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Everything posted by a-zip

  1. In honor of David Letterman, here are the top responses from Balsy, ME & LZIP. Hey guys, I want to clarify something for you……"critical thinking" does not mean you simply criticize. ME Like all Athletics Department decisions made under TW, I'm sure this one was well thought out with input from those in the know and studies identifying all of the great things to come with the "Z" logo. Just because TW and his friends and relatives don't like the A-Roo, doesn't mean those of us who graduated from UA don't. Sorry, but I've never been impressed by TW, and so far, I don't see the thoughtful decisions from President Scarborough. The survey that the Athletic Department did that was mentioned...what does that data mean? Is it meaningful? What do they know about those who responded? What was the sampling size? Making decisions based on that data seems like more from the Athletic Department than the thoughtful decisions President Scarborough promised. I'm tired of new leadership coming into UA and changing things on their whims, IMHO. (actually, not so-humble) That's okay...I concluded that you are either TW's child or wife. The reason for my remark about his relatives or friends. Balsy We better win a national championship with the Z...or another football MAC Championship...or it'll be useless. Kep the A-Roo, stop trying to fix what isn't broken. The arguement of rebranding athletics, just like the arguement for rebranding UA, falls flat on it's face. I just think it's asinine to completely eliminate the A-Roo. My coffee cup in front of me as I type this, has a giant A-Roo on it. Half my gear has the A-Roo on it. Moving A was very obviously dated. It looked like it was from the 80's. The A-Roo doesn't look dated at all. Athletics should be creative, not lazy. Changing from A-Roo to Z is lazy. We're going to continue having fun having no identity. Good luck attracting any current students to support the team when you're changing logos everyother year! Why get involved with something, and build an identity with something, when everything about it keeps changing. THAT's the problem. Changing a logo may seem insignificant...it's not. It's huge. but I didn't think it'd be in the process of eliminating another logo I've been saying for a long time we need to be encorporating ALL of our logos, because it is something that makes Akron unique. I thought they were finally doing it with the new football gear, encorporating the Roo and the Z....but I didn't think it'd be in the process of eliminating another logo. Yeah, start a new championship culture with the Z...I sure do remember when drug-dealing-gets-his-ass-kicked-off-the-team Alex Abreu was a center piece in the Z advertising, that was amazingly good press! Yeah! Championship Culture! Let's wear the Z logo uniforms and go out and lose another game on national television by 40 points! That'd be amazing! More school colors, encorporate ALL logos. Build some pride in EVERYTHING that we have, not eliminating things because a President and AD want to pad the resume a bit. Yeah I sure remember when State Ohio University got rid of it's Block O logo and placed a a giant B in it's place in all athletics marketing! That sure brought out the fans to support the Buckeyes! That's an example of ADDING logos, not eliminating them. And to answer your question: From the Athletic Director himself! Go back to post #1. I flat out asked our AD in an email, pointing out that the A-ROO appears to be used less and less. I asked verbatum: "Is there a move to eliminate the "A-Roo"? Is there a marketing focus to move from the "A-Roo" logo to the "Z" logo? Pretty open and closed case. But LZip articulated it perfectly: critical thinking. How do you know Scarborough and and TW are smart? Holding a doctorate or a position of power does not make one smart. Just saying "don't doubt them...they're smart people" is an appeal to authority and an arguement out of ignorance. There are some very smart people on this forum, and in the public who are in opposition to Scarborough. Why don't you agree with them? That's the problem with appeals to authority and arguements out of ignorance, their inherently biased. Nothing from Scarborugh and TW on the rebranding of UA has ANY facts to support it. I don't think anyone has pressed TW on the issue of changing to the Z, but what data, facts or information are there to support the move? The only thing we can find is ONE survey, that doesn't even pass academic credibility. I wouldn't let my high school students use that crap to draw conclussions, why should we let an athletic director of a D-I university do it? LZIP It's too bad your degree from Hilltop High didn't teach you the ability to think critically, but instead be a blind follower.
  2. Balsy, LZip, ME - My opinion is based on a lot of facts and a lot of research from people other than Dr. Scarborough. Studies from the US Department of Education, NY Times, Washington Post, Forbes, Bloomberg - people like Mark Cuban, Bill Gates, etc etc. It is based on my believing that the responses from the survey were taken in to consideration. It is also based on common sense and what the Internet has done to other industries. It has to do with the economy. It has to do with successful strategies companies like Apple have implemented against IBMs. All credible publications, very smart successful philanthropists, and a pretty successful company. I have posted many of the links for you. None of you have a credible response to any of it other than to say they are ALL idiots, they all have hidden agendas, there is no problem, the survey is garbage. Your opinions are all simply emotional and naive - starting with the title of this entire thread "ELIMINATING THE A-Roo". Balsy, you even tried to bust my balls by referring back to TW's response to you and NOWHERE in his response did he say the A-Roo was being ELIMINATED. He said we were MOVING toward the "Z" (a logo that has existed for years) not ELIMINATING it. You can't even understand the meaning of a simple email so I wouldn't expect you to understand anything I have said. YOUR CRITICAL THINKING somehow allowed you to read that email and interpret it as the donkey is being eliminated.
