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Everything posted by a-zip

  2. AKRON Football - WE ARE IN THE TOP 10…..#1 IN OHIO!!!! http://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2015/6/1/8678633/CHIPOTLE-RANKINGS
  3. I don't think because there have been marketing strategies that have failed is a reason to do nothing. There have also been marketing strategies that have been wildly successful. I would also like to say that what UA is doing is much more than a marketing strategy. It is a fundamental change in delivering higher education and change to adapt to the financial concerns all schools are facing. Hopefully soon, we will hear more about the strategy and the reasons for it.
  4. So you think students, faculty and alumni should make strategic decisions on the direction of the University?
  5. Skip - I agree, you all are the majority right now. Trust me, when I first heard the news (as I sipped from my A-Roo mug ;-) my first reaction was…WTF!!! All I am saying is that I think people should reserve judgement until all the facts and research have been presented…..and I do understand the emotional reaction to the announcement. Unfortunately, I don't think this has initially been presented to the public in an ideal fashion (a leak that had to be addressed). I am not even saying I agree with anything at this point, I am just saying that based on the research I have done the vision makes sense to me. When the strategy and plan are rolled out, I may say….that's really stupid ;-) Others might hear it and say….that makes a lot of sense. I just don't think we know enough at this point. I think we can all agree that enrollment has gone down, the academic prestige is not where we would like it to be and the support for our sports teams are not the greatest.
  6. 1- Yes all schools should be spending 365 doing this. UA has done that and made a decision - created a vision, started a path. It was initially criticized was it not by Can't and the other NEO schools? They appear to be scrambling. My point is, if they thought we were making a bad move, why would they now be spending money on consultants to differentiate themselves. Damn, can't somebody acknowledge that our administration is forward thinking? Maybe smart? Seems like everything on here is negative. 2- Definition of success? Again, I think when the strategy is set, the plan is put in place….the administration will likely outline the expected impacts. I am quite sure they have goals in mind, I don't know what they are. If schools start folding up shop and we survive, I would say it was a success. If enrollment increases, maybe another success. Higher graduations rates, success. If the prestige of the school increases, success. Ticket sales and school spirit increase, national recognition …success. Profitability increases because of efficiencies, success. You are right…..there are a lot of questions. Who knows.
  7. If it is successful, I would have to think people will accept it. We won't know until we try. I would have to think Can't state following suit AFTER us would lend some credibility to the moves we are making. Their president (after being critical of us) basically started saying the same things as Dr. S did about distinguishing themselves and becoming a "great" university. One of the reasons I get so frustrated with the leaking of information and the posting of miss-information is because I know how divisive it can be. So many people believe anything they read (whether it is on ZN.o or the ABJ) without investigating or researching (presidents get elected this way ;-) I firmly believe that UA's administration did not want all of this out yet for many reasons. This would have gone much better if they had a chance to finalize the strategy/rollout and been able to calmly present to everyone. For me, I have read a lot about where education is heading. My son, while in his senior year of H.S., is going to be taking college courses and receiving dual credits. Why would we do this? 1- the "basic" college courses he will take are being offered at a fraction of the cost. 2- it gives him a chance to acclimate to college courses in his home, where I can possibly help. 3- he will likely finish half if not all of what would be his first years college courses. 4 - It looks great on his college application 5 - while taking these courses he may say....wow, this major is not for me and change 6 - statistics show that students taking college courses while in HS are more likely to graduate and more likely to get a graduate degree. To me, this is a no brainer. With the economy being the way it is, I have to think this approach makes sense for a lot of people right now. To be clear, for us, I am only talking about doing this for basic courses, not core courses. http://classroom.synonym.com/advantages-taking-college-courses-during-high-school-1241.html http://everydaylife.globalpost.com/advantages-taking-college-courses-during-high-school-4897.html http://study.com/articles/Should_High_School_Students_Take_College_Classes.html My opinion, from the UA standpoint, is if they ignore this trend going on, they will lose $$ and possibly students (in my opinion). My opinion is that it would make sense for UA to focus time, energy and money in taking our strongest programs and making them even better. UA and many many other schools have had their budgets cut and we don't bring in millions of dollars from sports revenue. My opinion is the schools that rake in $$$ from sports or have huge endowments are the only ones that will be able to offer the wide range of college degrees. At this point, I don't know what UA's entire plan is. All I am saying is the vision makes sense to me and I am happy to see us take the lead in NEO.
