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Everything posted by ZipAlumn

  1. Very good story about the University of Akron's Women's Basketball team. How often do the ladies get any press/ http://www.ohio.com/sports/39699442.html
  2. For the life of me I can not see Ball State and K.S.U. ranked ahead of Akron. Granted Can't is a dangerous team with talent, however I still don't think that they have come together as a team yet. :screwks: :screwks:
  3. The huskies can not keep up this shooting pace .... the law of averages has to catch up with them sometime. I hope.
  4. OK ... OK ... OK why can't I listen to the Zips on 1350's internet stream? I have tried with both FireFox and Internet Explorer. On both I get messages saying that I can't connect. I am tired of listening to that Barley House commercial.
  5. :thumb: What he said ........ After 30+ years in business, only a couple of steps away from a Vice Presidency, I am in complete agreement.
  6. In the second half Western Michigan is killing Ohio University 65-41 with 11 minutes left. This is what .... the 3rd or 4th loss to a Western team by Ohio.
  7. What is up with us getting jilted by guys named "Boo" Jackson??? I mean we're 0 for 2 for Pete's sake!I wouldn't be concerned if were you. Neither one had monster hands."boo" is maybe a good kid, but come on now, how good can one be without the "MH". I mean really. No loss for the Zips. It's hard to argue with that logic You won't hear "boo" out of me on this subject ever again I don't know about Boo Jackson's "monster hands" or his physical ability, but since I graduated from Steubenville Big Red years ago and played sports there I know he has to be one tough, disciplined SOB. If he can get a scholarship from Tiffin that's a better deal than a walk-on at Akron. Best of luck to him.
  8. I think that this is the greatest idea to come from this forum. Makes me wish I was 19-20 years old again as you can bet I would be "showing me knees" at all the games. GOOOOO ZIPS
  9. I have an idea .... it might not be great but it is an idea. Put a limit on the number of lower reserved seats that are given away to Zip sponsors as they are no used all that often. My daughter worked for a local bank that was a Zip sponsor and they had at least 4 lower reserve seat tickets. I used all four for one game a couple years ago and she was not allowed any more tickets. However I bought tickets throughout the season and more often than not those seats went empty all year long. The next year the bank was still a sponsor but somebody quit and my daughter could never find out who to contact to get tickets. Most companies don't really care about those seats after they sponsor a team, so sell those seats to fans who do care.
  10. Am i the only one who finds this statement disturbing? does KD want his future recruits to read that he tried to break a player?I thought that quote was strange too. I am not sure how I would take it if a coach said that about me.
  11. Radio 1350 has an updated website that is cleaner and much less cluttered. However it still has some bugs as I was not able to pick up the Zips radio broadcast today.
  12. Personally I really like the new layout. My only problem is that I use Firefox and the "News" just looks jumbled. I found it looks great using Microsoft Explorer, wonder how much Bill Gates pays people to design site only for MS Explorer.
  13. This was a good win for YSU. I think that the January 26th game in Youngstown will be a little more difficult than I originally expected. However I think that the Zips defense is a little bit better than what Cleveland State showed tonight.
  14. I realize that salarys should reflect the prevailing wages for like job. However I don't see anyone going without a meal on 90-100K. :screwks:
  15. Why delete the thread? Don't the ladies play basketball?
  16. As an alumni I definitely remember the Huggins era as I had season tickets down on the floor. But as a student I remember the Laterza era in the 60's and we also had students pack Memorial Hall (easier to do than at the JAR). For the dorm student there was not the variety of things to do back then (cars on campus were few) and there were few places of entertainment within walking distance. Also few dorm students went home on the weekends as a lot of them do today. So a basketball game, a party, a free movie, anything on campus drew a big crowd ... especially a basketball game.Personally I think that there is much more today to take up a students time. The internet (we didn't even have computers), more bars (we basically had two), and the ability to travel away from campus whenever you wanted (freshman were not allowed cars on campus then), also maybe (just maybe) students today spend more time at the books than we did.I also think that the type of college has something to do with sports attendance. Akron is still a "commuter college" (despite the cries of denial and the wails of despair) and a university like Ohio, Bowling Green, and Can't (yes Can't) are not .... and they get much better student participation at those type of colleges.
  17. And I am sure it was uphill to and from the game as well.Not really ........ after a few "lemonades" at Schroeders' or DiMarini's it was all downhill from there. :D :D
  18. I am really disappointed in the the student attendance. The University has what 20-25 thousand students and they couldn't fill the lower two ends of the student section. When I attended the U (back in the prehistoric days) we had 5,000 students and had at least twice as many students at the games, every game. :(
  19. If I may put in my two cents worth .... back in the 60's those of us that lived on campus on only had basketball at Memorial Hall to take our mind off classes. We jammed the place for every game (as I remember) and fortunately our teams were good enough to win most of the time. I can remember playing in pick up games during the day in Memorial Hall then coming back in the evening to watch the Zips play in an NCAA Tournament game on the same court. The next bright era for me was Coach Huggins', and while his teams were not as dominate, they did win more than their share and kept us entertained.
  20. Hey, it is progress. 5 wins is a season's worth for women's Zips basketball teams of the past decade. To have 5 after 13 games is nearly cause for a ticker-tape parade on Buchtel ave.It will be interesting to see how they do in conference play. If Kest can hit double-digit wins this season, it would be monumental (on the scale of Zips women's basketball).After a loss to Miami the Lady Zips took the measure of Buffalo. A conference win and a reason to hope that this team is on its way up. Go Zips. :rock:
  21. I hate to say it but "What else is new". The University of Akron, its teams and it players just do not get any national respect. They didn't twenty - thirty years ago and they still don't today. I am not familar enough with the soccer world to know if Zakuani deserved the Hermann Trophy or not, but I knew enough not to get my hopes up. Sorry Zak, but our thanks for a great season. :bow: :bow:
  22. You can't coach shooting. I thought that guys like Hitchens (28.5%) and McNeese (25.0%) were shooters that were tops in high school. Linhart (30.0% and Roberts (30.0%) weren't much help either, and French said that there was a lot of "good looks" out there.
  23. I've got the site up but nothing is being broadcast
  24. Zips are having (and have had) a problem all year handling a trap. Humpty has to get much better in this area if he is to be the point guard that gets us through the conference games.
  25. Another bitch about sports marketing. Who thought up the idea that if you don't buy season tickets for basketball you have to wait until just a couple of weeks before the game to buy single tickets?
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