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Valpo Zip

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Everything posted by Valpo Zip

  1. How is chanting Can't state sucks even compared to F..k you akron ?No body said that they are class less when they came up with screw the roo. But the F word is way over the line.And how about the middle fingers ? not one or two, dozens of students... and that fat and ugly guy with the head band in the first line (seems to be one of the leaders) grabbing his organs and simulating sexual positions... remembering him makes me Besides, why would some one with a tiny toony bit of a brain flick Lebron James up ? and why ? why on earth do they expect him to cheer against his coach, his friends, his city and take the side of a bunch of JUCO transfers who are from all from Michigan, Illinois, and indiana ?Saying that both fans see each other as class less and brushing the issue off makes me feel that you were not there. We could have chanted F u too or raised our middle fingers back... believe me, it is not that hard to do. But we decided to clap our hands to show them what class is and make them aware that we were in a family rated event... but oh well... that's why they go to Can't.
  2. I think that we should crack the top 5 in the midmajor poll. 3 big wins on the road should mean something.
  3. I like the effect the 3 points have on demoralizing the opposing team, especially when you are building a big lead. However, last night, Haminn Quaintance and #34 (i think his name is Singletary), the two big guys had 4 fouls with over 7 minutes remaining in regulation... in this type of situations, i can't see why don't we take the ball inside to foul them out.
  4. The Rowdies made a tunnel for the players from the JAR to the bus before the game yesterday. The results in the end of the night were awesome... so is there anyone other than me who feels that we gotta do the tunnel thing before every away game in order to win ? Who are you calling superstitious ?
  5. Mr and Mrs Mcknight, together with Brett McKnight were at the JAR yesterday for the cutting the net thing. Brett looked like a J-wood type of body to me. It seems that the McKnights will replace Romeo (chris) and J-wood (Brett). Although i heard that Brett is more a wing player than a PF/C.
  6. He goes to Can't state... Does that not answer your question ?
  7. I am not surprised with the level of class the flushes have (or shall i say don't have)...It exceeded all my expectaions though... F u Akron is now a chant ? and by college students? and a sign that reads K.S.U.CKS should be confiscated... right?And did you see the empty bottles thrown our way after the end of the game? and the guys touching themselves and grabbing their grudges make you wonder if we attended the game at a college campus or a strip club. No need to mention the middle fingers thrown to us and towards Lebron James all the game long.But you gotta love the girl in the video warning every one that obscenity and unsportsmen like behavior will not be tolerated at the MAC center... i am wondering if all what they did was not considered unsportsman like behavior than what is? oh wait... holding a sign that says K.S.U.CKS ... that is what is unacceptable.And let's go back to the refs... this is getting old and disgusting. 2/5 fouls on Dru are immaginary, Nick getting beat up with no calls and a traveling on Linhart in the last minute of the game... those refs make me
  8. Any word on why were the girls suspended ?
  9. More self confidence... He understands that after few games, Rome and Dru will be gone and he will be the go-to guy.
  10. That doesn't make any fckn sense because those who have a flush ID don't need a freaking ticket for the game. Did you have any zips gear on ? if she thought that you were a general public individual rooting for Can't she would have sold you the ticket.
  11. From Stephen's website:Thursday, June 22, marked the end of a three-week period of self-reflection. Over the three weeks, I thought and prayed for a decision about my future. I searched through all my options and found that both academically and athletically, the University of Akron is the home for me. The decision came with the help of my parents; my high school coach, Jim Nesser; my trainer, Mike Trenski; my high school teachers; and, of course, the Lord above. I know this is the place for me, and I cannot wait to be a "Zip" under Coach Dambrot and his awesome basketball staff.
  12. Wrong ! Nick Goddard is a walk on, he is not on a scholarship. He is not any better the Rybak (my personal opinion) but at least he is not on scholarship and that is the difference. We are fans who are discussing their team issues on a discussion forum. This is what fans do on DISCUSSION forums. That was already discussed and some people said that Rybak will get better and some other said that even great coaches miss every once in a while and that Rybak was KD's miss... again, people have different opinions and different arguments and have the rights to come on discussion forums and state their opinions. We won't stop cheering for those guys and we will (and we did) cheer for John Rybak when he gives us some thing to cheer about. That was not a direct reply to what you said. But when you said that you were disappointed with the rowdies, it kinda opened the can of worms in me... and i had to reply to all the people who want the rowdies to do this and that. Sorry about the confusion. This is the worst argument ever. Off course we can't do what they do. That's why they get scholarships and we pay tuition. Just because we can't do what somebody else does, does not mean that i can't criticize them. I can say that the last movie by such and such was horrible and waste of my money (doesn't mean that i can act better than them). I can criticize president Bush and note vote for him, (does not mean that i am a better politician). I can walk in the street and say that a building looks ugly (i am not a civil engineer or an architect). People have different talents and do different things in life. When they don't do a good job, they will get criticized... why do you find that so offensive? We are no one to tell those guys if they should play or not. We don't tell them, we don't interface with them... and when i see Rybak on campus i only say nice encouraging wordsbecause for the millionth time, it is in my best interest for Rybak to succeed.And for the millionth time again, this is a discussion forum and this is a free country... poeple here criticize the athletic department, the coaches, the players, the fans, the city... why do you take so much offense when some one criticizes John Rybak? do you know him on a personal level ?
