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Everything posted by UADavid

  1. It would help if he or she is immortal.In addition, should be a former two sport athlete at AU, hold a Ph.D, and have reasonable expectations.Someone from Auburn University is not likely a long term solution. If by AU you meant UA, I would agree.
  2. They don't really need it. They want it. Akron's school system is shrinking and only these incompetent stooges can justify 7 high schools in a city with declining students and population. Central-Hower should be sold to UA and East HS should merge with North and Ellet. That leaves East open as a swing high school. Akron ideally would have only four high schools and maybe then could compete for state championships. It would save money for the taxpayers as well.
  3. My personal feelings are that AD's should be in place longer than the 3 1/2 years Mack gave us. With so many issues to resolve, I doubt they'll bring in a qualified candidate. Good luck to Mack, but I'm a ZIP guy first. Go Zips
  4. Amazing. Maybe he can set up a home and home. :blink:
  5. That would assure JD's exit as head coach in Akron. I'm bullish on the season and look forward to the Zips playing in the championship game this year. Hopefully leaders will emerge on both sides of the ball focusing this team and preventing late game collapses that have plagued Akron.
  6. I don't know the answer but I assume they will not practice at the new stadium. It cost a lot of money for that outdoor facility including the grass fields and lights. The new stadium should be a game day experience for the team and a perk for their hard work preparing for home games. That would also be a lot of wear and tear on the new turf.
  7. http://www.uakron.edu/about_ua/visiting/stadiumcams.dotThe first 30 yards are down and they stopped yesterday while attaching the 35th yard of turf. I was hoping they would start early this morning. Anyone know if they're working today?
  8. The alternating five yard field color looks good.
  9. The field is going down right now. You can watch them on the live cams. http://www.uakron.edu/about_ua/visiting/stadiumcams.dot
  10. Was that while at Charleston or Marshall?
  11. It's the coaching staffs job to turn around a "Losers mentality". When a player comes here he doesn't bring it with him, most who make it to this level have been "Winners". We have had three different coaches in the past 20 years. None have been able to turn it around. At what point is it no longer the coaches fault and the fault of the players?Coaches show players how to play and they call the plays. Each player on this team individually needs to play better at critical times in games. Coaches get the blame, and that is part of the job, but the real blame falls on the shoulders of the players. Players get coaches fired. There is too much talent on this team to continue to lose. "Enough is enough!" In fact, teams love year slogans, "enough is enough" should be the slogan this year.While I won't disagree about coaches getting blamed, CJ takes a pretty good beating on ZN. It's hard to point to a JD team that made good adjustmens at halftime to maintain or secure a win. I don't know what goes on at halftime, but the results are abysmal. Maybe the coaching staff doesn't exude a winning attitude.
  12. The defense was the red headed step child.(no offense to anyone with red hair) They didn't bleed three yards here, four yards there. They were losing arms and legs. Huge plays by mediocre and bad teams. The offense has it's issues but they were a mostly potent offense in the MAC.
  13. http://www.uakron.edu/about_ua/visiting/stadiumcams.dot
  14. http://www.ohio.com/news/break_news/45099262.html
  15. Al Gore created it for everyone, and don't you forget it young man!"The internet are a series of tubes"
  16. http://www.cbssports.com/mcc/messages/thread/13567210An interested osu fan posting on the zips draft page of cbs sports. Same person with four posts. Might be from their honors program. In depth comments with a true grasp of the sport. Considered an all star on the web page.
  17. Same story different seats. I've had season tickets for over 20 years and my seats might be worse than yours. GA 2 seats 22 and 23 and credit for season ticket purchases only since 2003. Not what I had imagined. The letter states that seat selection excludes GA season tickets.
  18. http://www.urbanohio.com/forum2/index.php?topic=8063.newhttp://www.akronnewsnow.com/print.asp?ID=8766I knew I remembered this properly. Quaker Square purchase creates agreement with CoA.
  19. A much better location would be the Central-Hower location. For that to happen, the APS would have to realize Akron does not need 7 high schools and could sell that property using East HS as the fill in building while the other schools are upgraded. That is not likely to happen.
  20. In Brookhart's first two seasons as coach, the Zips were second (2005) and fifth (2006) in the Mid-American Conference in total defense. Those rankings dropped considerably the past two years, falling to seventh (2007) and 10th (2008).Skeptics blame the 3-3-5 for the lack of defensive success because of difficulties stopping the run and rushing the passer, but Brookhart prefers to say injuries and inexperience are more relevant factors.''Defense is still about gap scheme. It is still about having bodies to plug holes no matter how you line up,'' Brookhart said. ''A lot of teams have used it with success. West Virginia and Tulsa have.'' Tulsa successhttp://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/recap?gameId=283200248 http://msn.foxsports.com/cfb/team/tulsa-go...ricane-footballWest Virginia successhttp://msn.foxsports.com/cfb/team/west-vir...ineers-footballDefensively they are awful. WVU was successful at not giving up points. If that's Coach Brookhart's idea of success we better be putting up 50 per game.
  21. Rasor made Morgan St. and CJ7 at QB as the new game. He'll get to see what he passed up.
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