  8. How do you load your own pictures? Still can't seem to do it.
  9. I am not sensitive I am not being sensitive. I guess I should have asked what is your point for asking this….to prove I said I didn't like the A-Roo? Honestly, I don't see where any of this is heading at this point so I am going to bow out.
  10. If you read it. I am being sarcastic about nobody liking the ZZZZZZZZ! NOT the A-roo. I then say I actually like the ZZZZZZ! I do not say I don't like the A-roo. Feel free to try and analyze all of my posts to find something wrong....I am sure you will find something. good luck :-p
  11. While I agree there is a "marketing" side to this from the University of Akron's point, I also believe there is more to our strategy than a simple name change. I believe a large part of our strategy will surround the fundamental change of curriculum, changes in programs and options in how courses are delivered (online). I think there will be a focus on investing and developing the programs where we are best. I don't know any of this as fact but there have been statements made along these lines. It is my opinion that very few schools will be able to offer everything to everyone. I believe a name change is more of an issue for Can't State because of the shootings….it always has been a cloud over their heads. Lipstick on a Pig - http://www.kentwired.com/latest_updates/article_4fccf4a2-f1f1-11e4-9764-97d68c895c6d.html They tried to change to Can't a while back didn't they? Just a thought - if Dr. Scarborough and constituents saw a merger of the NE Ohio schools coming, would our efforts been initiated? I have to believe they are privy to more information than most of us (certainly me).
  12. Interesting. Is someone scrambling???? http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ssf/2015/03/kent_state_university_seeks_a.html No wonder Dr. Scarborough's peers are upset Seems a bit hypocritical of Can't's president to criticize http://wcbe.org/post/university-akrons-rebranding-effort-criticized-other-schools In my opinion, this is part of the reason why our findings, our research, our studies our "TRADE SECRETS" should be kept confidential until the administration is ready to announce. Why would we want to give our intelligence to competitors. It would have been nice to have a fully baked the plan, strategy and then roll it out to everyone….it would have given us a much larger head start and been a smoother rollout.
  13. Don't get me started on Coach D I love that man! He is the reason I went to U of A.
  14. I acknowledged that I got caught in the rat hole of debating how many times the A-Roo appeared with our championship soccer team. My bad. I have also stated that I don't care if you wear A-Roo or Z - I will give you a bump either way. I have A-Roo, Fear the Roo, and Z shirts, mugs and hats - my kids and I wear them all proudly. For the record, I never said "nobody likes the A-Roo" and I don't believe I have ever said I didn't like the A-Roo. I did post links from lostletterman and uniformcritics that gave THEIR OPINIONS on our uniforms. I also said that most people outside of Ohio don't even know what the animal on the helmet is. I am not lying when I say that and I am not trying to persuade anyone to changing their feelings….I am just giving a perspective from the mid-atlantic. My over all point has been A-Roo is not being eliminated and many schools have multiple logos so I don't see why people are so upset.
  15. The facts I provided have nothing to do with supporting my opinions and I am not trying to persuade anyone into anything. The facts I provided were to clear up the fact that A-Roo is not being ELIMINATED (which was clearly articulated in an email from TW to the recipient and person who started this string). I think that is pretty useful because if people thought it was being ELIMINATED, I would expect some people to be upset. They should not be. Quite frankly, I think this whole topic is comical….now I am just having fun. Saying Dr. Scarborough is trying to destroy UA is ignorant. Saying AA was the poster child for the Z campaign is BS. Saying the Z was intended to be the "savior" of Zips football and the athletic program is childish. Who ever said any of those things?!?! Are you trying to say those are facts or are you and a few others just throwing out crap to support your OPINIONS. See, I actually appreciate the OPINIONS of the credible people who's opinions differ from mine. The opinions on how some see how higher learning being delivered in the future has forced me to investigate it more since I have a 17 year old that is preparing for college. So thank you. Regarding information being shared by the president and constituents….you need to understand something……the visions, discussions, plans that are being formulated by the president and are not set in stone - not policy. Information was leaked and they had to scramble to satisfy the protesters. In my OPINION…...I don't think the administration wanted these things to be public knowledge yet. In my OPINION, I think Dr. Scarborough and the office of general council are fully aware of their obligations to disclose information and will do so when it is appropriate. My OPINION and hope is when they share their findings, research and plan - they will explain it logically. My OPINION is that after that is done - some people will be happy and some won't. I don't know how I will feel yet but based on things I have read, I like that we are taking the lead. I am anxious to hear the detailed plan once it is done. Oh, another OPINION I have is that the presidents of the other schools in Ohio feel they have gotten beaten to the punch. Their responses were predictable.