  13. hoopla, relax my friend...I know that Rybak is a zip and believe me when i say that no one wants him to succeed more than i do. However, i don't see why you want me to stop stating my opinions about the team and the players. After all this is a discussion forum right ? If we don't say who played good and who played bad in the games than what do we talk about ? or shall i come here after every game and say that Rybak was awesome ?
  14. People have to stop looking at the Rowdies as if they are university property that the athletic department should use here and there. I am sick of people bashing on the rowdies because they don't cheer for the women and then the track team and then the Rifle team and the swimming and why not show up when we have high school campus visit days to encourage high schoolers enroll at Akron... right ?The Rowdies (me included) do not work for the university (like the cheer leaders, dance team etc...). Moreover, we are humans who we like things and hate other things. I like basketball, football and soccer so i attend them. I don't like other sports so i won't be there. As for John Rybak, that's a guy who has been on a scholarship for 2 years now; so far, he has not been a very good investment. The Rowdies more than every one want him to succeed and be good (he was cheered hard at Duquesne). But in the same time we are disappointed with his performance. This is life, if i don't perform at my workplace, i won't expect a tap on the shoulder. In fact i will be happy if i don't loose my job. So why exactly do you expect the Rowdies to be warm and fuzzy about Rybak ? Besides, did you ever hear the Rowdies booing Rybak or bad mouthing him in a game ? no way... so don't tell me you are disappointed with the Rowdies attitude towards Rybak.As for you taking a cheap shot at Dru Joyce, that is not worth a reply. DRU is definitely one of the best things that happened to the zips program and your words are not taking anything away from him.
  15. Stephen is listed as 6-10. I think he is a little wider than Bardo, not a lot just slightly.I am impressed with his 25ppg average. I think he should be ready to play... no more redshirts.
  16. Great point. I wonder if Sweich was at the game. Stephen Swiech was at the game. His father and him approached the zips fans introducing themselves. The Swiechs left a very good first impression.
  17. Thanks for the nice words !I agree with Bleacher Bum, the OZONE people beat us quantity wise but not quality wise.Also, talking about the road, i have never seen them on the road (the Q aside). We took 50 students to Toledo. I never seen more than a handful toledo fans at the JAR. Can't brought around 20 students to the JAR, we are taking around a hundred to their house.Also, 10 students to Duquesne on a monday evening, that's decent.Kudos to the guys, especially the big guy:Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...... dddddddddeh.
  18. I was at the Duquesne game and i met Stephen who is such a gentlemen and according to him, "he can't wait to play for the zips."
  19. Then why didn't he get a scholarship somewhere to play ?Come on now... we all cheer for him when he throws a 3 and makes it but do you guys seriously think that if he can contribute and help us win, wouldn't KD play him more?He sees him at practice everyday and if he could play, he would have played.This issue has been overdiscussed already.
  20. I totally disagree with that mentality.We should be ambitious and always strive to be better. First we fill the seats and then we want the seats to be filled with rowdy people and then you ask the AD to expand the JAR and then you complain about not filling the 10,000 seats etc...this is how you achieve a great bball program not by settling to whatever you can get.
  21. Very good points SGM.I am affraid that our bench is getting thinner. Quade is definitely back into last year's form. We are somehow transforming into a 6 player rotation. The only players who could contribute were the starters and cedrick. That's not a good sign.MAC refs still suck big time. It wasn't too bad tonight because it wasn't lopsided, they were calling stupid fouls both ways. But again, the game is becoming a FT shooting contest. This is becoming ugly night after night.
  22. Forgive my negative attitude but the only reason i am excited for this game is that it is senior night...Other than that, i am feeling that we will win it but so what ? we can win all the home games we play, if we don't win on the road, we won't go anywhere.
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