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Everything posted by a-zip

  1. Nice home court advantage for Toledo. 5500+
  2. I can't wait to see Ivey. He really looks like something special.
  3. Guys…..I am not concerned about stars or rankings associated to players……...I am concerned that we only show 2 recruits signed in total!!! On the one site is shows we have NONE!
  4. Thank you Dave…..just trying to think out of the box a bit. He is influential, he has money, has ties to Coach D and has made the choice to leave South Beach for Akron It is a unique opportunity for Akron to have the best basketball player on the planet choosing to come back home to live and one of the men that helped him become the best player on the planet as the head coach of UoA. Name it King James Court, King James Arena……how much would that help recruiting Seriously, a guy like LBJ does not come around very often and the odds of someone like him coming from Akron are slim to none. Make hay while the sun is shining. Funny, all the talk about attendance at the JAR and Info….one of the most well attended….exciting events at UoA was LBJ's welcome home at the JAR. Why wouldn't we be all over him. It's a win for him too.
  5. Uh, sorry Spin but you really didn't give examples, you simply made statements about the Lil Indians moving to canal park, and summit county breaking attendance records in indoor freakin' soccer. Maybe if you would have actually presented actually "examples" of attendance figures I would have responded. Either way, they are not University of Akron teams so I don't really find them relevant. You did mention the "idea" of us playing schools that have famous football programs. Great idea but why would they come to play at Akron? There is nothing for them to gain. We did beat University of Southern California, South Carolina and Marshall this year….Oregon State last year. Big scars to those programs.
  6. Yea. I am speculating that we have a fraction of the recruits all other schools have. Is there reason to think otherwise?
  7. I guess our philosophy on recruiting and posting recruits is different from every other school then….
  8. There is a reason it is quiet. Scary........ http://sports.yahoo.com/footballrecruiting/football/recruiting/teamrank/2015/MIDAM/all http://recruiting.scout.com/a.z?s=73&p=9&c=14&view=2&yr=2015
  9. I have mentioned this before but what about Lebron? God knows he has plenty of money.
  10. How do you figure? LOL I think what I have illustrated is no matter what this administration does, attendance will not change and the BS excuses people give for NE Ohio not supporting UoA sports are nothing more than BS. I challenge you to show me one example that would justify building a new arena.
  11. Ok, let me get this straight………. Football has a bright shiny new state of the art stadium BUT because they don't win….nobody attends Basketball wins tons of games (that apparently don't matter to anyone) BUT has an old dated JAR…….nobody attends Soccer wins tons of games, has new Cub Cadet stadium, nationally ranked, good schedule……….1,800 per game attend Hmmm, I'm confused.
  12. Earlier this year our football team came off a promising run from 2013, had one loss AT Penn State 21-3 (which I find respectable), we then came home to a semi-marquise team Marshall, students were in school and what was the attendance on a 73 degree day……..13,000. I promise you at least half of the 13K were Marshall fans BTW. Is there an excuse for that? I am not not just here to bitch and complain about the lethargy in attendance, it is what it is. My feelings are based on the FACTS and history, not excuses and speculation about the quality of the seats/venue, game schedules, quality of opponents, wins/losses. All of those variables never seem to change attendance and enthusiasm for the teams in my opinion. The only thing I can think of is building a cool greek village right in the middle of the sports facilities. Frats/Sororities are enthusiastic students and could be a great way to get the students partying, excited and then go to a game.
  13. Then how do you explain the lack of attendance at the Info? Let me guess…. Even though football has a beautiful stadium it doesn't win enough…… Basketball wins tons of games but has a HS arena…... Soccer attendance is down because we didn't win another national championship……. Excuses, excuses…. Renovate the JAR, Build the Greek Village and put it right between the JAR and Info. See what that does.
  14. 2937 attendance for the Marshall game
  15. What those on this board who want to blindly spend money on new arenas, new stadiums…."blah, blah,blah" are not doing is convincing me or anyone that matters. WHY is it money well spent. Hell, I think the whole Greek Village might be a better ideas to increase time and pride on campus. Making the JAR "nicer" is a prudent idea.
  16. Comparing soccer to football or basketball is apples to oranges. The numbers at a soccer game are so low, to use them as an example is silly to me. The cost to build a nice soccer facility vs a basketball arena vs a football stadium are not comparable. The contract to keep the top head soccer coach in the country is dwarfed even an assistant job at a BCS football or basketball team. The number of people required to fill a soccer stadium is minuscule. BTW - when Lolla was our coach - we were consistently ranked in the top 10 (even #1 for a while), consistently beating top teams, consistently winning conference championships and consistently going to post season. Not much difference between he and Porter except for the national championship. My point on MTSU is they are in a conference we aspire to. They are one of the top basketball teams in the conference we aspire to and when we played them we did not have more than 3000 people at the game. Do you think Conference USA is taking notes? We have had some marquise wins under Dambrot - this year we beat an SEC and PAC 10 team. My point is the same as many others have voiced. Nobody give a s%&t. This state is balls deep in scarlet and grey - even local high school football teams out draw our football/basketball teams. If you look at the home/home numbers for us against Ohio U or Can't State, their attendance has been higher and we have won more games. I just don't get it.