  16. I cannot un-see that now!! I still have not figured out how to post a jpg from my computer.
  17. Opinions are great…I enjoy reading them….some of the opinions out here have changed my opinion on certain things. I came into this because of comments and quotes that are misrepresentative of reality and divisive. That do nothing but get people up in arms (i.e. the topic of this thread). I also take exception to people calling almost everyone in U of A's administration stupid and implying they are deceitful and making decisions on whims. I am not here to count how many times a logo appears on our jersey (my bad for getting caught in that rat hole). A few examples of what I am talking about; First and foremost - The A-Roo is NOT being ELIMINATED. Many schools have multiple logos. Alex Abreu was not the "center piece" to the Z campaign. I found 1 picture of him with the Z on his jersey. The promotional poster of he and Zeke says ZIPS on the jersey (I will add the A-Roo is on the poster though ;-) You can see it on Zeke's Facebook page….along with his ZM logo (using our Z)There WAS a poll conducted by the U of A and I am quite sure there were multiple studies done on the impact of "MOVING" to the Z logo as the primary. The fact is we have both. ​There have been facts, links, documents and real information around the meetings and "critical thinking" going on with our administration.I don’t have time to go through all the B.S. (not opinions) again and also the ones included on the UA rebranding thread. My only hope is for people to post FACTS (which I am actually very interested in whether good or bad). I guess I just need to pay more attention to who the posters are because in hindsight, it is obvious there are some that simply want to bitch. A few of my opinions; I seriously doubt anyone remembers what was on the jersey or warm-up of our championship soccer team from 5 years ago. What is important – THE ZIPS WON!!We can choose to wear what we want - you buy the A-Roo, I will buy the Z. I will give you a high five/bump either way.I do not feel the administration is obligated to share all of the information in their decision making process with us. TW, Dr. S and the rest are entrusted with making good informed decisions. If they mess up, they should be fired. Information being leaked prematurely around the polytech rebrand is a good example of why certain things should be kept behind closed doors. I have been in leadership positions of companies that were targeted for acquisition. When the acquiring company begins their diligence, rumors start to fly, the rumors become fact in some peoples minds…..production goes down and sometimes the acquisition (that could have benefited a lot of people) falls through. Our philosophy was alway to operate as if everything was staying the same. When the deal is signed, then we announce why it was done and how it benefits all. Involving everyone in big decisions becomes a cluster. Nothing gets done….visions are lost. I acknowledge AGAIN iCoach was a debacle….holocaust…..mistake….F$%k up. TW obviously got a mulligan and I think there have been some solid hires and retentions since.The #teamohio thing after OSU won was bad.I think things are on the upswing - I think men's soccer may make a nice run in the NCAAs, the basketball team is poised for another great season and has some exciting young players, and finally I think our football team is going to win enough games to go to a bowl. I think the timing is right for shifting to another primary logo. I like the new basketball court, I like the basketball Z jerseys, I like the new football helmets (so do my kids) but if they had stayed with the A-Roo and won, I could care less.I am not going to throw away my A-Roo coffee mug but I am in the market for a new Z mug.
  18. GJ - the A-Roo is NOT being eliminated.
  19. Dave, I did not know a faculty member leaked this prematurely. That is one of the risks of "shared governance" I guess. If this is the case, I feel even more strongly that the ABJ was irresponsible for putting out a poll asking us if we liked the rebranding "strategy". All they did was stir the pot because Dr. S and constituents were still formulating the "strategy". But because this was leaked, a poll was put out and everyone (including presidents of rival schools) were up in arms, they were forced to start explaining something that was not intended for the masses.
