understand what you are saying that you are either Div. 1a or you aren't, but it isn't the non-BCS schools that asked to be Div. 1A non-BCS they created that separate division. This is a perfectly legitimate thought. If all Div. 1a schools were actually treated equally and provided the opportunity of the BCS schools you argument works, but in this scenario it doesn't. Pitt is in a BCS conference and thus wouldn't be eligible for no sit out players.
I always find folks to sit with but actually going to the game by myself has happened more than 10 times. I'm fortunate or unfortunate enough to have been around long enough to meet a lot of folks over the years....a lot of folks who are equal glutons for punishment.
Zipsrifle as upset as I am at how the program is run I too continue to purchase my seats. I do wonder if my support though is part of the problem considering I continue to throw good money after bad. I'm sure once again by the end of the season I will be at the games by myself (wife and daughter will be home). The true test will be when my dad stops going with me which may be the final two games this year.
GoZips hombre...the department of athletics expects more from their athletics program? Really....how is it that people on this board continue to point out how they are probably one of the most half assed organizations I've ever seen run? Look at companies that are tops in their field for customer service and creating an environment people want to be a part of it the compare it with Akron Athletics - especially the game day experience. FAIL! Why should we as fans have to pay while they continue to f*ck around and not get anything right with football. Shouldn't we expect them to put something on the field and the ask us to pay for it? I've been sold the same pile of shit with little to no results for 22 years. Now because YouTube Tom is selling it with Capt Personality Coach I running the show I'm supposed to buy it. Excuse me for not buying it. I've been posting on here with a some others since the blue board days....yes that is right I made a reference to something you have no clue what it is because you weren't around. I am expecting more from this program and the reason I get pissed off when I see crap like I saw Saturday night. The product they put on the field is worth about $5 yet they are charging $20 -- that is just a fact. Funny thing I was done posting about last Saturday until I read your post (among others) directing people to get a clue about paying $20 for a crap product. That kind of mentality will drive people away and I noticed it this year with all the empty seats around my season tickets. I expect many more next year if this shit keeps up.
You have to love reading that on ACC Boards. It shows a level of class not seen in areas closer. You would wonder why the BigTen hasn't reached out to Akron or why they wouldn't for soccer. The BigTen only fields seven men's teams in Soccer, but they are all BigTen teams. We already play the teams and it would legitimize our 6-0 BigTen title from last year
I was at Barley House on Saturday and they were understaffed with open tables and people waiting to be seated. A half ass establishment if there ever was one. On the other hand I was at the Wing Warehouse for a Aeros game this summer -- we asked to order wings and we were told it would be 2 hours. 2 hours to drop wings into a deep fryer....that wasn't to get a table that was to get our food. Terribly pathetic excuse for a bar. Saturday we ended up at Brubaker's and the food proved to be good, the service quick, $2 Bud Light 22 oz in a take home Zips cup....I'll continue to spend my money there thank you.
Could you say less in an interview than YouTube Tom said in that interview? Holy Shit was that worthless and time I'll never get back.
You're a jackass. I didn't say it should be free....I'm telling you that is the quality of the product they put on the field on Saturday night. Have you heard the phrase we've up our standards so up yours....that is what I'm asking of the University football program. I don't want any bullshit we played hard or our guys executed well they were just overmatched. I want to see a program that wins football games and stops making excuses. Everything I've read this offseason from this administration has been it is going to take time. FU the good programs don't try to sell me on time they get out there and win football games. It usually starts with talented head coaches from solid programs not shitty BCS programs.
I'm all for demanding more from the fans but I feel like some of those (not GP1) folks then aren't willing to demand more from the University. They want to jack up the prices put a damn product on the field that demands that kind of money. The product they are putting on the field right now may not even be worth the $5 admission prices suggested. I don't care if they are playing in my backyard....the price for what I saw Saturday night might have been too much if it were free. As for the lack of willingness to run the program like more professionally that is also where I get bothered. The long walk up lines was disgraceful. I said to my wife as we walked in they needed to take a stack of GA tickets and send someone out side the ticket booth to sell them for cash just to alleviate the line. The concessions are very weak and the nicest thing I can say about them are the people running the stands are nice. The product is weak and there is not one things out of the ordinary. The team shop is pretty half assed at this point, but at least its open.
CK we are on opposite sides of the Nicely equation. I am not nearly as high on him as you are. I saw the same game you did and I saw him sail passes over guys heads when they were open, I saw him not tuck it and run when he should have, I saw him have one perfectly thrown ball dropped by Jalil Carter over the middle that was most likely dropped because he threw it to Jalil right before he may have been killed, I saw him miss by 10 yards a wide open Gary Pride, I saw him throw the ball long every time throwing into multiple coverage, I saw him throw a few completions that were made by our receivers with one hand because they were so poorly thrown, I also saw a few come back throws that weren't made until the receiver had come completely out of his hook and was coming back instead of throwing them before they turned. I also saw him look extremely uncomfortable....running around when rushed, I saw him throw the ball away instead of taking a sack, I even saw a few nice passes. I saw more bad from him than good Saturday night. I appreciate your glass half full attitude regarding Nicely and I'm hopeful you're right. I will still be surprised if he throws for 300 yards this week.