  17. Using soccer CROWDS as an example? I personally never said soccer was easy to draw a crowd…what I said was I don't consider getting 3-4K people together is much of a crowd for anything. Let me ask it to you this way. If you had to go to the board and justify spending 70,80,90, 100 million dollars on a new arena…..what examples would you use to show that it was a good investment? Our successful soccer program that averaged 3,500 people? We built a brand new football stadium and started attracting WVU and OSU? Cleveland State built a new basketball season and it is packed? BTW - the person who said they didn't know who Middle Tennessee was…………..They are in Conference USA - the conference some aspire to
  18. I find it hard to understand how a fiscally responsible person would spend twice as much to build something that would likely be only half (or less) full the majority of the time (even for conference games). DIG - even using your numbers from 2 years ago for conference games would not fill a renovated JAR, let alone a new arena. I think NE Ohio has spoken. They have done so with their lack of support for a football team that has Terry Bowden and Chuck Amato as coaches in a state of the art football stadium. They have done so by only putting 4,553 in the seats for home conference basketball games two years ago. They have done so by not supporting a new basketball arena.
  19. In the words of Chris Carter "C'MON MAN"…..what does it take to rank in the top 10 in college soccer attendance 2,500-3,000 people. Hardly something to get giddy about. Our basketball team has 9 seasons in a row with 20+ wins. That is a lot of wins with a coach who is tied to this community. We have not had over 3,000 people at a game this year. Middle Tennessee (who is a good team) drew 2,700 people. The "go big or go home"…."build it and they will come" does not seem to work for UoA sports (I would love to be proved wrong). I think you could make the JAR in to a TD arena and it would be "right sized". It could be nice and very loud. IF, for some crazy reason, a renovated TD/JAR consistently sold out…..charge more for tickets. If the demand was so high, THEN I could see justifying a new arena. Turn the JAR into a nice practice facility or maybe a hockey arena.
  20. Go big or go home is what got us a big, giant, empty Info. As much as I want us to upgrade all of our facilities and move to a bigger conference - the lack of interest in our teams does not warrant anything more. This might be the most responsible decision made in a while. This is what I have been talking about with my frustration in attendance. Folks, you can't keep building these big giant facilities and hiring top coaches if nobody is going to show an interest.
  21. I tried to start a new poll for who we think will be the starting QB against Oklahoma in 2015, but can't seem to make it work. Maybe someone else can start it if you think it is worthy. Anyway, I see the QB competition as being incredibly exciting and think it will produce someone who will take us to the next level. Lots of talented new faces and incumbents that are going to have to work VERY hard to keep their spots. Pohl - he is talented and experienced Chapman - exciting, highly regarded recruit….I would have to think he is eager to make a splash Woodson - had his moments, just didn't appear to be ready Kincaide - I like this kid, excited to see what he can do - 6'5"/225!!! Hirschmann - is he eligible? before he got hurt he looked impressive
  22. My bad, I get it now......... win and they will come. I mean just look at our women's basketball team's attendance skyrocketing 11/14 1205 11/15 668 11/18 1262 11/25 531 12/5 592 Nevermind.....
  23. Then why do all the other MAC teams (that have worse records) have higher attendance than us? Fu&^%ing pathetic.
  24. Here is my analysis so far; Football - ADVANTAGE CUSA - more bowl tie-ins, better TV deal, top teams Marshall, MTSU, La Tech, Rice, UTEP - average attendance CUSA - 21,510 average attendance MAC - 16,739 Mens Basketball - ADVANTAGE CUSA Six C-USA teams earned postseason bids in 2014. Tulsa played in the NCAA Tournament and Louisiana Tech and Southern Miss participated in the NIT, advancing to the quarterfinals. average attendance CUSA - 3896…….5589 for conference tourney average attendance MAC - 2869……….3542 for conference tourney Womens Basketball - ADVANTAGE CUSA - don't know why but since the men are better, I bet the women are too ;-)……I know ODU is a powerhouse Men's soccer - ADVANTAGE CUSA Three teams (Charlotte, Old Dominion and associate member New Mexico) earned a berth to the NCAA Championship, with New Mexico becoming the fourth C-USA school to advance to the College Cup. South Carolina is an affiliate member. Womens Soccer - see comment on women's basketball CUSA Highlights http://www.conferenceusa.com/ot/competitive-highlights.html CUSA Map http://www.conferenceusa.com/ot/c-usa-members.html School Endowment/Enrollment - ADVANTAGE CUSA Avergage CUSA Endowment $521,000,000 Average MAC Endowment $201,000,000
  25. It is a formula the NCAA uses when it feels like it to justify seeding or putting a power conference team in a tournament. When it comes to seeding the NCAA soccer tournament…it means NOTHING
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