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Valpo Zip

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Everything posted by Valpo Zip

  1. I hope Buffalo bring their Pitt perfromance tonight against OU. Unless something extra-ordinary happens Sunday, we should have no problem beating Buffalo.As of tonight, Go Bulls !
  2. It shouldn't be like that... Those who showed up yesterday and had a great time and saw great basketball, why won't they come back ?Granted there was 600-700 Can't state fans who will not show up for other games but the remaining 5000 should keep coming.
  3. Thanks man but why are you watching us on the tube. Come check us live and help us rock the JAR.
  4. The refs were horrible... and we were the victims. If the refs called the game right, 3-4 flushes should have fouled out by the end of the game. Both Linhart and Rome were knocked down hard on the floor by some unnecessary roughness from the flushes. About us:1 - Where is J-wood ? and who is that new guy wearing 21 ? seriously !2 - Very bad shots by Linhart, but the only zip who goes after the offensive rebounds, and he actually gets a whole lot of them. (Romeo and J-wood don't seem to even try.3 - Quade had a night off.4 - Dials is not on his best days but can always contribute few points and assists.5 - Cedrick, WoW !!! 6 - Dru was hungry for that "W". He wanted it so bad, he knows that this was his last home game against the flushes and he wants to leave his footprint. He was ready to do whatever it takes to win that game. We definitely are going to miss him next year... especially that no prospect PG is in the horizon.About the AD:Why did they roll the sign that says Can't Statecks ? elementary school student say Sucks. I saw PG-13 tv shows were people say sucks... And when you ask us to make signs, do you expect us to write "I love my mickey mouse" on them ?
  5. Thanks Zip81 I never thought about that one.
  6. Forgive my ignorance... can some one please explain the significance of the over - under thing ? as you can tell i have no betting experience whatsoever. I can understand that when you say that the line is Akron -7.5, it means akron si favoured to win by 7-8 points. But what does it mean to say that the over-under is at 137 ????!!!!!!!
  7. I agree w ith all What SGM said !
  8. This formation (with only two players who can dribble the ball), will generate 50 turnovers/game.
  9. Ted Ginn and Pittman are entering the draft. Tressel will be using fresh QB, RB and WR... i thought that this might make things a tad easier for us.
  10. The NBA hosts around 450 players... no more than 50 are superstars who can score in bunches and dominate. The rest of them are role players. In other words, every NBA player does not have to take over games to be there. Ira Newble is a good example, Sasha Pavlovic is another example. Every big guy (6-11) and above, with some athleticism, even if he lacks basketball skills, will be drafted... and the teams will work on them (see: Martynas Andriskevicius, Desagana Diop, Can't State's Edwards etc...) Kids who are (6-6 -->6-8) and have basketball skills (can drive the ball to the basket, dribble without traveling, shoot, and play defense) will get a look too.Once again, Nate is not going to be drafted this year... he's not even the big guy at Akron yet. He's only a sophomore. He has a lot of room to improve in the next 2.5 years to develop and become an NBA "role player".
  11. I see what you're saying SGM but hear me out:The fact that Nate is not scoring outstanding numbers is nothing to be used against him considering the balanced offense we have and the way KD's rotation is. Moreover, Nate is only in the first half of his sophomore year and he is already a big part of the team... I strongly believe that his numbers will improve a lot with time.In my humble opinion, the main reason our guards cannot make it to the NBA is because of their speed and size. The only one who got the NBA speed might be cedrick but he is at 6-0. The average NBA guard size is 6-4. I know there are exceptions, but i am talking about the norm.For big guys, (PF and C), the reason preventing them from going to the NBA is their size. You may argue that Romeo or J-wood are as skilled as Gooden or Varejao but the fact remains that the average size of an NBA PF is 6-10, 6-11 while Rome and J-wood are in the 6-6, 6-7 range. Nate is the only guy who has both the size (6-7) and the skills (speed, shooting) of an NBA prospect. with all due respect, did you ever see J-wood dribble ? did you see him driving the ball in a fast break ? he can't because he is a big guy... well Nate is an inch taller than him and he can drive the ball and shoot and all the other stuff that very few people of his size can do.I am not saying that nate is polishe and ready and that he should enter the draft tomorrow or next year, but i can easily say that he got all what it takes to be an NBA small forward (compare to Sasha pavlovic for example).
