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Valpo Zip

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Everything posted by Valpo Zip

  1. Nevermind, i found it.https://www.nmnathletics.com//flexReg/doReg...?DB_OEM_ID=6200$6.95 if anyone is interested.By the way, Central michigan beated the michigan wolverines earlier today.The MAC really looks like a good conference this year.
  2. Is there a video link for the game like that of Alaska or Winthrop?
  3. I love it! I cheer for all mac teams in their OOC games. Yes, even Can't... here i said it. We all blame KD for not scheduling the top mid majors. Now the MAC east teams are becoming top mid majors.We just have to go out and beat them.
  4. WOW WOW WOW ! time out my friend. That's a cheap shot if i've ever seen one.KD's team has consistently defeated average midmajors like Duquesne, youngstown state and cleveland state... as well as defeating some good midmajors like Temple, wyoming, AP and oral roberts.With JD, not a single game is guaranteed. no consistency at all.Besides, comparing ooc schedules may be absurd. So let's compare the bball and the football teams against their foes in the MAC.The illusion team you're talking about has been undefeated at home in conference play last 2 years. Every single MAC team comes to Akron to get defeated. Can JD say that? Akron bball finshed 13-3 last year. equivalent to 6.5-1.5 in football conference play. Did our football team ever, EVER achieve that ? not even when they won the MAC. I do not usually compare JD and KD because they're both our guys, at least for now, and should both be supported but you opened this can of worms by taking an "uncalled for" shot at KD.
  5. Got this one. We're in the finals. One more week everyone.
  6. Did you guys see that (our future opponent) Dayton beated #11 Louisville tonight? they play #9 pitt a couple of days before our game with them. They are 7-1 now and there is a chance they will be a top 25 team by the time we play them.How about Can't beating George Mason by 18? Afterall, if those teams (together with winthrop, and portland state) keep doing good, may be our schedule won't be that weak.Can we beat Dayton though? p.s: who's planning to go downsouth to Dayton the second day of the year?
  7. Thanks for the info. Any attendance figures? Rowdies?
  8. If you ask me, i would rather see the zips win by 5 points but see Mcknight, Bardo, Conyers play major minutes and show that they can play a substatntial role in a D1 basketball team.
  9. KD didn't drop the ball by not recruiting a PG. He recruited Darryl Roberts who was supposed to be a RS freshman or a soph this year, he couldn't get the grades though.This game was blown because of the lack of leadership. :blink: with 4 seniors on the roster, no one could step up in the last 2 minutes. Turn overs, missed free throws and non sense like that.Talking about senior leadership, can you immagine our team next year? only one senior and who ? Nate Linhart... this is his third year and he still makes the most horrible fouls to kill the momentum and destroy the team. Freshmen don't do those mistakes. Conyers' contributions are still very minimal and McKnight is also a big disappointment so far.
  10. 0-9 for threes and we're still in the game.That's a very winnable game. Can anyone make a three please?Just one would break the dam, and they will flow thereafter.
  11. Is there any way to watch the game? TV, video link, anything?
  12. I have seen a lot of students who wanted to be just students and not rowdies. The $10 had nothing to do with that.Some people simply feel that they get better view of the game being behind the sidelines rather than behind the baskets. Some students also don't like standing up for almost an entire 2 hours.
  13. That is not going to happen.Football is a high maintenance sport. It costs a lot of $$$ much more than basketball.We need the paycheck games to cut the lo$$
  14. They got really close to steal this one in the end.We still managed to win by 2. Still a great early win.For those who were at the game, please provide extremely detailed and extended descriptions and thoughts for those of us who live away How was the crowd? the rowdies? etc...
  15. It is so sad that the only thing we can get through gozips.com is an audio stream.I was able to watch my zips through the stream when they played in Alaska but i won't be able to do that when they play home.If UAF can provide a video link for a fee why can't Akron do that?
