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Everything posted by a-zip

  1. Let me ask the question a different way…..Why would he stay if nobody cared or showed an interest in a winning program (except for 9100 people) - put the money aside for a second. No, he doesn't have to "chase a paycheck" but I am quite sure he wants to accomplish things that will be recognized and appreciated. There has been every excuse in the world given on this board for the poor attendance and support - OSU conflicts, Thursday games, bad weather, splintering seats at the RB, Cleveland loser mentality, HS fball conflicts, multiple terrible seasons, iCoach, etc etc. We are 8-3 in our last 11 games, we have a beautiful stadium, we almost beat Michigan at the big house, good showing against Penn State, beat Pitt and the weather has been great. THERE HAS NOT BEEN A SINGLE BOOST IN ATTENDANCE!!!! I genuinely think everyone on this board actually cares BUT it blows my mind that with the population that surrounds Akron…..we cannot get at least 20K to a game at this point. 20K IS NOT A LOT!!!! Use LBJ as an example. Do you think he needs money? Why do you think he left? I am sure he won't publicly admit it but I guarantee you he wanted to get away from the pathetic woe is me attitude. He has his rings now, HE does not need money and Akron is his home so he is back. Makes sense I guess. I don't see TB having the same deep rooted loyalty.
  2. I would say money is secondary but it is important…sorry but you most people don't live their lives to inherit family money….certainly not someone like TB. Ego is involved here and how about coaching in a community that actually gives a crap about what you are doing…..
  3. Even if TB and/or Amato are not here?
  4. Go to a Zips game then tboned ;-) You won't have to worry about any of that.
  5. Cody Grice is a beast!!! A sack, 5 tackles, 1 tackle for loss, fumble recovery and a rushing touchdown. LOVE THAT GUY!!!
  6. If a tree falls in the forest, and nobody is there to hear it………..does it make a sound?
  7. I am sure he had to be impressed with the standing room only crowd ;-)
  8. The players that are here have already committed. They have been through a lot and are battling…..they deserve better. They DO care about people in the stands and DO want a home field advantage. The point I am trying to make is that when the new recruits (preferably top recruits) see the lame crowds they will likely look elsewhere. Why would Bowden/Amato stick around and coach 1 star and 2 star players when they could go somewhere and get top recruits. Don't think for one second both of them are not being courted by big programs with a fan bases that actually care.
  9. I guess topics you and a few others post are the only ones that are important huh Capt'n ;-) Attendance is an issue for a team that is winning (that has been the excuse). Mark my words……..players want to play in front of people and if the coaches cannot get those players……they will move on. This was a homecoming game for gods sake!!
  10. Win and they will come? WHEN HAS THAT EVER BEEN PROVEN IN AKRON…..in any sport!?!!? To win….you need great COACHES who get great PLAYERS…..You need great facilities to get the great coaches that get the great players. In order to pay and justify all of this people actually need to come to the games and show that you care. UA has done its part….. If you are going to site Akron soccer a success…….it takes 3,400 people to be in the top 5 in the country in attendance so give me a break. BTW - they lost a couple games…..how has attendance been??
  11. How about the MAC Conference commercial during the feed. They talked about "the Conference of Champions"…….sweet 16 basketball mentioned, cradle of coaches mentioned, I think there was something about baseball mentioned BUT there was no mention of the only Nation Champions the MAC has ever had……the 2010 University of Akron Men's soccer team!!
  12. I would have to think this is going to be a major shot in the arm for recruiting in Pennsylvania. Beat Pit, had a good showing against Penn State. Go get those dagum recruits Terry!!
