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Valpo Zip

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Everything posted by Valpo Zip

  1. And Please, don't wear OSU crap to the game. See, because we are playing against OSU... so don't wear anything with their colors unless you are rooting for them tonight.
  2. Good game guys... was depressingly boring in the first half but we picked it when it mattered most.I am glad that zippy and Bleacher Bum (the guy with the blue wig) are amongst the leadership of the rowdies to direct the ship when something goes wrong.One observation... why would their students occuppy the best seats (50 yard line) while the rowdies are thrown in the corner? that is absolutely unacceptable. The rowdies section should be moved up by the middle.
  3. I am an ex-rowdy, graduated last summer and moved out of town.I am making the trip to see the game tomorrow. planning to sign up as an ak-oldie but i am wondering if there will be an ak-oldies section where we all sit together and give the flushes hard time... If not, can alumnus still sit with the rowdies ? I am definitely not looking forward to make the 3 hours trip to end up sitting by a bunch of old people sitting on their hands and talking about the weather
  4. Nah... afterall, they got the best defense in the Mac.I would say: Akron 420Can't 0
  5. ...and Can't state still sucksI'm sorry, i just can't hear/read the time without stating this fact.
  6. skip-zip,we beat Can't 35-3 2 years ago on frozen turkey bowl day, they pound us early october the following season. That's college for you, teams change quickly.Now i am not saying that they should be better than us (i hope they won't) but saying that we beat them last year so we should beat them this year is not a very good argument my friend.
  7. I have always supported Charlie and wanted him to have a fair chance. I always blamed the line, the receivers and the Off coord.Today, i ran out of excuses. I was at the game and Charlie just killed himself. I counted 7 mississippi on one snap and he didn't throw and got sacked. I don'r remember any good pass dropped. He threw multiple passes behind receivers in slants... Today was not a good day to be a browns fan... or coach.Charlie killed hismelf, DA is a joke and BQ is not ready. Romeo is in a very tough situation.
  8. I was at the winking lizard in the Lorain area (western Cleveland). Me, my buddy and 3 other people were zip fans in a sea of red.Zip81... that's aweful, wing warehouse will never see my $.
  9. I hate to burst your bubble and be negative... but saying that we competed with OSU today is ridiculous. We got like 2 first downs the whole game.We were able to stop the buckeyes (which is good and impressive) but we didn't compete with them. The rest of the MAC are doing good too... so we better not feel relaxed and comfortable that we will do good in the MAC. We lost a game, JD and the boys should be preparing for next game starting tomorrow.
  10. Shouldn't it be formally announced if he quit the team? It is sad how things happen in secret and the fans have to go find out who's missing from the rosters and do their own speculations.
  11. I don't think so. If we're playing a small lineup, we should go with the 3 guards and J-wood at PF and Sweich/Bardo at C.When facing a bigger team, KD has to sit either dials or middleton to play linhart/conyers/Mcknight at SF.Am i the only one who loves our depth at all positions?PG McNeese/StewardSG Dials/MiddletonSF Linhart/ConyersPF Wood/QuadeC Sweich/BardoAdd the Mcknight brothers and we have 12 players who should be able to play. Replacing the 4 seniors (at SG and PF) next year should be a challenge though.
  12. I was there... I thought the rowdies/goal patrol looked awesome. Huge numbers for an exhibition game. I noticed that a lot of them were freshmen who just moved on campus. The future seems to be bright.
  13. This is wonderful news. Count me in. I currently reside 2-3 hours out of Akron. I will try to attend every possible home game and all the games in western ohio (toledo, BG, dayton, Miami etc...)I will try to be there at the first RB game but i am not sure. Can we arrange for the shirt/hat thing? i will be in Akron this weekend.
  14. Can some one please tell me what conferences and events are being held in the convention center? $400 million? seriously. 90% of the guests ocuppying rooms in the quaker square in the last few years were UA related... so give me a break Don.
  15. Romeo plays power forward. He is not a long distance shooter. He has a decent mid distance shot and nice foot skills to rebound and score underneath the basket.His work ethic has always been great. He is a great shot blocker but can improve other aspects of his defense.
  16. I don't know about the team. I know for sure that he is playing in the right league.The spanish league is one of the best in europe. I think Varejao and Pau Gasol both played in Barcelona before coming to the NBA.Best of luck to Romeo.
  17. Rome played around 12 mintes today against the Grizzlies. He scored 4 points on a 2-4 FG shooting, grabbed 2 boards and committed 1 TO.Not bad but not impressive either, in my opinion.
  18. He's talking about their football schedule. I don't think OSU has the guts to schedule K.e.n.t. and the Zips in the same hoops season. I was a little confused if he's talking about football or basketball.But the first sentence in the thread says something about people unhappy with the bb schedule, and the thread is in the basketball forum But yeah i know that OSU are playing 3 NEO FB teams.
  19. Those guys (OSU) play in a big conference and they know that as long as they have a half decent season, they will be in the bracket come march. Unlike us, midmajors, who need to have a strong out of conference schedule to impress the committee if we don't win the tournament.I don't see why would any OSU fan be disappointed in watching 3 NEO teams.
  20. I hate to be negative but if Romeo is going head to head with Terrence Dials (both of them being PF), i think that Dials will have the edge. I see Dials being the next year's Dwayne Jones, only cheaper maybe. Romeo can have a great career in Europe, just like Rob Preston and Matt Futch.
  21. I got this for you... i copied it from this link:http://kenpom.com/blog/index.php/weblog/rpi_help/The Ratings Percentage Index (RPI) is the formula used by the NCAA to rate men’s and women’s college basketball teams. The formula is described below. The RPI is calculated by adding three parts. Part I (25% of the formula): Team winning percentage. For the 2005 season, the NCAA added a bonus/penalty system, where each home win or road loss get multiplied by 0.6 in the winning percentage calculation. A home loss or road win is multiplied by 1.4. Neutral games count as 1.0. More on the effect of these changes can be found here. Part II (50%): Average opponents’ winning percentage. To calculate this, you must calculate each opponent’s winning percentage individually and average those figures. This is NOT calculated from the opponents’ combined record. Games involving the team for whom we are calculating the RPI are ignored. Part III (25%): Average opponents’ opponents’ winning percentage: Basically taking all of the opponents’ Part II values and averaging them. Only games against other teams playing a mostly D1 schedule count when computing the RPI.
  22. I like this schedule. As zipboy said, no top teams but a lot of decent ones. All the games are winnable, some of them are hard but winnable.I can't wait till November already, because i don't anticipate a very exciting football season.
  23. I heard from a credible source tha Walsh University is going to be on our schedule this year
  24. In the last regular season game (against Milwaukee), i had VIP seats behing the baskets. Romeo and Dru were sitting closeby, around where this picture is taken.There is no doubt in my mind that this is Romeo Travis.
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