  3. Again, if you think these decision are being made by throwing darts at a board YOU ARE INSANE!! I never said the Z was going to sell out across the country (if we start winning, I think it is pretty cool and unique logo though)…..I am saying moving away from the A-Donkey was not selling out and is not associated to anything great so it is a logical time to make a rebranding shift NOT ELIMINATION. Seriously, Who gives a sh!t. I've had fun with you but this is ridiculous. I am only a TW cheerleader and Scarborough cheerleader because they are people that are making important decisions to my alma mater so I am rooting for them. They are smart people, they were interviewed, questioned and asked for their vision by some other very smart people. What I take exception to is people that simply BITCH and complain about something without providing solutions or substance. I hate people that simply point fingers without the insight and knowledge that the decision makers have. I am also a Travon Chapman cheerleader and Kyle Pohl cheerleader because they play for my alma mater. If either of them start and don't win, I am in favor of a rebrand….ooops…..change.
  4. BOOM!! "My colleagues have identified many of the contributions and strengths that northeast Ohio public universities provide by offering high quality educational opportunities for the many, not just for the selective few. I also agree that the benefits of cooperation among our universities yield great benefits for the region, and I look forward to expanding those ventures. The future of higher education will require each of our universities to adapt in ways that are unique to their individual institutional missions and historical strengths. There is strength in diversity, and Northeast Ohio will be best served by colleges and universities that choose to be great in different ways. Our path is as a great polytechnic university."
  5. Dave, don't get caught up in whether you were a Tressel fan or not ; - P The point point is whether this move makes sense or not and it does for so many reasons. WHAT DID YOU ALL THINK THE OTHER SCHOOLS THAT WE ARE COMPETING AGAINST WERE GOING TO SAY!!
  6. Yup. And that some people think this shift is going to destroy the mighty A-Roo Championship legacy/brand that is selling out across the country And that Dr. Scarborough and TW are conspiring to destroy our university. That decisions are being made with no thought, insight or research. When I played, we had the BYU A and we won. When Faust came in, it was changed to the moving A. It was a bit sad but a little exciting we embraced it.
  7. I don't. I think the name will evolve base on what people embrace. What's your point?
  8. I am sure we agree on one thing….If the teams are winning….they could be wearing pink and have pussycats on the uniforms….. ;-) One thing to think about (I hate to stir the pot again)…..If we are moving away from The University of Akron Zips and ultimately become The Ohio Tech Zips……the A does not convey. This is a subtle transition that is happening to what is inevitable…….. OTZ baby I like it!!
  9. And his response was…."you are correct, we are moving towards the “Z” logo." HE DOES NOT SAY WE ARE ELIMINATING YOUR BELOVED A-ROO. C'mom Man!!!
  10. One take away I have from this exchange. Either Balsy or ZIP_ME87 are my ex-wife…….
  11. No my assertion was correct. If you can find me a picture of the TEAM wearing the donkey roo while on the field, winning the national championship, I will apologize although it is really a silly argument. The point is the donkey is not associated to a powerhouse dynasty so who gives a crap if another logo is introduced. As I illustrated above, many schools (Notre Dame) do it and people don't seem to be getting their panties in a wad. The articles I posted are from outsiders (not you or I) making fun of the A-Roo logo….I believe they said something like they couldn't figure out if it was a deer or a donkey. Balsy, no I don't have the data from the survey but TW and the administrators do. They have decided to make a change. HOW IN THE WORLD CAN YOU SAY PRESIDENT SCARBOROUGH IS NOT MAKING THOUGHTFUL DECISIONS?!?!?! Decisions are being made on whims?!?!?! Are you all out of your minds!!? Do you seriously think no thought has gone in to all of this!!! No research has been done?!?! No surveys?!?! There are people a lot smarter than you and I collecting and analyzing data before making these MAJOR decisions. These changes are scary….I will give you that. There is no guarantee of success but I do believe that doing nothing is just as scary. I do believe the education system is in a critical point and it is/will change. The WWW has changed everything, the economy is changing things. I think our administration is actually THINKING BIGGER, if it is rolled out properly this rebranding will be a success and we will jump ahead of Can't, BGSU, Toledo, etc…..I don't see that happening by operating the same archaic way.
  12. I figured I would just use Notre Dame (which is a pretty well known brand/logo ). I don't have time to post Oregon and Maryland and others….. I've made my point. Oh, there is one other question I would like to ask…... The title of this thread is "ELIMINATING THE A-ROO". Where did you hear it was being ELIMINATED???