  13. Lance….I am glad you are a fan..even better that you are not alum…..I call you and any other person out that makes the lame excuses for the school not doing the right things to attract a fan base. All anyone does it bitch about the AD, UA marketing……blah blah blah. They have invested a shit load of money on facilities and coaches, tickets are cheap, games are scheduled around OSU and HS Football…what else is there to do….WIN! (I get that) but we need players to do that!!! The basketball teams win but why do you think there is not a new basketball arena….lack of support, sponsorships, MONEY!! Hell, I would not build another beautiful facility. We WILL wind up being "hilltop high" if nobody supports the efforts the school is putting forward…..It's the Chicken and the egg, I guess…..which comes first. BTW……..if you offered me 2-2 at this stage of the schedule before the season started I WOULD HAVE TAKEN IT IN A HEARTBEAT!!! That means we would have beaten Marshall, Penn State or PITT Lance…you may be right the NC State win was big - I bet if we played at home we would have lost ;-)
  14. Big win over Pitt! As I look back on some of the recent games the Zips have played in front of big crowds (always away games), we have done very well. Our most impressive efforts have come on the road. The guys want to play in front of people and show what they've got. Pitt, Penn State, Michigan last year, NC State upset, Tennessee…….we actually played OSU pretty tough a couple years back. It's almost a downer and embarrassing to play at home…..If I were a player, I would rather play at the big house with 95K rooting against me. Why can we not draw at least 20K to a game!! I just don't get it. Hundley is a beast - he has to be "the man" going forward. Tough, blue collar, reliable and the team rallies around him Zach Paul - has to be all-american candidate….he was a major impact on the game HELMETS - they are awesome, the whole uni looks great on TV…we are 1-0 with them……hmmmm…keep wearing em' MAC Conference Commercial - theme "Generations of Champions"…talks about cradle of coaches, sweet 16 basketball but does not mention the ONLY National Champion the MAC has - UofA Soccer…..
  15. We have a young team and have played a pretty tough schedule.. Don't forget our team that won the national championship was laden with upperclassmen. This team is young and we were missing Souto (a key component…..no surprise our winning streak started on his return). It is tough for a powerhouse in any college sport to keep reloading and be consistent. Looking forward to beating Wake Forest. During our run with Caleb…..our crowds we amazing and the team fed off of US!!!! Nobody wanted to play at Cub Cadet. We need to keep that going so top new players WANT to play here…….
  16. Unbelievable!!! 4 game win streak, we beat Ohio State and all you can think about is the negative. This is typical Akron fan behavior……I bet if football loses to Pitt you will also be calling for TBs job too (after all he would be 1-3 which is an even worse start ;-)
  17. We lost a game….had an off day….it happens. Somebody still thinks we will go to a bowl http://q.usatoday.com/2014/09/24/bowl-projections-college-football-playoff-florida-state/
  18. I hate losing but I am proud of the team and optimistic about our future and the rest of the season. Pohl looked very good AND composed…love his mobility now and decision making. Keep in mind Penn State has one of the best home field advantages in all of sports. Our defense looked very good - there were some blown coverages but shit happens…..we held a great QB to 21 points…..that TE James is a freak!!!! I too was frustrated with the lack of downfield throws on our offense but I am not sure there was enough time in the pocket to get anything deep off. Opening drive had me psyched in the midst of my D.C. (PSU) buddies….the missed field goal was a punch in the gut (as I am sure it was to the team)….but they continued to battle. We had some key interceptions….the team showed confidence and swagger. Lets face it, we were overmatched and playing against a monster home field advantage. TB's hair was funny (I am hoping that was a team joke…he looked like a leprechaun), love the Z white helmets!! I LOVE TB!!!!
  19. We have a winning streak going and the beginning of a promising new season…..so I am not buying the loser thing. There is enough to be excited about. We have the most charismatic coach (family) we could hope for, an amazing stadium/campus, great weather (sorry, I won't mention uniforms). I just don't get it. The people I brought up from DC were saying "wow, this place is beautiful, there must be a lot of things to do in Akron (sarcastically)…..its a pretty big city and you can only get 9000 people to a game?
  20. I just don't get you people in NE Ohio. This school has done everything to provide a great game day experience. We have the "First Family" of college football, an amazing staff, new uniforms, a 4 game winning streak, a beautiful stadium, beautiful campus, amazing weather. I came up from Washington DC with some friends (Howard grads) to show off my school and former team…….I was embarrassed……getting my balls busted the whole ride home (even though we kicked the sh*&t out of them on the field). I have no explanation for them….I guess the excuse of the day is now that it was a Thursday game. LOL
  21. Dude. Attendance for our basketball team is pathetic too and they are NOT "perceived losers". Our football team has won 5 of the last 6, it was a beautiful night, beautiful stadium, no competitive games against us…….c'mon man! I bet if Lebron announced he was going to take a dump at the Info today….the place would be packed!!!
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