  12. Just got back from BG, what a great game ! - Nick Dials and J-wood were not on their days, they were strugling... it is unclear why but the clear thing is that KD was able to do the adjustments at halftime and modify the rotation and kill BG. - Quade was phenomenal in the second half, i still cannot believe what he did, and quoting the CAVS commercial: "you had to be there". I can't explain how huge he was, i lost count of his blockshots and his dunks (some of which were alley-hoops). Huge, huge game from the big guy... a couple of his sibblings were sitting next to me and he made them real proud. - Romeo had a big game too, his FT shooting is much better than before, impressive 100% on the road and very good Deffense too. - Dru was solid in penetrating, i think that he committed a bit too many turnovers, but still the general of the floor, forced some good TO to balance it. - Nate Linhart, lady's and gentleman, we are talking about an NBA prospect here. Nate is improving very quickly and starting to dominate. How often do we have a 6-7 guy who can drive to the basket, shoot a floater and a jumper and the three, play great defense and grab a handful of rebounds? not very often if you ask me. - Cedrick is definitely blessed with his speed, he can be unstoppable in penetrations, his defense is decent, his shot selection could have been a bit better. - Connyers, McKnight are coming along... nothing too impressive tonight. - Goddard had a three in Garbagge time... something Rybak still can't do.We were 5 rowdies and we totally dominated the arena in the 2nd half, their people were so quiet and we were rocking and rolling and doing our chants... one of my best zips nights... definitely worth the trip.
  13. That would be nice... but after thursday night, i am affraid that @miami is a sure loss.
  14. It is not going to be that easy... it is never easy to win a MAC game on the road. Last year we went to OT in BG.Akron 67BG 62
  15. Kudos to the rowdies board members who actully listened to what was said.Also anyone who has complaints about the way anything is done with the rowdies, you have a chance to sound off on tuesday.
  16. That has nothing to do with the rowdies, you have to see what the AD has to say about that. The rowdies are all students who get free admission with their zip card. I am assuming that your brother is buying tickets... so it is not about being 16, it is about having a zip card.
  17. Wonderful news, although not surprising ! I hope coach porter can keep the zips an elite team.
  18. What he meant was: at Ohio you get a B for just showing up in class and an A if you stay awake. He was failing most of his classes at Akron.
  19. I agree with everything u said uakronkid... allow me to add the following:1 - worst shooting night i ever seen for the zips. The shot was totally off (especially from Dials).2 - I hate to think about the half court shot in which a Miami guy hit the rim as the time expired... wooow that would have been ugly.3 - I also hate to think that if the home game was that close, the game in miami might be an ugly loss.4 - The refs were horrible and we don't seem to care... people: it is ok to boo the ref, you don't go to jail for doing that ! Dials trying to shoot a 3 pointer, his elbow touches a miami guy who by the way was hugging him... offensive foul. Dru pump fakes and a defender jumps and lands on his shoulder, no foul ! are you $hitting me !5 - Linhart delivered a huge game, (last minute turn over aside). McKnight was solid during his limited time, Dru is smart but lacks the speed that Middleton got. Travis had a good game on the o-side, struggling on the D. Quade and J-wood so so. Conyers is getting there. Rybak, a wasted scholarship.6 - The crowd was so quiet at times and even the rowdies were not the same. We were missing some leadership... i noticed some of the usual leaders were not there.7 - Kudos to Miami's coach a.k.a Uncle Leo (jerry seinfeld's uncle) for a great coaching job, he almost outcoached KD, eventhough i couldn't see any exceptional talent in his team. However, he was always in the court. I can swear i saw the refs asking him to step aside like 6 times... how many times do they have to warn before they tee him ? 8 - The best moment of the night... after the final whistle, the rowdies were stating the obvious fact that Can't state sucks, president Proenza (a wonderful gentleman) passing by point at us and nobbed his head in approval of the statement. Now this is to Can't state president: i know you read this board, because you don't have anything better to do, i mean seriously, how hard is it to be the president of a hippie school where the students can't read or write. So please don't be a baby and bring this thing up to president Proenza the next time you meet him. He only approved the obvious.Now it's cavs time.
  20. Exactly what he said...Or what i said last few months ago:http://zipsnation.org/index.php?showtopic=3289
  21. Seeing the results of Michigan - USC and OSU - Florida, are you guys startin to feel that the big ten might be over rated ?I am wondering if OSU could have beaten USC ... Just a thought.
  22. Dude ! you are biased, with our poor FT shooting, there is now way we can score 145 points. My prediction: zips 120-12.
  23. It's a business. They play to the team with the largest fan base, which is - by far - Ohio State. Simple as that. And you or anyone else cheering for whoever OSU plays will do nothing to change that. I understand the business in broadcasting the game that everyone wants to see and promote the game they are showing. However, promoting a team that is not on TV and not even playing that night and probably will never be on their channel is pure idiotic.
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