I went to yesterday's game with low expectations and Coach I managed to put a product on the field that didn't even meet those expectations. Coach I after the game "We new they were a blitzing team" Me talking to the radio "Then why the hell didn't you keep a running back in the back field to help?" I did not see all of the "dropped" passes someone else saw. I saw a "dropped" pass by Jalil Carter and tons of poorly thrown passes. The defense played well (even though the score didn't indicate) but I think they were on the field for like 72 plays. Most unimaginative offense I've ever seen and I'll be surprised to see this team score more than 10 points again on average playing like they did yesterday. I think Alex Allen is done. His one run was nice but the rest of the time he was in the game he showed he has lost a step and is very tentative running the ball. Nate Burney is 5'6 and ran with more heart than Allen yesterday. Nicely looks lost. He can't find open receivers. He throws balls way late...often throwing them after the player has completed his route. He threw into double coverage all day. And my personal favority 3rd and 3 he rools right has a chance to run to try to get the first down and throws it away...are you kidding me it was like he had no clue threre were only three downs. Going for the field goal on 4th in 2 on Cuses side of the field with a chance to make a game of it? Pathetic chicken shit play calling. Did anyone expect a coach from a school that sucked the entire time he was there to come to a program that has sucked and turn it around? I haven't liked the hire from day one and today just emphasized my thoughts. There is no excuse for the lack of preperation other than you are in over your head. No enthusiasm from the coaching staff from the start of the game on yesterday. Coach I came lumbering out with the team and looked like he didn't want to be there. I think this team is going to be lucky to win a division 1 game this year. I've seen high school coaches who were better prepared than these guys and far more imaginitive. Shawn Lemon, Bryan Wagner and Mike Thomas are some really good ball players. Marcox looked good too but the other three are all MAC type players. Some pretty acrobatic catches by our Wide Receivers yesterday because they certainly didn't get the ball hitting them in their numbers. Punting was so uneven...how is it there aren't 120 kids between 18-22 in our entire country that can punt good enough that all schools should have a stud? I tried to take the family to Barley House before the game (decided not too tailgate for this game) and got there at 3:30. There was a line and open tables....told us they were understaffed. Are you fucking kidding me what a incompetent bunch of fucks running that place. We went to Brubakers where there were properly staffed decked out in their Zips gear, happy to have us and better food than I thought they would have. I could go on but I'm guessing that is enough. I have no idea how we can't get this football coaching thing right after all this years and watching other programs succeed time and time again.
And the end of the day the decision puts money in Larry Dolan's hands and even if I though it was a good idea I wouldn't want anything to do with it.
I will reiterate this is a terrible deal. I don't even think the AD knows who he is working for in this scenario if he signed it. We have an attendance problem this is not Wisconsin. We need to get buts in the seats at home and putting the game on TV is not going to help that one bit. Terrible deal and it speaks of an AD either being in over his head or not understanding the University he is working for.
Three games that we all on this board will be attending in person.....great! WTF how about you televise away games and make people actually pay to see the product when it is local. Amazing!
Macedonia has a few things NE Ohio is famous for in the Winking Lizard and Panini's....both will be open late when you return from the game. The Lizard has (IMHO) the best wings in the area and Panini's is famous for their overstuffed sandwiches with cole slaw and french fries on freshly sliced bread (think Primanti Bros in Pittsburgh). Both bar/restaurants will have plenty of sports on for your viewing pleasure. The next morning you've got your choice of Leo's, Luna's, The Dolphin and Bob Evans for breakfast....there is also Panera if you don't want to sit down.
Captain and others....my comments are not based on seeing the kid play only in college. My comments come from talking with a close friend who saw him play every game in High School. He said what he saw at the from Nicely last year is exactly what he saw from him throughout high school -- no different. What I saw last year was a guy who could throw the ball the length of the field but had almost absolutely no touch on the ball at all. I"m looking forward to the first game to see if he has developed the touch he will need to succeed in college...if it still isn't there I'm thinking it is going to be a long season.
I agree that Nicely is not this amazing QB many of the folks on this board, but I can't possibly see Rodgers beating him out. Unfortunately they are Brady Quinn and Derek Anderson. I hope I'm wrong and will be happy to eat crow if I am. Nicely will look great on some plays, but not even average on others.
It's probably going to be a classroom. I wouldn't be suprised if they gave up on the team shop idea.
I struggled with the decision to re-up my season ticket package this year, but ultimately the low cost made my decision easy and I did re-up. I'm looking for a different product on the field this year because I'm positive I can find better things to do with my Saturdays than continue to watch a poor excuse for collegiate football. I love the Zips, but how much can we take before we give up on this University's continued attempts to right the ship? To suggest that this team can just throw their helmets on the field and beat Can't is ridiculous....Can't should have beat the Zips last year and if it weren'f for Can't's implosion they would have beaten them. Does anyone remember the debacl two years ago at Can't? As for having one of the MAC's top QBs? Nicely has a rifle for an arm, but he also is missing the prerequisite touch to balance out that rifle. I'm not sure if I watched the same QB y'all did last year, but the guy I saw reminded me more of Derek Anderson with this attempts to throw the ball through guys only 10 feet away than a top notch MAC QB. I hope he proves me wrong this year, but I have friends who watched him play all through high school and they tell me that is simply how he plays the game. I have no reason to believe this team will be better than last place. I do want to believe I will see a more disciplined, focused team that utilizes the talent on the team appropriatley.
So here is my confusion....GoZips might be confused and may have his anger in Akron athletics misplaced, but perhaps the better answer would be to provide him with reasons to believe in RI. Has RI done anything in his short time at this school to make you believe he can turn it around. Isn't there something to him actually selling us the die hards on the team? I know we aren't going anywhere (at least not most of us) but shouldn't we be the people he wants to make in evangelists and aside from winning (which they haven't) evangelists are what this organization needs. So where are the reasons to be excited about this upcoming season?