  16. The problem here is two fold, #1 bad product & #2 lack of loyalty. Comparing the MAC to Dollar general is not very accurate IMHO. When it comes to shopping, people choose the best place with the best product with the cheaper prices. If i shop at Giant eagle for 10 years and than find a better place, i will start shopping at that other place (no shame). On the other side, when you're a fan of a team, you don't switch loyalty the day you find a better team. If that was the case, all the NBA fans would be cheering for the spurs and the MLB fans for the red sox and so on.A more accurate analogy would be: say your son or brother or best friend etc... owns a dollar general. And you know that you can get better stuff at Walmart, would you still shop at your son's DG or not?While we all know about the problem #1, bad product, MAC is horrible etc...we seem to underestimate the second problem. I will give you my personnal experience as an example. My brother in law, born and raised in akron, is a zip 2002 alumni. He is a huge football and basketball fan. He is willing to travel to Columbus, illinois, wisconsin, or minnisoeta every time he can get a buckeye ticket, but not the zips playing across the street.Me, on the other side, i am a foreigner (born and raised over seas, and came to akron as an international student). If anything, this should make my brother-in-law 10 times more loyal to Akron than i am. Why do i bleed blue and gold and he can care less about them? Here is why...When he went to school, he was working full-time in canton, the campus was a very boring place. he used to go to school only for classes and leave immediately. He doesn't remember seeing a buzz around campus when the zips were playing anything. He was never involved in any zips student organizations. The only thing he can remember about Akron is the classroom. And before you say anything, he is not a nerd or anything like that. He is a very bright and extremely nice guy but this was the case with 95% of the older zips alum. When i went to school, after he graduated, i lived near campus. I worked on campus. We had an extremely nice brand new student union were i was hanging out with my ZIPS friends. I was a member of the ak-rowdies. I have invaluable memories about trips and pep rallies and great relationships with people who work for the athletic deparment. I was a regular reader of rasor's edge in the Buchtelite. The trips to the Q (3 Mac tournaments) and the MCB are my best school memories (not class rooms).Can you see the difference? the zips are now like my son who owns the DG store. I am not looking for the best product out there. I want to help my son.Now akron graduates around 5000 students/year. If 20% of those people are loyal to their Alma mater, we have 20000 people from the last 20 years classes. We don't need the casual fan who is looking for the best football game (product).My advice, if we cannot fix problem #1, we can definitely fix #2. It starts with students. They have to feel that this is their school, their son. The great new campus helps a lot, the buchtelite should be always loaded with zips stories, and the Ak-rowdies organization... this is IMHO the best thing to happen for Akron athletics ever. The AD should keep pumping the money, a lot of bus trips to away games, a lot of pep rallies hoping for loyal alum classes in the near future.
  17. Wow! this was one ugly and stressful win.What's with the free throws? didn't we learn anything from last year's end?And for God's sake KD, learn from JD's mistake and make up your mind on who is the PG of this team. Let's hope this was an isolated bad game.
  18. Thanks for the updates Bird zip, it seems like you are having a great time. Please keep the updates coming.By the way, Jeremiah is a wonderful guy with a unique character with a lovely sense of humour. I absolutely love how he handles himself on and off the court.
  19. I was watching the same game and thinking the same thing. So do you think that if we had Dixon at QB, will we be ranked #2?
  20. Am i the only one who feels that the QB is not our biggest problem?Granted, It is a problem. But WR is my biggest concern. It doesn't seem that anyone on this team can run and get open. And if they do, they can't catch.I am not aware of any freshman who can be a break out WR next year... so this seems to be a problem for a few years to come.
  21. can anybody on this team catch the ball?
  22. SGM, i was not planning to take part in this ever-lasting (and useless, might i add) debate. The thing that is bothering me now is that as much as you are trying to look like the sound of reason or the unbiased observer, it seems to me that your only motivation behind this whole topic is pure hatred of Charlie Frye.Honestly, what did the guy do to you?
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