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Everything posted by Zipgrad01

  1. If we want to be a 1-AA team I get that response. If we actually want to be a REAL D-1 team I can't accept that and I also got my understanding of what this team is. We stink. We really really stink. We need to get a LOT better for anyone to even give 2 shits about this team. I am so sick of people wussy footing around real expectations of a D-1 team. Yes we are in the MAC. No... I don't expect to win that game. However, I don't accept that outcome. Let me ask you... what would Toledo fans think if they just got ass beat 52-0. I can tell you... it would be WAY different. Alright, bring on the excuse makers.
  2. I have been high on Kato since he was recruited, so just stop.
  3. I agree 100%. To me it is the perfect timing... let Kato play against an inferior 1-AA team and then cut him loose against Iowa State. I saw too many negatives with TW to wait half the season just to do what I already know needs to happen. For heavens sake... 5th and 6th years guys are asking for Kato on twitter. That is a terrible sign for a senior qb.
  4. It is not character assasination. Even when Tommy wasn't in the game last year I was watching him pout on the sidelines. He needs to grow up. As for the game...Tommy left at least 1 and probably 2 tds on the field because he was not capable of throwing the ball downfield. Because of this inability, penn state condensed the field and made us even more 1 dimensional than we already were. Kato needs to be the guy playing.... period.
  5. Oh yeah...USC and WMU is 35-28 ... so so t give me this "penn state is good" bullshit. USC is rated higher than penn state
  6. Seriously??? Woodson is incapable of making the throws required to run our offense. It isn't his fault. He is still injured.
  7. Don't worry keener... this is where the OFI steps up to save the day.
  8. Can I get a re-grade from the capt' on all the OFI's? I think he over scored by 6 to 7 on each.
  9. I hope all the goo goblers ( you know who you are) now realize how bad Bowdens recruiting has been and how terrible of game day coaches these guys are. This is a joke. 3 years ago this was a 7-3 game. Now we look like a D3 team playing the patriots.
  10. In all seriousness.... I am putting kato Nelson in for the entire 2nd half and letting the offense rip. Let's see what happens. Woodson is too limited right now to even remotely run a competitive offense. I feel bad for the kid, but he is done.
  11. I just told keener the same thing. Maybe Kato needs a shot. We HAVE to stretch the field and that just can't happen with Woodson.
  12. All this talk about oozing size and speed...I have no idea who he was watching because this is the most non-athletic and smallest zips team I have seen in the last 4 years. It is the first time in quite a while that we played a power 5 school and we look like tiny, slow and unathletic lower level players.
  13. Either that or he visited Kent first and then came to visit us. Lol
  14. And picked higher than 4th in the MAC east?????
  15. A 1-aa team that has won 4 games in the last 4 years!! Horrible showing for the MAC. Jeez
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