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Everything posted by ziptrumpet87

  1. In order to accommodate our fans on tight budgets, we are changing our logo to a red circle with a grey A in the center, and this is our new fight song.
  2. SI picks Toledo to win the MAC in this weeks' issue.
  3. Fat lady is warming up... I want the wheel!
  4. The 40mph wind gusts might have something to do with that (and the attendance).
  5. Thanks. Been out of town and didn't know if they might have been diverted elsewhere. Can't wait!
  6. Anyone know when the season tickets get mailed out?
  7. Quick 7 for the Zips! Let's keep it up!
  8. Now that would be worth considering!
  9. No. No more "directional" universities.
  10. I believe it's HS Band day, so there will be a bit larger crowd at least until beginning of the 3rd quarter. Hopefully there is good weather to also make one fewer excuse for not coming out for the game.
  11. A challenge for you or whoever wants it... incorporate polymer chains rather than or in addition to the tire tread. They look a bit like a zipper, or a chemical version of barbed wire. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm...rthographic.png
  12. Does Li'l Dog happen to be the transfer JUCO PG?
  13. Several UA and Akron mentions in the list of The most striking Northeast Ohio inventions of the last 30 years in Crain's Cleveland Business.
  14. Maybe "The Vest" will return there to replace him.
  15. The city bought out the old housing there for a "land bank". I think that was where a medical imaging machine company (can't recall the name) was going to build, but the economy probably killed that one.
  16. I believe Grace Park has to remain as-is in-perpetuity. It was gifted to the city by Simon Perkins. So you are saying Central Park in NYC is bizarre? An Battery Park in Charleston?... etc.
  17. I wonder if some of it was the managing company just did not want to deal with it and sent the business to their other (more profitable?) properties?
  18. And if it's downtown on Main, there could be lots of rock as I've read in some Akron history.
  19. Out of curiosity, is the floor sized for hockey also (not that it necessarily should)? Or is that just the normal extra for the cheerleaders/dance team etc.?
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