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Everything posted by Z.I.P.

  1. I haven't seen anything regarding this, but did anyone else see Zippy in his ESPN promo with Adrian Peterson? Saw it in New Mexico two wks ago.
  2. Kofi is a VERY special individual -- on and off the football pitch. He carries himself with tremendous confidence, yet is humble to his teammates and onlookers. Just wondered -- has sister Mimi been offered by coach Pfau yet?
  3. Aloha from O'ahu. Zips in Paradise showed up in droves at Eastside Grill to watch ESPN Pay-per-Vu.Notes: Crowd looked pretty small -- what was attendance, under 15k? Crowd across from press box covered very little space. Cincinnati student section got a lot of camera looks though. More than Rowdies I'm afraid.Akron is a physical team again. This is something that was not true until now under JD, and is a very good sign for the program. Jacquemain looks decent when throwing no more than 10-15 yards downfield. More than that and its either overthrown or a dying quail.Who's left to play running back at Dix next week?Bowser is a human vacuum sweeper. Only problem is sometimes he catches balls he should drop -- like behind the LOS with defenders bearing down on him. I'm glad we have him for another year.
  4. You may have your penthouse office above the beautiful river (seen Jimmy Hoffa float by yet?), but guess what -- we got Caleb Porter. And you can't have him!!! Have a nice Saturday at the RB. I here they got beer there. Bye bye.
  5. Hey! -- I just noticed the name of the lead construction company, Welty Building. Does anyone know the principals? I went to Green with Welty - he was actually the FB QB. Not very athletic, but played a good game.
  6. Maverick Carter: James' partner, producer, and professional home-boy.
  7. Well, folks, it was not an auspicious visit to the Land of Enchantment for the Fighting Zippers. Many potential bad omens were afoot. Coach lost his watch, perhaps a good luck charm gone awry? I showed up at the venue -- having not seen alma mater win since the 1980s (2 losses and two draws in recent years).Well, in fact those would be poor excuses, when the real reason for the poor performance -- and I'm sure Caleb is as sure as those 20 or so Zips' nationals in attendance -- was the lack of effort and hustle by the young Zip starters. It is no longer a secret that Steve Zakuani could be a highly-paid pro footballer, his god-given abilities are most special. But it won't happen without his putting a stronger effort into his work. And where is it written that the team star can't also be the team leader. Steve showed little interest in leading, or for that matter in wanting to beat the opponents to the ball this past weekend. I say this in hopes it might get to him that he is the one who more than anyone must take on the mantle of wanting a chanpionship, if Akron is to gain one -- in this or future years. On the other hand, our Number Ten -- the team's central attacking midfielder, "Ampai", as in Anthony Ampaipitakwon (and honors go to the UNM PA man for the proper pronunciation) was a constant ball of energy and hustle who had much to teach his teammates. I sure hope his knee is not injured for upcoming games. There was, as far as I know, no Tournament all-star team, but if there were, Ampai and Evan Bush would have been on the list.There were lessons learned for all on this trip, and hopefully they will be put to the betterment of the Zips nation, and of those around us. It was a treat to spend the days at UNM with the families of players -- and coach Porter, and know their commitments to their careers in education, sport or other worldly affairs. I truly look forward to reuniting with the Zip soccer family to see how our paths have taken us on grand adventures, whether at sea level or at 6-9000 feet. The rallying cry of El Norte de Nuevo Mexican nationalists (Tierra o Muerte -- Land or Death!) should be coupled with the Zips cry of Give me the College Cup, or Give Me Another Sopaipilla. Pass the honey!Until next time.Z.I.P.
  8. For inspiration, just pretend that Nate Davis is his older brother Jose, and is wearing a Can't State uniform.Go Zips, because
  9. True. And it is really unfair to those Crawford teams because they averaged just as many points as our soccer team! :lol: Soccer being my favorite sport, I was extremely happy to see so many fans at last night's game. Our back four, comprised of three freshmen and a sophomore has now helped Evan keep a clean sheet against three quality opponents! Hopefully we can come away from our last two real challenges (OSU & New Mexico) with wins and take care of business against the rest. If we do, home field advantage until the Final 4 would be a real possibility.w00t has his futbol down. It will be interesting to see how the kids do next Friday vs a ranked New Mexico team at 6000+ feet elevation. Coach Jeremy Fishbein of Los Lobos decided to finally put his frosh phenom in the game yesterday, and Strongsville grad Mike Green, aka Dark Thunder (fresh off his play with the US national U-20 team in N Ireland's Milk Cup) scored his first career goal and scored an assist in UNM's victory over Michigan State.
  10. Now, anybody planning to hang with the Zips NEXT Friday (in Albuquerque) the Alumni Association is meeting before the game at The Quarters, a barbeque joint just north of the UNM Stadium. Seriously -- write me if you're coming! Then it will be a party of more than one.
  11. Okay, I give up! Who the heck is Tervor? P.S.: Talk about a cold Z.I.P. The place I'm headed trout fishing next Thur in New Mex had a high of 46 yesterday! :blink: Brrrrrrrrrrrr! Please warm up.