  14. Again, you guys are missing the point. I could sit here and have a picture posting battle with you or point out players that died, used heroin, flunked out, quit, and lost TONS of games while wearing the donkey logo….but I won't THE POINT IS THAT THE DONKEY IS NOT A WELL KNOWN LOGO THAT IS ASSOCIATED TO MULTIPLE CHAMPIONSHIPS!!! If you want to say our soccer team from 5 years ago made it a household logo….you all are the clueless ones. Damn people, we are not getting rid of our mascot Zippy (who is well known). Many schools, even powerhouse schools, change their logos and marketing. Outside of Akron, most people make fun of and don't even know what that Donkey logo is. READ THE ARTICLES I POSTED. Fear the Roo is pretty cool but it was ripped off from Maryland. The Z is unique!! Rebranding 101 https://aytm.com/blog/research-junction/rebranding-essentials-why-rebrand/ http://www.vim-group.com/top-ten-reasons-rebranding/
  15. I am not sure, maybe the donkey was displayed but it was not worn by the team (heck, some columns still use the moving A ;-) I would not say the Donkey A is emblazoned in anyone's mind and when they see it they think "Wow….Champions!!!" If you want to use soccer as an example though, I would point out that since the donkey oval has been included on the team's JERSEY, they have not done a whole lot. I really don't think we would be abandoning much of a championship tradition at all. This is really a moot point. The point I am suggesting is that our football team is the one that has predominantly worn the Donkey A and they have been embarrassing. A survey WAS done and apparently people wanted to move away from the donkey (unless you subscribe to the conspiracy that TW and Scarborough are trying to destroy and blew the survey off). We have so many stupid logos, a consolidation needs to be done!! BTW - talk about lazy………how bout the fact that we ripped off The University of Maryland's Fear the Turtle We don't have a championship identity, its time to start one with the
  16. So maybe…..just maybe….it has more to do with this than TW and his family liking it.
  17. You people are f(&*ing unbelievable. You are so bent on trying to find an Akron soccer player with the donkey that you miss the point….The FACT is no success tied to the donkey - our National Championship soccer team did not wear it on their jerseys when they won the national championship…... our basketball team does not wear it. The only team that wore it prominently was our football team (who has sucked for a long time). I think it is smart to try and get away from that association. The losing is old and so is the donkey. You can post all the pictures you want of the donkey on a t-shirt, practice warm up, bag…it is not associated to winning.
  18. You are talking about a poster that was created for an event. The team did not wear the donkey when they won the national championship. I think you are seriously overreacting to a change in logo and branding. Who said they Donkey A was being eliminated….I don't see that anywhere? Why is it "lazy" to change to a Z (that looks the same regardless of what side of the basketball court you are on….kinda cool I think). Why does a change have to be an elaborate change? The name ZIPS is one of the most unique in all of sports…..I think it is a great idea to use the Z……who else could use it?
  19. Nope. Don't see the Donkey on the national championship team. Still don't see it
  20. Funny, I have NEVER seen the Donkey-ARoo on any of UA's soccer jerseys, warm ups or Cub Cadet field. Not sure I have seen it on any of our basketball jerseys either (our most successful teams)…..I do believe our basketball team has worn the Z for a while as they win 20+ games per season, MAC Championships - pretty good accomplishments. ​What has the football team accomplished in the first year wearing the Z….well, we won more games last year than the previous 4 combined with the donkey logo. Also, when we almost beat Michigan with the white Z, people commented to me that our uniforms and the Z looked really cool. The looked pretty good beating Pitt too. http://www.lostlettermen.com/slideshow/cfb-top-10-ugliest-helmets/ http://uniformcritics.com/football/college/akron-zips/ Quote - “That weird animal in Akron’s primary logo within the capitalized A is actually a kangaroo. It first appeared on the Zips’ gold helmets in 2002 along with an updated custom font.” Quote - "Alas, it just doesn’t look like she belongs on a football helmet. It’s also hard to tell that she’s a kangaroo. A quick glance and you’d think she’d be anything from a deer to a donkey. And the back of the ‘roo crossing the “A” is just ill-conceived. Perhaps an Akron creative arts major can create a demon kangaroo for the school’s teams."
  21. Great post and pic - perfect!! Maybe that is where the A-Roo and the University of Akron name belong….in a broken down, dilapidated, run down, outdated Rubber Bowl. Time to move onward and upward.
  22. When the brand and team suck and associated with losing isn't that when you usually make a change in your brand/logo? Zip_ME87, what good do you associate with the A-Roo? Hell, even Gerry Faust got that when he came in with the moving A (he/they wanted to change things) I've got to start adding these up….maybe make a new thread; 1- Scarborough took the UA presidency to destroy The University of Akron 2- TW is changing the logo because he and his relatives like it 3- Lebron is a traitor for going to Miami and winning championships
  23. Shocking…..nobody likes it. I like the Z
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