  20. I've said about all I can say, I hate to keep repeating. Everyone has their opinions. My perspective comes from someone who went to UA and grew up and currently lives 7 hours away in the mid-atlantic. I have always resented when people ask me “why did you go to Akron?” I would like to see that change. The reason I jumped in to this (no, I am not related to Dr. Scarborough and have never met him) is because I hate when people don't have the information they desire they tend to think the worst, develop conspiracies and make things up. I also believe 100% the way higher education has historically been provided is going to change and needs to change because of the fiscal restraints being put on schools. I hope we become a leader in this shift. In these exchanges comments have been made that "the A-Roo is being eliminated", The University of Akron name is being eliminated....neither of those are true. There have also been attacks on Dr. Scarborough for being a dictator and a person who does not understand higher education or even care. There was even been a comment that he does not want what is best for UA. Comments have been made that no due diligence has been done and there is no transparency or collaboration in the decision making. That is all absurd! If any of the latter were true and he was making uninformed decisions on a “whim” I will be one of the first to call for heads to roll! I guess the only positive thing I can say about a lot of what has been said is, it's good to see there are people that are passionate about UA Sorry, I'm not as diplomatic as Dave, but that kind of crap drives me crazy. I should have just shut up after Dave said… That pretty much sums up my feelings and I am comfortable with how decisions are being made based on what I have read. I am looking forward to seeing us become an even better university! I found the assessment report in February 2015 by the HLC (link below) to be very encouraging. It was attended by hundreds to include - the president & his cabinet, Faculty senate committee, University council Steering Committee, AAUP Executive Committee, Board of Trustees, Deans, Associate Deans, Dept chairs, faculty members, Office of Academic affairs, Assessment Committee & College Assessment representatives, General Education Committee and Chairs of Senate DLO/TLO committee. On page 12 comments are made around perceived improvements on shared governance On page 13 comments made around the increased willingness by senior administration to have open discussions, there are even comments that the past administration announced decisions and faculty/staff would have to assert themselves# Also comments that historically negotiations were adversarial but the current president shows a willingness to listen# http://www.uakron.edu/dotAsset/bcefd4a3-13e9-4406-b05b-bdadb80c68ab.pdf Those comments are comforting to me because these changes are going to take collaboration and buy-in from everyone to make it work. It appears we are in good hands (I hope)
  21. So on one hand you criticize and complain decisions are being made without research or information (whims I think you called it). And now you complain because money was spent to research this important strategy? Basically, you just like to complain. I wouldn't expect TB to divulge his game plan before a game or team disciplinary matters. And I don't feel the U of A should be obligated to provide details of the strategy at this time. Information will come out.
  22. Bill Gates, the billionaire who knows nothing about education http://www.gatesnotes.com/Education/The-Future-of-College-NACUBO-Remarks http://www.gatesnotes.com/Education/Colleges-Without-Walls-Arizona Another interesting read http://www.the-american-interest.com/2012/12/11/the-end-of-the-university-as-we-know-it/
  23. Strategy http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/strategy Vision http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vision Balsy, There is a difference between a "vision" and a "strategy". I have not seen the specific industry level strategy……..Have you? To paraphrase his speech; On April 15, we announced The University of Akron would begin to offer a set of General Education courses at half the average tuition cost of community college rates using blended learning technology and pedagogy. Yesterday, we announced the creation of a new National Center for Dance Choreography in partnership with Dance Cleveland and the Knight Foundation. So in addition to low-cost general education courses and new center for choreography with Dance Cleveland and the Knight Foundation, our next major initiative is to develop a new center for data science and information technology. These are some of the early steps we are taking to become a Great Public University: higher education for the masses, career-focused experiential learning, and learning that is connected to business and industry. We have sought to complement these planned steps with an industry-level strategy that repositions the university for long-term growth. A repositioning that will extend our student recruitment beyond our historical limits. So the industry-level strategy for The University of Akron going forward is to be “Ohio’s polytechnic university.” Balsy - What Dr. Scarborough outlined in his speech is a "vision" and the implementation of some initial plans. The industry level strategy was not revealed. THAT strategy will determine our fate.
  24. Seems like an odd poll as we don't know what the strategy is. We know what the idea/concept is...,
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