It's the coaching staffs job to turn around a "Losers mentality". When a player comes here he doesn't bring it with him, most who make it to this level have been "Winners". We have had three different coaches in the past 20 years. None have been able to turn it around. At what point is it no longer the coaches fault and the fault of the players?Coaches show players how to play and they call the plays. Each player on this team individually needs to play better at critical times in games. Coaches get the blame, and that is part of the job, but the real blame falls on the shoulders of the players. Players get coaches fired. There is too much talent on this team to continue to lose. "Enough is enough!" In fact, teams love year slogans, "enough is enough" should be the slogan this year.While I won't disagree about coaches getting blamed, CJ takes a pretty good beating on ZN. It's hard to point to a JD team that made good adjustmens at halftime to maintain or secure a win. I don't know what goes on at halftime, but the results are abysmal. Maybe the coaching staff doesn't exude a winning attitude.