  12. I hear what you're saying about ND's incredible "poll buoyancy" Cap'n, but they DID beat Duke 4-1 the day after the 3-0 Zip win. Hey, I guess we should oot for them to stay highly ranked. This way, come NCAA tourney seeding/selection, it will go down as a true, undeniable quality win.Good point Johnnyzip. I am actually happy with the jump we took and I think it showed a lot of respect for our program. I agree with MDZip above also.....BC moves up to #2 in the polls going 1-1-0 to unranked teams?? How about SMU jumping 10 spots after beating Old Dominion (has not scored a goal in last 3 games) and UVA (who are usually good but unranked) Folks, it sounds as if you are not familiar with the history of the NSCAA poll. There are unwritten rules about voting. As I recall, all voters must select at least four schools from New England, including two Ivy League schools, (where did Brown go to? -- they were in the top-10), along with four ACC schools, and must place either Indiana or Notre Dame in the top-10, or else a minimum of two Big-Ten schools.. That along with either UCLA or Ohio State in the top-10, and something about the ratio of Big Ten to Missouri Vallry teams, ensuring that either St Louis, Creighton or SMU is in the top-5, or two of these make the top-10. Are therre any Billiken fans out there? If so, please tell us what a Billiken is. I think Indiana had more kids from St Louis than St Louis has. How about Will Bruin -- is he the best freshman in America?
  13. Okay, as everyone no doubt already knows, I am an idiot! John Rennie, as all futbalistos know, was the legendary Duke Blue Devils coach (legendary for beating Akron for the national title in 1985), who retired after last season. But, is this guy in Cleveland any relation?
  14. But very misleading because...it's mostly against the boys from Columbus!
  15. Before a national TV audience on Fox Soccer Channel Saturday night, Cleveland's United Soccer League Division II club beat the team from Charlotte (was that the opposition, I think?) for the first outdoor championship for Cleveland since ??? The 1964 Browns??? #25 stood out for Cleveland -- not necesarily for great play, but for the name on his back -- "SARKODIE". That's the big bro of Kofi, and his other Hoosier bro. The announcers did mention the #2 bro, but not #3, who we are most concerned with. It took until the second half before the announcers told their audience where the game was being played. Apparently this downtown stadium is owned by Cleveland State? It still has artificial turf however, and is much smaller than Baldwin Wallace where the Vikes played in their glory days. Yes -- CSU had glory days in soccer. Question for anyone who might be a follower: The coach of the City Stars is named Rennie. I know there was a John Rennie who played or coached years ago -- for CSU possibly. Can you jog my memory, please?Z.I.P.
  16. Someone PLEASE explain to me how this team can beat good teams like Pitt and New Mexico in non-conference, but can't beat the bad teams of the MAC? Maybe this will be the year that changes? We can hope. After all this is Barack week. Hey -- I gotta put in a plug for da homeboy.BTW -- there will be at least ONE AK-Rowdie T-shirt in attendance at New Mexico Stadium Friday night 9/12. But first, BEAT IU AND UND!!!
  17. What network was this on? I saw his first two games on Seahawks network, but not this one.
  18. Friends,Fact is, it doesn't matter a hill of beans whether Akron wins the MAC, or goes 0-11 this season, the AD will make absolutely no changes to the football program. Go back and read the interview from a year ago, when he said exactly that. Brookhart has a blank check with these guys. Don't you wish you could get a job like that?
  19. hey dude! gordon biersch called. they want their endorsement $$ back. either that or bring a couple cases of that elliot ness ale to the mai tai bar nex'time you're in town. cheers zipinparadiseoh, btw -- even in the isles
  20. Some interesting names in this poll -- for example Cal Poly ranked in the top-25 along with New Mexico, who they play in the Nike tournament Akron is involved in. I talked with a Cal Poly coach a few weeks ago, and he seemed to think his team didn't stand a chance in Albuquerq. The only poll that anyone pays attention to - the NSCAA poll, came out last week, and Akron is #12. That's about where I expected, given the lack of knowledge, even among the coaches who vote. But believe me, they are starting to learn about the Akron Zips! This could be the last time for a long time that Akron is not in the top-10 in the preseason.Check out the coaches poll at NSCAA.org
  21. Z.I.P.


    I will not make any excuses for Charlie Frye. He looked gawdawful! And I too am an unabashed fan (thank goodness I chose not to wear my Charlie Browns Frye jersey to the watering hole to watch this one!) I saw the entire game (well as much as i can stand to watch American football anymore), and it was like watching Michelle Wie playing golf -- just wondering when the next train wreck would occur. Mike Holmgren has to be the best coach to play for in the NFL -- if you don't want to know how poor your play is. Charlie's decision making for most of the game was abominable. All three INTs were his and his mistake alone. He could and should have had at least three TD passes, where receivers were open and he just overthrew them. Frankly, the only thing that bailed the Seahawks out was the incredible performance by the little rookie running back from Cal. He had almost 300 yards of rushing and return yards. That and the Bears offense -- Rex Grossman? Maybe Chicago is a cilub where Frye could be a contender for the starting job. Wheeewwwww. One of the highlights: Seahawks play announcer Verne Lundquist telling viewers that Frye had told him before the game, that the Rubber Bowl was on its last legs -- that it would be imploded after the season. Warren Moon asked if Verne had ever called a game at the RB. 'Yep -- I've seen the Zippers at the Rubber Bowl' he admitted. Does Charlie know something we don't -- or was the reference to "implosion" just a forewarning of the Seattle passing game?
  22. Thanks Utah! How about Real SL? Can they win the West?And then there's the legendary Utah Phillips...If you're out there in Beehive Country come on down to UNM for the 9/12 contest with ol' Akron U.
  23. You know what's weird? Marcus Jordan played here in HI last year, and he looked like an absolutely ordinary player -- maybe a low D-1 or D-2 level player (but he only played maybe 4-5 minutes/game). He also looked like he was just learning the game. I guess he's a late bloomer -- like Dad.
  24. Do we know for a fact that all the new players will be academically eligible to play this year? I thought someone expressed doubts about Parrish -- or was it McClanahan?I bow to the authority of GZ!
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