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Everything posted by a-zip

  1. I was talking to some friends the other day about our teenagers….A few of us had boys who had turned 16 last year and didn't seem real anxious to get their drivers licenses (which is OK by me). We joked about how each of us, when we were young, got our drivers licenses on THE DAY we turned 16 and how liberating it was. We scratched our heads trying to figure out what had changed with our boys. The answer we came up with was in our day if you wanted to do something - i.e.. hang out with buddies, play games, attend a game, etc…..you had to go somewhere. Today, with the internet, XBOX, PS4, Twitter, Facebook, video messaging, iPhones, iPads, etc……………you really don't have to go anywhere for entertainment - you can have food delivered to you and stay in the comfort of your home, dorm or wherever you might be. Kinda sad.
  2. One of the things that is confusing to me is the fact that the university and other businesses HAVE made an effort to bring students to the school by building REALLY NICE dormitories on campus. Does anyone know the numbers on how many students live on or right near campus today vs the 70s/80s? I have to imagine it is substantially higher today. Seriously, these kids have some really nice places to live…..pools, wireless internet, Starbucks, etc. I would think they would be having more fun and have more pride in their school than a kid that lived in an old beat up house or dated dormitory in the 70s/80s. Some of these are really nice!!!! http://www.uakron.edu/reslife/halls/all-halls.dot http://www.depotatakron.com/?gclid=CMHQgOvsicQCFdgPgQodaJUAKA http://www.uakron.ocm101.com/property.html?id=431 http://envisionapartments.com/?gclid=CMfo8ofticQCFRckgQodJlAA_w
  3. No names were mentioned and none of the doctors were interviewed in the piece. There was an official statement sent from the UA athletic department denying any wrongdoing (they showed a copy of the letter and paraphrased the message in it). I was watching this with my kids and it was embarrassing. They said "you played there, did they make you take that stuff?" Sigh
  4. Has anyone seen the latest episode of Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel? Holy crap! Not a good reflection on Akron football. Jeremy Bruce is interviewed and talks about how pain killers were wildly given to he and his teammates. He says it was an epidemic on the team and it lead them to heroin (a gateway drug). Tyler Campbell's death was discussed. http://waywire.com/video/CZC6CG0LYFB2MFBZ
  5. Wouldn't this be nice!!! I was at the Wisconsin game, I got chills it was so loud and fun!! https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=934591643218130 Fun at Terps basketball games https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1qoZxWAsk8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6Heonx4F9k
  6. Yup! It's the chicken and the egg right now. He needs to show people (top recruits in particular) that he is still the man. I am quite sure nobody was more disappointed in not going to a bowl game last year. That would have shown major progress and I bet would have landed a few more recruits. He needs to WIN and show some of the "Bowden Magic".
  7. I am not arguing or debating just simply trying to understand where all the haters are coming from. If it is simply the iCoach hire (which is all that keeps being mentioned over and over) so be it. Is there more? Listen, I played for coach Winters at UA and I was pissed when he didn't get hired - we have to move on......I know Coach Winters has.
  8. No mulligan. He f*&ed that one up.....I get it. He is not the first AD to make a bad FB coach hire. We now have the best FB coach we could ever get to come to Akron and defensive coordinator too. We have the best basketball coach we could ever get to stay at Akron. We have won a National Championship (and a runner up National Champion) in soccer. Basketball, track most other sports have improved haven't they? Does that one terrible hire warrant his firing 5 years later.
  9. I am curious.....what has our AD done that is sooooo bad and holding UA back (no need to mention the iCoach hire, I get that one ;-)
  10. That is a great trip for the guys and Victor in particular……good recruiting tool ;-) You put me at ease on the recruiting….looking forward to seeing our new recruits.
  11. Anyone know how our recruiting class shaped up? Geez, our soccer team seems to have dropped off the map.
  12. Add support and fan base. I am telling you when a player takes their recruiting visit to a school and sees 2-3K in the stands…..the school goes down in their ranking.
  13. Wow! The highlight of Van Edwards is amazing. I like the fact that he is scoring on almost every play. He looks to have power and his is breaking away from people. On a side note…….I bet TB wishes they would not use the orange hair picture
  14. Class looks solid. Anyone know how the turnout is/was at the Student Union. It was a great idea to try and involve the students in their team…….I hope people showed for it.
  15. If beast mode gets three tries from the one yard line, he scores……….guaranteed!!!
  16. So if what you say is true then we shouldn't invest any more money in new arenas, coaches, etc because WE ARE IN THE MAC and WE ARE NOT GOING TO GET OHIO STATE or any other big name to come to the Info or the JAR.
  17. BTW - I don't need and article, Wallethub or whoever to tell me our fans are terrible……I played at UoA and was always disappointed in our crowds. Also, my original comment had nothing to do with the link. It had to do with somebody posting about losing to a pathetic team before the game was over (when in fact we came back and won in dramatic fashion). I find that defeatist attitude pathetic but unfortunately typical of Joe Akron. At the risk of repeating myself, I am confused by the attendance dilemma and after playing for UoA and decades of supporting them…..the only conclusion I can draw is that NE Ohio doesn't care. The football people say the reason nobody goes to football games is because we haven't won in a while. I do understand that. I don't expect a sellout at the Info but I would bet many high school teams out draw our football team. The basketball people say the reason nobody goes to the basketball games is because the JAR sucks, BUT our basketball team is one of the winningest in the last 7-8 years of any NCAA team. I don't get it. Let me ask you all a question. If we were to re-wind the clock in Terry Bowden's tenure and replay all the home games in front of a full Infocision, do you think we would have won more games?
  18. Dude…….are you serious. Our basketball fans are the same and the original post I commented on is a testament to it.
  19. Was posted by someone last week http://www.baxterbulletin.com/story/news/local/2015/01/28/football-fans-rating/22468633/
  20. This comment is indicative of the defeatist attitude in NE Ohio and why Akron in particular is rated as having some of the worst fans in the country. Instead of staying and supporting the team when they need it in a close game, there is a quick shift to shut them out, start complaining and find excuses not to support the them. I am starting to believe that Joe Akron would prefer the teams lost. Seriously, if they won…..Joe wouldn't have anything to complain about. Oh btw, that pathetic team we just beat WAS tied for first with us and had beaten Ohio and Can't State. GREAT JOB ZIPS but until your school builds you a bright shiny new arena and schedules marquis top 20 teams at home - Joe Akron isn't coming.
  21. My point was that saying people didn't come because it was a solem event is pretty lame. I think KD echoed the same thought.
  22. Seriously? It was honoring a great man and cause. How is that solem?
  23. What's next? Are we going to start selling OSU National Champions t-shirts in our bookstore now? My mind is
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